CynthesisToday · @CynthesisToday
41 followers · 434 posts · Server


(VF) built into AP that service physical economy will need to map the physical terrain to the instance terrain in some way. Apples, pies, and sharing trucks need physical proximity.

A ValueFlows Story about Pies


Last updated 1 year ago

CynthesisToday · @CynthesisToday
40 followers · 416 posts · Server

Thinking about , (AP), , (VF), and getting from current to where?

One vision of "where" comes from a book titled "Ecotopia" by Ernest Callenbach originally published in 1975. It describes the SF Bay Area, specifically Redwood City, 25 years after Calif., Ore., and Wash., split from the US to create an ecologically sustainable society. Here's the wiki link:

Of course, there's also the vision of KSR in "The Ministry for the Future" (TMFTF) with a bit of an earlier view of the messy transition out of the extractive economy. One critique of the KSR book comes from here:, which asks: "Who governs the many financial transactions that are supposed to take place on “YourLock?”" Where correlates to some flavor of AP.

AP has a goal of using VF to enable the economic activity described in both books' view of where to go. Here's a story:

This is scratching around ideas.

#townsquare #activitypub #mastodon #valueflows #predatorycapitalism #yourlock

Last updated 1 year ago

CynthesisToday · @CynthesisToday
40 followers · 416 posts · Server


Is figuring out how to integrate (VF) into instances using on the development list somewhere?

You are definitely well-connected to the underpinnings of the Fediverse and probably know about planned direction.

Are there plans to make funding all the pieces of the Fediverse (bw, hw, sw, labor) more automatic and integrated into the signup?

I give funds to 2 instances, an infosec person, and ValueFlows dev for a total of $40.35/mo. PayPal and Patreon were easy to set up. It was really hard to figure out how to fund what I think is a critical piece of ensuring longevity of the Fedi-- distributing funds within. The instance gave me the link to VF. Really knowledgeable, involved people are working on VF. I'm not a Dev, but docs there look like it could serve Fedi fund distribution.

Are there other plans for making funding better integrated into the Fedi? IMO, systematic financing is the weakest link to a sustainable Fediverse.

#valueflows #activitypub #fediverse #bonfire

Last updated 1 year ago

CynthesisToday · @CynthesisToday
40 followers · 416 posts · Server

@mastodonmigration @loshmi

Spent my first few days around here trying to figure out a fair share "". Very few provide an idea of how much would help. said about $1000/mo in cost to sustain service (excluding labor). Set up my $10.35/mo for ecosystem infrastructure there.

Knowing an ecosystem needs an immune system, decided to Patreon an infosec person on at $10/mo.

An ecosystem also needs a way to move the energy source around the system. Spent some time trying to find where that might be in the . Patreon, Kofi and et al. seem to be the most prominent means at the moment. Found whose protocol includes the vocabulary. AFAIK, this is closest to an energy transport system for the Fediverse. Maybe there are other vocabularies for creating a circulatory system in the Fediverse. seems to be where deployments of ValueFlows are being worked (moved to ). Exploring more before setting up a subscription.

Ed: 2/3

#subscription #fediverse #bonfire #valueflows #discord

Last updated 1 year ago

Marcus Meindel · @marcusmeindel
128 followers · 203 posts · Server


Thanks for the connection, @douginamug

I recommend in the project (all the texts are unfortunately in german) and for me this is a communist perspective. Getting into VF is tough. I have a friend here in Graz and we meet occasionally to have a better understanding, but @adamgreenfield has a point in mentioning the enormous challenge in achieving a broader usage. But in the end, it may worth trying.

#valueflows #commoningsystem

Last updated 1 year ago

David Potocnik · @dcht00
107 followers · 111 posts · Server

Anyone in my network interested to study & discuss , especially from a communist perspective?

I've been trying for a while to dive into this, but think I'll need somebody to go along for the ride :-)

#economics #valueflows

Last updated 1 year ago

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now) · @smallcircles
5298 followers · 2378 posts · Server

A new Enhancement Proposal has been submitted for discussion and collecting feedback:

-d767: Extend with

See also the website.

#fediverse #FEP #activitypub #valueflows

Last updated 2 years ago

pospi 🏳️‍⚧️ · @pospi
77 followers · 299 posts · Server

@anders @atomicpoet my hope is that in part these tools will create the social and economic networks of the future. Friends of mine at are building one such tool!

#bonfire #activitypub #fediverse #valueflows

Last updated 2 years ago

pospi 🏳️‍⚧️ · @pospi
59 followers · 201 posts · Server

@api this is an excellent enumeration & explanation of different ideologies that are driving / work.
I am curious where you would place domain models like in all this. I think we do pretty well at community building and having use-cases drive the spec. But there is also something worth exploring about domain models in general- those are places where a lot of effort has already gone into useful (pragmatic) abstraction.

#protocol #standards #valueflows

Last updated 2 years ago

· @bhaugen
498 followers · 12150 posts · Server

Thanks for the mention.

