New post on Ko-fi! #valentinesday #vampireacademy #ghostbusters2
#valentinesday #vampireacademy #ghostbusters2
Vampire Academy & One of Us is Lying: Darum zog Peacock den Stecker #VampireAcademy #OneOfUsIsLying
#oneofusislying #vampireacademy
Peacock setzt One of Us Is Lying & Vampire Academy ab #OneOfUsIsLying #VampireAcademy
#vampireacademy #oneofusislying
Bringing this back to say, is making a HUGE mistake by cancelling #VampireAcademy. This show has a strong, dedicated fanbase that continues to grow around the world. Another streamer (maybe should snatch it up and #SaveVampireAcademy. It deserves to live.
#savevampireacademy #vampireacademy
Se ha quedado buena tarde para leer Nazaryann #EscuelaDeVampiros #VampireAcademy
¿Dónde conseguirlo?
NOU editorial:
#escueladevampiros #vampireacademy
#Peacock has cancelled #OneOfUsIsLying after two seasons, and #VampireAcademy after a single season. The streamer was happy with both series on a creative level, but neither show found an audience to sustain them.
#PeacockTV #streaming #television
#peacock #oneofusislying #vampireacademy #peacocktv #streaming #television
Peacock Cancels "One of Us Is Lying" and "Vampire Academy" #OneOfUsIsLying #VampireAcademy #Peacock #PeacockTV
#PeacockTV #peacock #vampireacademy #oneofusislying
#whatwedointheshadows #sitcoms #iconiccharacter #tvshows #tvseries #popculture #characterswelcome #celebrityicons #vampire #foodie #foodblogger #cosplaygirl #cosplay #tuesdayvibes #funnyfaces #vampireacademy #vampirediaries #interviewwiththevampire #30daysofnight #dracula #draculacosplay #thebaron
Yes, the idea of becoming food is upsetting but look at his face.
How could you be mad?
Who doesn't love the Baron?
#whatwedointheshadows #sitcoms #iconiccharacter #tvshows #tvseries #popculture #characterswelcome #celebrityicons #vampire #foodie #foodblogger #cosplaygirl #cosplay #tuesdayvibes #funnyfaces #vampireacademy #vampirediaries #interviewwiththevampire #30daysofnight #dracula #draculacosplay #thebaron
I was semi expecting #VampireAcademy to be a snooze fest full of bling, until the second episode caught me off guard with an actual plot.
Don't get me wrong, this is still very much a weenie gist for people who never watched Buffy, but this is enjoyable.
A quien le guste la literatura juvenil, si tenéis un bloqueo lector, los libros de #vampireacademy són excelentes para desbloquearse. La editorial Hidra ha editado los dos primeros y el próximo año se viene el tercero. Juvenil con acción, romance y una escuela para vampiros 👌
#booktodon #literaverso #vampiros #literaturafantastica #literaturajuvenil #literaturafantástica #librosrecomendados
#vampireacademy #booktodon #literaverso #vampiros #literaturafantastica #literaturajuvenil #librosrecomendados
A quien le guste la literatura juvenil, si tenéis un bloqueo lector, los libros de #vampireacademy són excelentes para desbloquearse. La editorial Hidra ha editado los dos primeros y el próximo año se viene el tercero. Juvenil con acción, romance y una escuela para vampiros 👌
#booktodon #literaverso #vampiros #literaturafantastica #literaturajuvenil #literaturafantástica #librosrecomendados
#vampireacademy #booktodon #literaverso #vampiros #literaturafantastica #literaturajuvenil #librosrecomendados
Trying to find people on here, so here are some things I love to talk about! #StarTrek #StarWars #DoctorWho #Marvel #MCU #Community #QuantumLeap #SciFi #MCRmy #ADHD #Cats #DIY #SUBURBANFARMING #BOOKS #VAMPIREACADEMY #FANTASY #COOKING
#startrek #starwars #doctorwho #marvel #mcu #community #quantumleap #scifi #mcrmy #adhd #cats #diy #suburbanfarming #books #vampireacademy #fantasy #cooking
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#sabrinacarpenter #madisonbeer #arianagrande #taylorswift #chloexhalle #percyjackson #livros #books #miraculousladybug #mlb #miraculous #theowlhouse #TOH #SPYxFAMILY #doctorwho #halloween #horrormovies #vampireacademy #gilmoregirls #literati #AddieLaRue #got #hotd #ace #aroace #trans #nonbinary
Acabé #VampireAcademy hace unos días y, en general, es entretenida, los últimos episodios van a tope y las relaciones, tanto románticas como no, están bien construidas (las parejas principales, además, tienen mucha química).
Me gusta la elección de Sisi Stringer como Rose. A diferencia de su coprotagonista y de otras del género (Clary, Bloom, Elena) tiene el cuerpo menos normativo (es bajita, ancha y voluptuosa). Y, lo mejor, es que te crees las hostias que mete.
Adrian! My little trash bag, I loved him so in the books.
Mostly I wrote this to talk about how much I love Adrian, but I do want to note that Lissa's dress is amazing.
Look at my little banana in his robe. He does love to chat in a dream.
Everything with Rose and Dimitri was always so intense and intimate and meaningful. Which is great because I loved reading all their drama and love watching it, too. (I don't love their ages.)
This show has a superior Mia.