Daniel Dvorkin · @medigoth
147 followers · 222 posts · Server qoto.org

A friend asks, "What is Neo-Gothic?"

The were a major geopolitical force from about 200 AD on, ruling much of the territory northeast of the , with a powerful and reasonably centralized government. Indeed, it was one of the few military-political entities in the world which could negotiate with on roughly equal terms. Today we know these people as the "elder Goths."

But around 375 AD, the crashed into the eastern edge of the polity, bringing down their governmental and economic structure and driving uncounted refugees west. The Goths could at that point have been wiped away as so many other peoples had been in the Huns' ruthless march of conquest. Fortunately for them, the Eastern Roman at the time, , gave them permission to settle along the Roman side of the , and they survived as a culture, albeit in a weakened state. Some commentators of the time claimed they were no longer truly Goths at all, but a new and lesser people, the "."

Of course they spent a lot of time being gloomy about this. Still, their fundamental nature was not to accept their fate passively: their cities may have lain in dust, but not for nothing was the refrain of one of their traditional songs, "I want more." So they rose, clad in leather and steel, and headed farther west ... conquering the Western Roman Empire in the process during the 5th Century. We divide them into and , but "neo-Goths" is a good catch-all phrase.

I hope this clears things up.

#gothic #emperor #valens #danube #EMOS #goths #rome #roman #empire #huns #visigoths #Ostrogoths

Last updated 1 year ago

S@xophonistische @ktion ❌ · @logorok
214 followers · 2948 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

The Day the died. Heute vor 64 Jahren.

, Big , .

#valens #ritchie #bopper #holly #buddy #music

Last updated 2 years ago

Mikado Joe 🇫🇷 · @mikadojoe
62 followers · 955 posts · Server framapiaf.org

9 août 378 - L'empereur tué à Andrinople

Le 9 août 378 a lieu sous les murs d' (Édirne) une mémorable bataille entre les légions de et une troupe de . Elle marque à certains égards le déclin ou la fin de l'empire romain...



#valens #andrinople #rome #goths #histoire #antiquité

Last updated 6 years ago