Vampire Hunter D in..Troll 2?!
Buddy Shotz Podcast on YouTube
Premieres 8/8 Tuesday 7 PM EST
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #featurepresentation #vampirehunterd #vampirehunterdbloodlust #dhamphir #anime #michaelmcconnohie #andrewphilpot #hideyukikikuchi #horror #vampire #goth #podcast #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcasting #moviepodcast #moviepodcastweekly #moviepodcastnetwork
Buddy Shotz 131 - Vampire Hunter D Week
Vampire Hunter D (85) & Bloodlust (2000)
When the sun sets, the hunt begins.
Buddy Shotz Podcast on YouTube
Premieres 8/8 Tuesday 7 PM EST
#buddyshotz #buddyshotzpodcast #featurepresentation #vampirehunterd #vampirehunterdbloodlust #dhamphir #anime #michaelmcconnohie #andrewphilpot #hideyukikikuchi #horror #vampire #goth #podcast #podcastnetwork #podcastcommunity #podcasting #moviepodcast #moviepodcastweekly
Kotaku: Producer Of Netflix's Pluto Anime Says Now Is Perfect Time To Adapt The Acclaimed Manga #gaming #tech #kotaku #vampirehunterdbloodlust #masaomaruyama #naokiurasawa #samueldeats #osamutezuka #castlevania #astroboy #masayura #junjiito #netflix #gesicth #monster #keaton #pluto #anime #astro #ai
#Gaming #Tech #kotaku #vampirehunterdbloodlust #masaomaruyama #naokiurasawa #samueldeats #osamutezuka #castlevania #astroboy #masayura #JunjiIto #netflix #gesicth #monster #keaton #pluto #anime #ASTRO #ai
Este mes es compleixen dos anys de la mort de @YasushiNirasawa, dissenyador dels monstres del #survivalhorror #DeepFear per a #SegaSaturn. També va col·laborar a #SoulCalibur i #VampireHunterDBloodlust, entre d'altres sèries, animes, pel·lícules i videojocs.
#survivalhorror #deepfear #segasaturn #soulcalibur #vampirehunterdbloodlust