To illustrate how difficult a challenge this can be for an out-of-towner, here's the PHX temp outside the rental car earler this evening . A record high today, by the way.
#valleyofthesun #gratefulforairconditioning
Auf geht's in den Festivalsommer! Wie wäre es mit dem #Desertfest in Berlin vom 19. - 21. Mai 2023?
Mit dabei sind unter anderem #KingBuffalo #ChurchOfMisery #Mantar #GreenLeaf #ValleyOfTheSun #Messa #Slift #LAWitch
#LAWITCH #SLIFT #messa #valleyofthesun #greenleaf #mantar #churchofmisery #KingBuffalo #desertfest
I opened the windows on Saturday because it was so beautiful outside, but I might have to close them again because it’s bloody cold in here now. It’s overcast and has been sprinkling on and off this morning. It’s 60°F in here right now and my knuckles are turning blue. #Arizona #ValleyOfTheSun