Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017): Alpha
"We had to build the exterior and interior of Alpha for many shots, mixing 3D matte painting and full CG shots" - Olivier Martin (in charge of the art direction / concepts / matte paintings at RodeoFX)
Original pre-production concept of the space station done by Feng Zhu, and some spaceships by Isaac Hannaford. #scifi #valerian #alpha #spaceships
#scifi #valerian #alpha #spaceships
@Zeppo Harvasta #sarjakuva'sta olen ollut valmis maksamaan 80 erkkiÀ albumilta. #Valerian on toinen (ja toinen on Fredin #Filemon).
Maailman paras tieteissarjakuva Valerian. TÀmÀ albumi oli myynnissÀ yliopiston kirjakaupassa ja hinta oli reilu 40mk. KÀvin hipelöimÀssÀ sitÀ lÀhes joka pÀivÀ. Opiskelijalla ei ollut siihen varaa silloin. Ilmeisesti ei kellÀÀn muullakaan, koska jossain vaiheessa tÀmÀ ja toinen albumi PÀivÀntasauksen sankarit tulivat alennukseen ja siten hankituksi. #sarjakuvat #comics #seponsuosikit #valerian
#valerian #seponsuosikit #comics #sarjakuvat
SciFi movies released in 2017âŠpick your favorite.
#aliencovenant #bladerunner2049 #life #valerian #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #scifimovies #SciFi
I bought a #valerian spray because my #cats hecking love valerian, and I figured I might be able to get them to use the scratch post I bought that way.
Except ... turns out I've been sold something that might as well be cat homeopathy. It doesn't stink at all, not like valerian should at least; instead, it has a gentle smell that kinda reminds me of glue. All three cats were entirely unimpressed when I tested it this morning.
I gave it another try just now, because I'm stubborn. And for a moment I was surprised and hopeful, because Ferdo started excitedly sniffing the bottle.
Then I sprayed something, and he sniffed and wandered off. Because turns out what he was actually excited was the stink of another valerian toy I keep in the same drawer. You know, the one that stinks as it should; even through a closed baggy.
So I had no choice but to give him that one. And now he is contently salivating all over it behind me. Have fun, kitty. Have fun while your human mourns the waste of 4 euros on a tiny bottle of water.
Quel est le point commun entre Alien, la résurrection, Gladiator, La PlanÚte des singes, La chute du faucon noir, M:I 3, Terminator renaissance ou encore Valérian et la Cité des Mille PlanÚtes ?
Ce jeudi, Ă 18h30 au Forum des images :
Rencontre avec le story-boarder Sylvain Despretz.
đïž Infos / rĂ©sa :
#Alien #Gladiator #LaPlanÚteDesSinges #LaChuteDuFauconNoir #MissionImpossible #Terminator #Valérian #Cinema #SylvainDespretz #StoryBoard
#portraitlosangeles #alien #gladiator #laplanetedessinges #lachutedufauconnoir #missionimpossible #terminator #valerian #cinema #sylvaindespretz #storyboard
Growing up in western Europe in the late 70s, I was lucky enough to have a dad with a passion for Franco-Belgian comics. I was raised on a healthy diet of #Tintin, #BlakeAndMortimer, #Valerian and Laureline and of course Roger Leloup's magnificent sci-fi saga masterpiece about the Chinese/Japanese electrical engineer #YokoTsuno. Leloup has been making Yoko albums since '72, and is still working at 89 years of age.
Attached is the cover of my first Yoko album.
#tintin #blakeandmortimer #valerian #yokotsuno
Finally watched the movie #Valerian. A little too colorful and cute for my #scifi taste. I enjoyed the imagination and work around the dozens of creatures and spaceships, but that was it. Scifi is a lot more than a delayed by an adventure romance in space. Should I read the #comic book it is based on?
Im 28. Jahrhundert ist man von der vegetarischen ErnĂ€hrung wieder abgekommen, weil die vegetarischen Dynastie im 22. Jahrhundert nicht so ĂŒberzeugend war.
(Valerian : Les mauvais rĂȘves, 1967)
#Valerian #Vegetarier
Mietiskelin tÀnÀÀn, ettÀ missÀ sarjisalbumissa avaruusagentti Valerian ampui lataamattomalla singolla. Pienen kirjahyllyetsinnÀn jÀlkeen löysin sen: Valerian avaruusagentti 1: Liikkuvien vetten kaupunki vuodelta 1974 #Valerian #sarjis Tuo tarina ilmestyi muistaakseni myös Zoom-sarjakuvalehdessÀ ja sekin saattaa olla jossain jemmassa #Zoom
#January 31, 1942
#OTD Derek Jarman, English #Director, #GayRights Activist, & #Writer, is born.
In the last chapter of his life, Derek lived at #Dungeness where he #Planted California #Poppy & #Valerian in the harsh stone confetti.
Derek added #Charm to his century-old Prospect #Cottage w/ bright yellow trim & John Donne's #Poem "The Sun Rising."
Derek believed life at the Ness transcended time & wrote:
"Paradise haunts #Gardens, & some gardens are paradises. Mine is one of them."
#january #otd #director #gayrights #writer #dungeness #planted #poppy #valerian #charm #cottage #poem #gardens #hope
If Valerian actually did anything beyond the placebo effect, you'd have teenagers taking it to relax like they smoke weed. I tested Valerian scientifically by taking a deliberate overdose and, as hypothesised, it did nothing. I wouldn't be able to say that about benzos or Z-drugs - whether I "believed" in them or not. Valerian is the type of thing doctors and nurses give to uneducated, gullible patients because the placebo effect is a thing that works. #placebo #Valerian #pharmacology
#placebo #valerian #pharmacology
Shingouz dans un cratĂšre sur Mars , avec bruitage et zoom
#mars #Shingouz #valerian #blenderart #blender3d
Un Shingouz, personnage de la #BD #Valérian, nous salue depuis un cratÚre de #Mars.
Animation et modélisation réalisées dans #Blender3D.
#blender3d #mars #valerian #bd
2022 ended up being a busy year and a lot of fun! Lots of #2022Projects and #2022Commissions for the #GeekDen
#StarTrek #StarWars #Stargate #Halo #Transformers #Avatar #LXG #Valerian #SinsOfAnEmpire #MoonKnight #Blake7 #Orville #SHIELD #Gargoyles #Andromeda #DoctorWho #Farscape
#2022projects #2022commissions #geekden #startrek #starwars #stargate #halo #transformers #avatar #lxg #valerian #sinsofanempire #moonknight #blake7 #orville #shield #gargoyles #andromeda #doctorwho #farscape
A lovely article by Coline Bouvart on the lasting influence cartoons set in space of the 70s and 80s had on a future astronomer.
In the collector issue of the Science & Vie magazine dedicated to astronomy:
#universe #astronomy #popculture #culture #cartoons #seventies #eighties #astronomer #space #science #galaxy #shadok #sankukai #goldorak #grendizer #albator #captainharlock #cobra #ulysse31 #valerian #laureline #metalhurlant #druillet #startrek #starwars #jedi #xwing
#universe #astronomy #popculture #culture #cartoons #seventies #eighties #astronomer #space #science #galaxy #shadok #sankukai #goldorak #grendizer #albator #captainharlock #cobra #ulysse31 #valerian #laureline #metalhurlant #druillet #startrek #starwars #jedi #xwing