@yassie_j That's intentional based off #ValueRemoving #Rentseeking by #CollectingAgencies that pay out as little as 9,0909% [#GEMA] of their revenue to creators...
#Spotify like all #Startups are #unsustainable in the sense of #GrowOrDie schemes...
#growordie #unsustainable #startups #Spotify #gema #collectingagencies #rentSeeking #valueremoving
@roobre @flexion this is just absurd #Enshittification.
It's like the #Juicero: only #ValueRemoving bs is tagged on!
#valueremoving #Juicero #enshittification
@yassie_j I mean I hate #CAPTCHAs as they are #ableist af and don't even work for anything but exclude #blind and #VisionImpaired people.
But since #bots are a problem, I can't just complain about #ValueRemoving #RentSeekers like #CloudFlare without proposing any alternative methods...
#CloudFlare #rentseekers #valueremoving #bots #visionimpaired #blind #ableist #captchas
@sigmasternchen Both #CloudFlare and #Link11 are #ValueRemoving #RentSeekers and equally bad!
#rentseekers #valueremoving #Link11 #CloudFlare
@overcastfm Yeah, #CloudFlare are #ValueRemoving #RentSeekers:
Their whole #MusinessModel is just legalized #Racketeering and should neither exist nor be legal!
#racketeering #musinessmodel #rentseekers #valueremoving #CloudFlare
@trashheap @Raspberry_Pi The worse part of this is that #scalpers #botting their #distributors are the problem, and people buying from said #ValueRemoving #rentseekers instead of the distributors, when the only winning move is to starve those into insolvency.
#rentseekers #valueremoving #Distributors #Botting #scalpers
@ki Dass Mensch #Quellenangabe|n machen muss versteht sich von selbst.
Inwiefern man das autgenerierten Perlmann-Rauschen als "#KI" bezeichnen mag ist fraglich, zumal ich diesem Output keine #Schöpfungshöhe beimessen würde...
Schon jetzt ist #Urheberrecht von #Konzernen qu #Lobbyismus pervertiert worden:
Von einem #Gesellschaftsvertrag zu einem #ValueRemoving #RentSeeking jener #Rechteverwerter!
#Rechteverwerter #rentSeeking #valueremoving #Gesellschaftsvertrag #lobbyismus #konzernen #Urheberrecht #schopfungshohe #ki #sourcesordidnthappen #Quellenangabe
@skiant Yes and no.
OFC it's what people do to other people, not that they do it in the :fediverse: or anywhere else.
No in that technology is paywalled and thus the systemic issues are being amplified.
This causes a whole ecosystem of #ValueRemoving #Rentseekers like #CloudFlare to even exist in the first place, which at as #ManInTheMiddle and exert #control by being not only able but willing to block @torproject #Tor users...
It's like #AdblockerBlockers: Their business should be illegal!
#adblockerblockers #Tor #control #ManInTheMiddle #CloudFlare #rentseekers #valueremoving
@tarnkappeinfo #CloudFlare ist IMHO nen #RogueISP und auch nichts anderes als #ValueRemoving #RentSeeker und effektiv legales #Schutzgeld-Business...
#Schutzgeld #rentseeker #valueremoving #RogueISP #CloudFlare
1. How is it legal to advertise a prescription drug?
I thought that's (still) as illegal in the #UK as in the #EU...
2. How are pharmacies not obligated to stockpile such essential medication?
3. Why are private clinics that don't do emergency care even allowed to buy that shit in market-draining capacities?
4. how is it even legal to offer such a drug for said "weight loss" application???
5. Seriously, #Capitalism is #ValueRemoving!
#EU #UK #valueremoving #Capitalism
#TorGuard and #CloudFlare are good indicators of everything that's wrong with #ITsec:
Mainly that the business model is full of #ValueRemoving #Rentseekers that sell #DigitalSnakeoil that'll only impress #TechIlliterates that have no idea what they talk about...
