Gigi · @Gigi
320 followers · 1840 posts · Server

pt. 3
Wherein we learn:
Why the only branch of philosophy less popular than Moral Philosophy, is Value Theory, or:

Jesus Christ, Can That Woman Go On

So, I am an anarchist who doesn't believe in revolution. Revolution leads to counter-revolution, which leads to things flipping back and forth, and on and on.

I believe in breaking things once and permanently.

This is a proposition that is simultaneously SO much easier and so much more difficult than revolution: Because, despite all the people The System is failing -- and it fails so many, every single day -- the vast majority would not change it if it was Working For Them.

And this is the greatest hurdle: People believe that they understand The System.

As much as it sucks; as obviously imbalanced as it is; and as much as it calls on you to ignore your empathy: they have been indoctrinated into it from day one, and they think understand the rules.

On some level, they know that those rules, as they have been explained to them, are not actually the rules by which The System operates.

But instead, they have become convinced that the problem is them. Capitalism is a rational system, and if they are failing at it, it is because of some innate shortcoming.

Sometimes I want to say to them, "If it makes you feel any better, I'm a motherfucking genius. It's not you."

(And yes, I know I'm not supposed to say that; I'm supposed to wait for people to figure it out themselves, and then announce, "Wow are you ever smart," and then pretend like I've never noticed, even though that would kind of make me not-so-smart 🙄. Besides, that's not bragging. I am fully aware that that detail, PLUS $5, might get me a cup of coffee. In and of itself: Not really worth much.)

Anyway, that's the issue that we have to overcome: that people have been blamed for their "failure" for so long that they have internalized it.

And getting past that is going to require a demonstration, not a revolution.

I have been predicting that we are on a very specific trajectory for years now, and that the only way to thwart it or slow it down is to increase the number of people being crushed, along with the arbitrary nature of WHO gets crushed in order to maintain the facade.

How wrong am I?

If you're still with me, I want you to ponder something:

Instead of a revolution, what is the single smallest yet most meaningful step we can take to realizing a better future?

I have ideas (of course I do 😆), but I would love to hear yours.

#Introduction #philosophy #valuetheory

Last updated 2 years ago

Aaron · @hosford42
34 followers · 116 posts · Server