We are holding our first ConVOI group [https://www.convoi-group.org/] webinar tomorrow 6 June.
Natalia Kunst will talk about ConVOI, Anna Heath will present her tutorial for simulating study data and Chris Jackson will present his voi R package.
Still time to register
#voi #valueofinformation #convoi
We are holding our first ConVOI group [https://www.convoi-group.org/] webinar tomorrow 6 June.
Natalia Kunst will talk about ConVOI, Anna Heath will present her tutorial for simulating study data and Chris Jackson will present his voi R package.
Still time to register
#voi #valueofinformation #convoi
Quick update. 3 places left for our summer school. Register yours soon!
#bayesian #healtheconomics #modelling #rstats #florence #costeffectiveness #valueofinformation
#valueofinformation #costeffectiveness #florence #rstats #modelling #healtheconomics #bayesian