Use specific examples to guide the development of the solution.
#softwaredevelopment #validatebeforeduringandafter
Example mapping can help you think through ways to slice a story into independently deliverable pieces. Look for clusters of related scenarios - same variant, same persona, etc.
#CreateSimpleThingsInSmallSteps #ValidateBeforeDuringAndAfter #SoftwareDevelopment
#softwaredevelopment #validatebeforeduringandafter #createsimplethingsinsmallsteps
Involve your quality assurance person in the creation of your acceptance criteria.
#ValidateBeforeDuringAndAfter #SoftwareDevelopment #KnowTheProblemYouAreSolving
#knowtheproblemyouaresolving #softwaredevelopment #validatebeforeduringandafter
If you don't have time to do it right, when will you have time to do it over? ~ John Wooden
#SoftwareDevelopment #excellence #BeMeticulousAboutComposition #ValidateBeforeDuringAndAfter
#validatebeforeduringandafter #bemeticulousaboutcomposition #excellence #softwaredevelopment
Pssst - Defects are under-realized value
#SoftwareDevelopment #excellence #BeMeticulousAboutComposition #ValidateBeforeDuringAndAfter
#validatebeforeduringandafter #bemeticulousaboutcomposition #excellence #softwaredevelopment
It is much harder to learn TDD alone than with a pair or while teaming. The individual learning is accelerated by group work.
#SoftwareDevelopment #WorkTogether #excellence #ValidateBeforeDuringAndAfter
#validatebeforeduringandafter #excellence #worktogether #softwaredevelopment
Commenting out the assertions in your tests to "make them pass" is a road to pain and suffering.
#validatebeforeduringandafter #softwaredevelopment
If you don't know how you're going to test it, you cannot sincerely say the development is done.
#validatebeforeduringandafter #softwaredevelopment
"We can't write tests, we're too busy fixing defects.", is similar to, "We can't mend the fence, we're too busy chasing escaped cattle."
#SoftwareDevelopment #ValidateBeforeDuringAndAfter #excellence
#excellence #validatebeforeduringandafter #softwaredevelopment
"We can't write tests, we're too busy fixing defects.", is similar to, "We can't mend the fence, we're too busy chasing escaped cattle."
#SoftwareDevelopment #ValidateBeforeDuringAndAfter #excellence
#excellence #validatebeforeduringandafter #softwaredevelopment