#Rhoda s1e8 (1974) - 8/10
1️⃣ Airing on Monday October 28, 1974, this one-hour wedding episode broke several television ratings records.
2️⃣ It contains a lot of location filming, with #ValerieHarper running through the streets of New York City. In a wedding dress! And all done for real.
3️⃣ Most of the cast of #TheMaryTylerMooreShow appear: #GeorgiaEngel, #MaryTylerMoore, #EdAsner, and #GavinMacLeod.
4️⃣ All the best lines go to #ClorisLeachman and #NancyWalker.
#rhoda #valerieharper #themarytylermooreshow #georgiaengel #marytylermoore #edasner #gavinmacleod #clorisleachman #nancywalker
#TheMaryTylerMooreShow s5e7 (1974) - 10/10
1️⃣ #DavidLloyd’s script is hilarious, #BettyWhite’s delivery is astonishing. Every line she utters is brilliant. A masterclass.
2️⃣ The gang are preparing for the wedding of #Rhoda (#ValerieHarper) when someone (#LindaKelsey from #LouGrant!) shows up looking for a job in television.
3️⃣ Everyone gets a chance to shine, but nobody outshines White as Sue Ann fights to keep her job. I pressed rewind several times to rewatch her scenes.
#themarytylermooreshow #DavidLloyd #bettywhite #rhoda #valerieharper #lindakelsey #lougrant