But don't take my word for it:
#TechIlliterates #digitalsnakeoil #rentseekers #valueremoving #ITSec #CloudFlare #torguard
@anneroth @bkastl so oder so sehe ich solchen shice als problematisch an.
Wenns nach mir ginge würde mensch einfach nen #Pubkey hinterlegen und könnte dann den dazugehörigen Private Key für digitale Signaturen nutzen,,,
Nur ist das nicht gewollt, sondern stattdessen eine Industrie an #ValueRemoving #RentSeeker|n aka. #Durchlauferhitzer die für so'n Schrott Geld wollen....
#Durchlauferhitzer #rentseeker #valueremoving #pubkey
I mean there's a reason why I won't put the #PocketCrypto on the #Helium network, because it'll be an #Enshittification and #ValueRemoving compared to even regular #ISM-Bamd Radio like 27MHz CB.
Also #CryptoBros plugging #Shitcoins are the most annoying kind of #TechBros!
#techbros #shitcoins #cryptobros #ism #valueremoving #enshittification #helium #PocketCrypto
@niconiconi whoever dreamed up the concept of #SaaSaaS is just a #ValueRemoving #rentseeker and should be stoned with #retail boxes of One-Time-Purchase Versions of #MicrosoftOffice and #Windows versions that occupy storage spaces in corporations in case some asshole wants to "audit licenses"...
#Windows #microsoftoffice #retail #rentseeker #valueremoving #saasaas
@Archarzel Yeah.
#DRM is #ValueRemoving and should be outlawed since it only affects #consumers that legitimately paid for content.
#Piracy is basically #DigitalSelfDefense at this point and I find it bad that one needs to have like HDCP-removing splitters to even record any kind of #HDTV.
You know what was needed to record TV in the past?
A VCR and a SCART cable!
#HDTV #digitalselfdefense #piracy #consumers #valueremoving #DRM
@jessamyn because as of now it's more of a #Copywrong system where only #ValueRemoving #LicenseAdministrators are winning...
#licenseadministrators #valueremoving #copywrong
:boost_ok: #FollowerPower: Does anyone know a #distributor that actually sells @Raspberry_Pi / #RaspberryPi #PiZero v1.3 / #Pi0 1.3 (NOT #Pi0W / #Pi0W2!) at #MSRP or at least not beyond 300% of it?
Cuz all I see are shitty #scammers and #ValueRemoving #rentseekers aka. [unofficial!] "#resellers" that charge 1.000% - >2.000% of the MSRP and they seem to #bot all the shops empty.
Like it's worse than with the #PS5 & #XboxSeriesX, and that's already shit.
#XboxSeriesX #PS5 #Bot #resellers #rentseekers #valueremoving #scammers #msrp #pi0w2 #Pi0W #pi0 #pizero #RaspberryPi #distributor #FollowerPower
@Kurt Also #CloudFlare's business model is not only straight-up #racketeering in Cyberspace, but also very much #ableist and thus also violating essentials like accessing the legally mandatory Info often called "Imprint" [as a bad translation]...
Not to mention it's really bad and that #ValueRemoving #rentseekers like CloudFlare should not exist to begin with.
#rentseekers #valueremoving #ableist #racketeering #CloudFlare
@Haydar Unlike migrating people and businesses from #Windows and #macOS to #Linux there is no added benefit in cringeworthy hatemongering not just against #SystemD but it's core maintainer, by the #Devuan project.
In fact, I'd call this just as #ValueRemoving and toxic as #FSF personnel and #Stallman fans mobbing peoole for not using #GPLv3.
All that time and money wasted could've been instead invested in fixing actual issues!!!
#gplv3 #Stallman #FSF #valueremoving #Devuan #systemd #Linux #macOS #Windows
@ddayen that's intentional.
All monopolies [and all #GAFAM|s] act as #ValueRemoving #rentseeker|s...
#rentseeker #valueremoving #gafam