> @bhaugen is front man for , a vocabulary for modeling economic exchange.

I'm the one who hangs out in Fedi the most, but @lynnfoster is the maintainer and gets the credit..

And we focus it more on economic collaboration, altho it handles exchange as well. This is what it was designed for:

@ntnsndr @gingerrroot @CaribenxMarciaX @bonfire @spritelyinst


Last updated 2 years ago

Chris · @50htz
72 followers · 589 posts · Server

1. There are hash tags used to signal admins - and (#)FediBlock. These were started by @gingerrroot and @CaribenxMarciaX and there's some interest in making a website

2. @bhaugen is front man for , a vocabulary for modeling economic exchange. @bonfire is an AP implementation committed to bringing ideas like that to the Fedi. @spritelyinst is a project targeted towards making Fedi a safer place, a prerequisite for operating games and hosting financial transactions

3. I've seen people here being quite, umm, 'explicit' about the types of markets not tolerated on Fedi. It could be more clear, though, which markets are supported. That is to say, we want people to be able to market their own labor but not labor that's been stolen by capital. Damn. Still emphasizing the negative

#fediblockmeta #valueflows

Last updated 2 years ago

mike_hales 💔*!?¿* · @mike_hales
161 followers · 1926 posts · Server

Great to know the Organization is here, as well as particular friends. Keep on keeping on💚

So, what other orgs/projects to follow? Well . .
@SocialCoop + @Matt_Noyes @emi @anaulin
+ @mike_hales @Wtebbens @Anarcat
+ @bhaugen How about '@valueflows'?
@disco_coop + @Stacco

Where is '@Solidarity Economy Principles' @cheyenna ?

Mayfirst how about tagging some of your affiliate orgs who are fediverse?

#meetcoop #commonshour #valueflows

Last updated 2 years ago

Nicholas von Klitzing · @nicholas
14 followers · 63 posts · Server

It would be super cool to combine , a vocabulary for the distributed economic networks of the next economy [1], with an object-capability like [2]. To a certain extent, I guess that's what is trying to do [3], although not with the same focus :)


#valueflows #goblins #agoric

Last updated 2 years ago

Bonfire · @bonfire
1348 followers · 187 posts · Server

Students at the School of Engineering used to develop a federated inventory extension to empower their regional ecosystem. We're now helping them integrate with the latest Bonfire functionality (such as boundaries) and release it as an extension.
They plan to use it next year to track the transfer, consumption and production of resources across several schools 🚀

#builtWithBonfire #upcycle #learndeep #valueflows #ecosystem #circulareconomy #fablabs #bonfire #milwaukee

Last updated 2 years ago

Bonfire · @bonfire
1348 followers · 187 posts · Server

The coordination app is the first of many that's based on the vocabulary for economic cooperation. We're also planning to interoperate with the various projects for using it as an issue tracker for FOSS projects.

#valueflows #ForgeFederation

Last updated 2 years ago

˗ˏˋ wakest ˎˊ˗ · @liaizon
3436 followers · 21539 posts · Server

@Janetgunter been talking about this with people alot lately and it's something closely related to the work of and maybe even

collectively agreeing on a semantic standardized way to describe the needs and wants of people connected to physical objects could bring us closer to this dream.

#OHN #valueflows

Last updated 2 years ago

Sebastian Lasse · @sl007
1092 followers · 2603 posts · Server

Hey @bhaugen

this is about and FYI:

I am super happy to have met Taxi-Activist @ClemensG from Hamburg at – can explain backgrounds but in short, the above [DE] post reads:

“I would be very happy if we could create a decentralised, federated FOSS alternative to the crammed platform capitalists, for taxi drivers, Lieferando and Gorillaz bikers, pizza delivery drivers, etc.

The conversations before and at the first were encouraging.”

#fedicamp #valueflows

Last updated 2 years ago

Marcus Meindel · @marcusmeindel
84 followers · 160 posts · Server

@douginamug @bhaugen

Right now, I think the ,action-situation' in the figure is on an analytical ,knowledge'-level and what she calls ,interaction' is what calls a ,process' - something, which is realized. And she called it ,Action-Situation' (Action-Arena) to distinct it from the "Interaction-Process". But this makes everything messy and I hate to work with it.

But I definitely could be wrong.


Last updated 2 years ago

Csepp 🌢 · @csepp
1564 followers · 9591 posts · Server

Bumped into again, now that I have some basic knowledge it's even more interesting, especially the algorithms part:

#economics #valueflows

Last updated 3 years ago

Marcus Meindel · @marcusmeindel
84 followers · 160 posts · Server

@nicksellen @bhaugen @theblockchainsocialist @douginamug @karrot


... also use the VF-vocabulary, Karrot and this other project is able to "talk" with each other. On a human level it means, it is much easier to understand, what that other project is doing/is aiming for. And hopefully gets this widespread acceptance. So it is not some kind of cryptoeconomics project itself, but the vocabulary could be used in one as it could be used in any other kind of distributed ecosystem.


Last updated 3 years ago