36 years ago:
Her Secret Life
Kate Capshaw plays a schoolteacher and suburban housewife who happens to be an ex-spy. Nobody knows of Capshaw's previous espionage activities, least of all her somewhat obtuse husband Cliff De Young. When Capshaw's ex-lover Jeroen Krabbe, an intimate of Castro, lands in a Cuban prison, she is swept...
#HerSecretLife #KateCapshaw #ValerieMahaffey #JeroenKrabbé #Movies
#hersecretlife #katecapshaw #valeriemahaffey #jeroenkrabbe #movies
#CarolineInTheCity 29 (1996) - 8/10
#ValerieMahaffey guests.
1️⃣ The a-story moves from silly (Caroline’s cat is out-of-sorts) to serious (Richard is haunted by his past) quite nicely. We get to see our heroine trying to fix Richard, which is sweet/romantic. Annie and her oddball date get dragged along, which is smart writing. And, best of all, it doesn’t go for an upbeat ending. In fact, Richard’s old teacher dies right in front of him! Thus, compounding his issues.
#carolineinthecity #valeriemahaffey