Habe jetzt #VampireSwansong durchgespielt. Hat echt Spaß gemacht und ich dachte auch ich wäre ganz gut gewesen aber dann ist am Ende doch alles den Bach runter gegangen 😅
'm going to assume this is a reference to Blood Hunt unless the story in Bloodlines 2 went international at some point. There was also Werewolf: The Apocalypse – Earthblood. I almost forgot, not a Vampire game but still in the World of Darkness. #VampireTheMasqueradeSwansong #VampireSwansong
#VampireTheMasqueradeSwansong #vampireswansong
Continuing on #VampireSwansong I like how it breaks into 3 separate acts/missions. This might also be the 3rd Vampire/WoD game I played where you can feed on rats. I like the VO work in the game, it adds more tension and personality with what's going on.