WE NEED MORE #WOMEN in leadership positions:
😃 Women allowed false charges to be filed in #Sweden.
😃 WarCriminal #Hillary lost and the #post2016 era is dominated by false accusations that #Russia was behind it all,
😃 Spawn of #RachelMaddow (we hope we spelt her name wrong so as to not invoke it),
😃 Judge #VanessaBaraitser,
😃 Home Affairs Secretary #PritiPatel.
Tell us when you realise #identityPolitics is about putting #lipstickOnAPackOfHyenas.
#women #sweden #hillary #post2016 #russia #rachelmaddow #vanessabaraitser #pritipatel #identitypolitics #lipstickOnAPackOfHyenas #organisedCrime #freeassange #usa #julianassange
📬 Julian Assange: britische Justiz entscheidet zugunsten der US-Auslieferung #Wikileaks #IanBurnett #JulianAssange #TimothyHolroyde #USRegierung #VanessaBaraitser #WestminsterMagistratesCourt https://tarnkappe.info/julian-assange-britische-justiz-entscheidet-zugunsten-der-us-auslieferung/
#WestminsterMagistratesCourt #vanessabaraitser #usregierung #TimothyHolroyde #julianassange #IanBurnett #wikileaks
Whistleblower #DanielHale, who exposed the classified fact that nearly 90% of people the US Govt kills with #drones and innocents and bystanders, has been sentenced for 3 years and 9 months.
But they keep repeating that #Jan6 was the threat.
The only thing important about Jan6 was that judge #vanessaBaraitser decided to keep #Assange locked up, in our view, arbitrarily.
#danielhale #drones #jan6 #vanessabaraitser #assange #FreeDanielHale #whistleblower #protestĥ
Now for an interview.
Here is (now #Australia's DeputyPM) #BarnabyJoyce talking on #GoingUndground to stop the obvious persecution and #extradition of #Assange.
"Unfair and outrageous (…) on the principles of #law, (…) #sovereignty, (…) the premise of facts."
"Media has (…) #lostTheirTongue"
FULL INTERVIEW with #AfshinRattansi:
#shamTrial #showTrial #uk #VanessaBaraitser #lawfare #BarnabyJoice #freeAssange
#australia #BarnabyJoyce #GoingUndground #extradition #assange #law #sovereignty #lostTheirTongue #AfshinRattansi #shamtrial #showTrial #uk #vanessabaraitser #lawfare #BarnabyJoice #freeassange
Literally the only thing stopping them from #JohnMcAfeeing Julian Assange are the 80GB of #insuranceFiles he encrypted and torrented.
He knows what is on them and the key. Why do you think they had him locked in a soundproof cage during his #showTrial. And he could only communicate with pieces of paper that had to be checked.
#freeJournalistAssange #protest #freeAssange #kangarooCourt #vanessaBaraitser #conflictOfInterest #England #UK #deathcult
#JohnMcAfeeing #insuranceFiles #showTrial #FreeJournalistAssange #protest #freeassange #kangaroocourt #vanessabaraitser #conflictofinterest #england #uk #deathcult
📬Reporter ohne Grenzen prangert zweijährige Haft Assanges an📬 https://tarnkappe.info/reporter-ohne-grenzen-prangert-zweijaehrige-haft-assanges-an/ #reporterohnegrenzen #VanessaBaraitser #JulianAssange #Wikileaks
#wikileaks #julianassange #vanessabaraitser #reporterohnegrenzen
Part of us thinks that it was supposed to be a distraction. A lot of #TrumpSupporters support #Wikileaks founder #JulianAssange.
Judge #VanessaBaraitser ruled to keep #Assange in #arbitraryDetention on that day, despite the fact #Assange's reasons for seeking #asylumSeeker status and #skippingBail are now clearly well-founded.
Also this was around the time #Trump pardoned actual #WarCriminals at #BlackWater.
#trumpsupporters #wikileaks #julianassange #vanessabaraitser #assange #arbitraryDetention #asylumseeker #skippingBail #trump #warcriminals #blackwater #theatre
"#VanessaBaraitser states “I've found that #Assange’s conduct is capable of amounting to an offence in the #UK. (…) I don't accept that the mere fact charges are brought in the US demonstrates (…) bad faith.”
This [seems to argue] that #JulianAssange’s actions (…) fall foul of (…) the UK’s #OfficialSecretsAct 1989, [criminalising #publishers] "who disclose protected, damaging materials and which they have disclosed knowing, or having reasonable cause to believe, would be #damaging”."
#vanessabaraitser #assange #uk #julianassange #OfficialSecretsAct #publishers #damaging
📬WikiLeaks Verteidigungsfond erhielt Spende in Höhe von 280.000 USD📬 https://tarnkappe.info/wikileaks-verteidigungsfond-erhielt-spende-in-hoehe-von-280-000-usd/ #AndresManuelLopezObrador #WikiLeaksDefenseFund #VanessaBaraitser #EdwardSnowden #WhaleAlert #Wikileaks #Krypto
#wikileaks #vanessabaraitser #WhaleAlert #krypto #andresmanuellopezobrador #WikiLeaksDefenseFund #edwardsnowden
📬Julian Assange: Whistleblower bleibt weiterhin in Haft📬 https://tarnkappe.info/julian-assange-whistleblower-bleibt-weiterhin-in-haft/ #reporterohnegrenzen #VanessaBaraitser #RebeccaVincent #JulianAssange #Wikileaks
#RebeccaVincent #wikileaks #vanessabaraitser
📬Julian Assange wird laut Urteil nicht an die USA ausgeliefert📬 https://tarnkappe.info/julian-assange-wird-nicht-an-die-usa-ausgeliefert/ #CentralCriminalCourt #VanessaBaraitser #JulianAssange #JohnPilger #Wikileaks #OldBailey
#CentralCriminalCourt #vanessabaraitser #johnpilger #wikileaks #OldBailey