Já tedy, ale vůbec nechápu ja mně, milovnici anglických detektivek, mohla uniknout skotská královna tohoto žánru - Val McDermid!🙈
#detektivky #valmcdermid #knihobod
@krakenapocalypse The first book in the series by #KadyCross is #TheGirlInTheSteelCorset. It's a #steampunk/#sci-fi story. Technically it might be classed YA because the main characters are in their late teens, well-written and entertaining. #JaquelineWinspear writes historical fiction. #PardonableLies is third in a series about detective Maisie Dobbs set in post-WWI England. #ValMcDermid is new to me. #TheDistantEcho is an "intricate and thought-provoking tale of murder and revenge".
#kadycross #thegirlinthesteelcorset #steampunk #jaquelinewinspear #pardonablelies #valmcdermid #thedistantecho
@krakenapocalypse I just finished #TheGirlInTheClockworkCollar by #KadyCross. Currently reading #PardonableLies by #JaquelineWinspear. Next is probably #TheDistantEcho by #ValMcDermid.
#thegirlintheclockworkcollar #kadycross #pardonablelies #jaquelinewinspear #thedistantecho #valmcdermid
Sharing my Christmas #Reading
#Books #CrimeFiction #PDJames #AngelaHarding #ValMcDermid #ShortStories
#reading #books #crimefiction #pdjames #angelaharding #valmcdermid #shortstories
Aw... this is lovely. How Val met Jo.
I love these how-we-met stories of worlds colliding in love.
Thought I should read @valmcdermid@twitter.com's Karen Pirie #1 The Distant Echo to see what all the fuss is about. Page turn after page turn; cold cases never go cold. I can see why it's so popular...
#booktwitter #bookreviews #readingcommunity #karenpirie #valmcdermid #BookRecommendation
#BookTwitter #bookreviews #readingcommunity #karenpirie #valmcdermid #bookrecommendation
#CozyMystery #MissMarple #AgathaChristie #NaomiAlderman #LeighBardugo #AlyssaCole #LucyFoley #EllyGriffiths #NatalieHaynes #JeanKwok #ValMcDermid #KarenMMcManus #DredaSayMitchell #KateMosse #RuthWare
#CozyMystery #missmarple #agathachristie #NaomiAlderman #LeighBardugo #AlyssaCole #LucyFoley #EllyGriffiths #NatalieHaynes #JeanKwok #valmcdermid #KarenMMcManus #DredaSayMitchell #KateMosse #RuthWare
#CozyMystery #MissMarple #AgathaChristie #NaomiAlderman #LeighBardugo #AlyssaCole #LucyFoley #EllyGriffiths #NatalieHaynes #JeanKwok #ValMcDermid #KarenMMcManus #DredaSayMitchell #KateMosse #RuthWare
#CozyMystery #missmarple #agathachristie #NaomiAlderman #LeighBardugo #AlyssaCole #LucyFoley #EllyGriffiths #NatalieHaynes #JeanKwok #valmcdermid #KarenMMcManus #DredaSayMitchell #KateMosse #RuthWare
I finished this classic #valmcdermid book yesterday - this was book no. 76 of the year for me. Cracking plot and tension right up to the end. Surprisingly there were only a few details that dated it to 1997. Definitely recommended. #books #CrimeFiction
#valmcdermid #books #CrimeFiction
If you're a Scottish crime fiction fan -- what are some of your favourite books? And if you reply #IanRankin #DeniseMina or #ValMcdermid , you gotta name the novel.
#crimewriting #books #reading #readingcommunity #crimefiction #mystery #novel #scotland #canada
#ianrankin #denisemina #valmcdermid #crimewriting #books #reading #readingcommunity #crimefiction #mystery #novel #scotland #canada
I finished 1989 by Val McDermid and gave it 5 ⭐️
#books #bookreview #Audiobook #valmcdermid #GoodReads
Regardless, I can’t read any more tonight. I need to stop, breathe, compose myself, and move forward.
And hope the author does right by the 97 victims of this real-life disaster. [3/3]
#Hillsborough #HillsboroughDisaster #JFT97 #LFC #YNWA #1989 #ValMcDermid #Goodreads
#hillsborough #hillsboroughdisaster #jft97 #LFC #ynwa #valmcdermid #GoodReads
I’ve seen some ‘name yr favourite authors’ posts. Mine aren’t highbrow, but I can read their work over and over
#EllyGriffiths -Ruth Galloway series
#AnnCleeves -Shetland and Vera
#ValMcDermid -Karen Pirie and Allie Burns
#NigelTranter -brought up on his novels
#MatthewLewis -medieval historian
#SharonPenman -her 2 great trilogies
#AAMilne -perfect reading for adults in times of trouble
#GeorgetteHeyer regency comedies. Discovered in early teens, revisited for comfort reading ever since
#EllyGriffiths #anncleeves #valmcdermid #NigelTranter #MatthewLewis #SharonPenman #aamilne #GeorgetteHeyer
Favourite authors is a very long list so here are those that come immediately to mind this morning.
#agathachristie #SarahWaters #SarahMoss #SarahPerry #CarlosRuizZafon #daphnedumaurier #NeilGaiman #mrjames #NicciFrench #valmcdermid #JoannaCannon #books #authors
Authors I read, nearly all crime related; #RJBarker #RJDark, #ChrisBrookmyre, #MarkBillingham, #BenAaronovitch, #AndrewCartmell, #LeeChild, #MichaelConnelly, #JohnConnolly, #JeffreyDeaver, #JasperFforde, #CarlHiaasen, #StuartMacBride, #CharlotKing, #ValMcDermid, #VaseemKhan, #AbirMukherjee, #WilburSmith, #SimonBeckett, #AhathaChristie, #SophieHannah, #AnthonyHorowitz and others.
#rjbarker #rjdark #chrisbrookmyre #markbillingham #benaaronovitch #andrewcartmell #leechild #michaelconnelly #johnconnolly #jeffreydeaver #jasperfforde #carlhiaasen #stuartmacbride #charlotking #valmcdermid #vaseemkhan #abirmukherjee #wilbursmith #simonbeckett #ahathachristie #sophiehannah #anthonyhorowitz