Azért fejlődött ki a hajlékonyabb vállunk és könyökünk, hogy le tudjunk mászni a fáról Míg az emberek, a főemlősök és a majmok szinte ugyanúgy másznak fára, lefelé egészen más a mozgásuk, ami a kar ízületeinek eltérő evolúciójának köszönhető. #evolúció #TUDOMÁNY #főemlős #könyök #ízület #váll
#evolucio #tudomany #foemlos #konyok #izulet #vall
#Vall-E l' #IA #AI de #Microsoft qui génère des #voix #humaines
#vall #ia #ai #microsoft #voix #humaines
Our society has reached a tipping point with #AI. The harm is skyrocketing, and the claimed benefits are mostly snake oil.
In this blog post, I describe the real-world harm being caused by four different AI systems, all working in gray areas of the law. In the latest development, Microsoft is using voices from public-domain audiobooks for a synthesis system that seems built for deepfake porn and political repression.
#ChatGPT #DALL-E #tesla #vall-e
#ai #chatgpt #dall #tesla #vall
#AI #VALL-E #Microsoft There are some of these I honestly can't tell that it's a "AI"
🤖 VALL-E : à partir d'un échantillon de 3 secondes, cette nouvelle IA peut simuler votre voix !
➡️ En savoir plus :
#informatique #ia #microsoft #vall-e
#vall #microsoft #ia #informatique
Boggles my fucking mind every day why resources and brainpower are being directed toward "solving" "problems" like this - what is the utility? Particularly when the potentials for misuse and abuse are staggering. #ai #vall-e #microsoft #dystopia
#dystopia #Microsoft #vall #AI
Microsoft 開發 AI 語音工具 只需 3 秒樣本就能模仿目標說話
除了近期大熱的 ChatGPT,Microsoft 還有其他具潛質的人工智能項目,當中包括文字生成語音模型 VALL-E,它的最大賣點是只要輸入目標網址和 3 秒的聲音樣本,模型就能製作出相似度極高的語音內容。現時 VALL-E 還處於初期訓練階段,但開發團隊提供的英語語音訓練資料已達 6 萬小時。The post Microsoft 開發 AI 語音工具 只需 3 秒樣本就能模仿目標說話 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#生活科技 #microsoft #VALL-E #人工智能
so Microsoft's #vall-e can simulate someone's voice from a 2 or 3 second sample: - Maybe in the coming era of #deepfakes, society will learn to discount recordings and videos as sources of truth?
Microsoft’s new AI can simulate anyone’s voice with 3 seconds of audio
Text-to-speech model can preserve speaker's emotional tone and acoustic environment. #cybersecurity #ai #artificialintelligence #VALL-E #fraud #deepfakes #microsoft
#cybersecurity #ai #artificialintelligence #vall #fraud #deepfakes #microsoft
01 Net: Microsoft présente une IA capable d’imiter votre voix en 3 secondes #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #Innovation #Microsoft #DALL-E #VALL-E #voix
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #innovation #microsoft #dall #vall #voix
Ars Technica: Microsoft’s new AI can simulate anyone’s voice with 3 seconds of audio #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #machinelearning #speechsynthesis #text-to-speech #deepfakes #microsoft #Biz&IT #VALL-E #AI
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #machinelearning #speechsynthesis #text #deepfakes #microsoft #biz #vall #ai
Microsoft’s new AI can simulate anyone’s voice with 3 seconds of audio - Enlarge / An AI-generated image of a person's silhouette. (credit: Ars ... - #machinelearning #speechsynthesis #text-to-speech #deepfakes #microsoft #biz #vall-e #ai
#ai #vall #biz #microsoft #deepfakes #text #speechsynthesis #machinelearning
@markcarter Is it a coincidence that "My voice is my passport. Verify me." is roughly three seconds?
Ayé, #Vall'Enclume a terminé l'affiche du prochain concert !! Youhou !!
avec dedans ;)