Vangelis - Tears in Rain (Instrumental Synth Remake)
Is it just me, but have #movie #soundtracks improved hugely since the 80s?
Was re-listening to the soundtrack from LadyHawke, and damn if it isn't the goofiest thing I've ever heard in a fantasy movie.
Even if I do have a soft spot for the synth rock by #Vangelis
Questa #ItalianSong mi sono sempre chiesto perché si chiami così, ma non importa.
Con quei balzi nel tempo che solo i ricordi intensi permettono, questa musica mi fa ricordare quando questa roba la sentivo in cuffia ancora adolescente con un #CD portatile (tipo #Walkman) mentre leggevo in cameretta #CatastrofiAScelta di #Asimov, che parlava degli infiniti modi in cui può finire l'universo e l'esistenza.
#JonAnderson and #Vangelis (RIP)
#italiansong #cd #walkman #catastrofiascelta #asimov #jonanderson #vangelis #mastoradio #newage
2023-06 某映像でBGMに使われていた #Synthesizer による曲が気になるが曲名を思い出せない。「ドーソーラレー」・・・1980年代洋楽系インストロメンタルの曲のはずだけど・・。
バンギラス・・・じゃないしなーと思ったけれど、これはヴァンゲリス #Vangelis 「炎のランナー」(1982年の映画)を思い出していたからみたい。
Siri 経由で #Shazam で調べてたらすぐに出てきた。 #KeithEmerson ”Challenge of the Psionic Fighter”。1983年 #幻魔大戦 という日本のアニメ映画の中の曲らしい。映画は知らないけれど、どこかで曲の記憶ができていたのだろう。記憶の方向性は間違ってなかったらしい。
#synthesizer #vangelis #shazam #keithemerson #幻魔大戦
Inspired by the #NASA spaceprobe, #Vangelis worked with #AngelaGheorgihu and sounds from the actual moons of Jupiter for an out-of-this-world soundtrack.
The album is more background music than foreground, which makes it perfect for #Popiversary2.
#popiversary2 #angelagheorgihu #vangelis #NASA
ULTRA MOODY Cyberpunk Ambient To Evoke Visions & Imagery Of A Future Unknown
#synth #cyberpunk #bladerunner #vangelis #ambient
#synth #cyberpunk #bladerunner #vangelis #ambient
Innocence - Cyberpunk Ambient Music Inspired By Ghost In The Shell
#synth #cyberpunk #bladerunner #vangelis #ambient
#synth #cyberpunk #bladerunner #vangelis #ambient
It's the #solstice (#summersolstice for most beings) on our third rock around our sun, it's the day we celebrate life as earthlings, and it's a day to listen to music #fetedelamusique
Here's the inimitable #Vangelis!
#vangelis #fetedelamusique #summersolstice #Solstice
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #VarietyMix
🎵 Memories of Green
#nowplaying #VarietyMix #vangelis
Watching Vangelis and the Journey to Ithaka now. Fascinating documentary. Vangelis was a genius. Glad I had a few decades to appreciate his music.
May 21st 2023 #Vangelis #ᚲᚺᛁᚲᚨᚾᛟ #ᛈᚨᚾᛏᛖíᛋᛏᛟ #ᛒᚱᚨᚷᛁ #пеликан #Бляд #ᚺᛖᚨᛏᚺᛖᚾ #ᛋᛁᚱᛗᛖᚾᛖᛚᛁᚴ⚜️⚜️⚜️
#ᛒᚱᛁᚨᚾᚷᚱᛖᚷᛟᚱᛁᛚᛟᛈᛖᛉ #ᛁᛏᛉᛚᛁᛃᚨᛟᛏᛚ⛧
#vangelis #ᚲᚺᛁᚲᚨᚾᛟ #ᛈᚨᚾᛏᛖiᛋᛏᛟ #ᛒᚱᚨᚷᛁ #пеликан #бляд #ᚺᛖᚨᛏᚺᛖᚾ #ᛋᛁᚱᛗᛖᚾᛖᛚᛁᚴ #ᛒᚱᛁᚨᚾᚷᚱᛖᚷᛟᚱᛁᛚᛟᛈᛖᛉ #ᛁᛏᛉᛚᛁᛃᚨᛟᛏᛚ
Greek composer and musician #Vangelis [known for scoring the films Chariots of Fire (1981) and Blade Runner (1982), among other works] passed away from heart failure on May 17, 2022, one year ago today.
He was reported to have "died of COVID-19 complications".
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#COVIDisAirborne #COVIDisNOTover #COVID #COVID19 #LongCOVID #MaskUP #Mask #masks #masking #WearMask #PutOnFittingMask #AllYourBreathAreBelongToUs #pandemic
#vangelis #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #covid #covid19 #LongCOVID #maskup #mask #masks #masking #wearmask #putonfittingmask #allyourbreatharebelongtous #Pandemic
#Vangelis passed away from heart failure on May 17, 2022, one year ago today. According to Wikipedia, he was reported to have "died of COVID-19 complications".
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#COVIDisAirborne #COVIDisNOTover #LongCOVID #MaskUP #Mask #masks #masking #WearMask #PutOnFittingMask #AllYourBreathAreBelongToUs
#vangelis #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID #maskup #mask #masks #masking #wearmask #putonfittingmask #allyourbreatharebelongtous
#Vangelis passed away from heart failure on May 17, 2022, , one year ago today, and "according to some reports, died of COVID-19 complications".
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#COVIDisAirborne #COVIDisNOTover #LongCOVID #MaskUP #Mask #masks #masking #WearMask #PutOnFittingMask #AllYourBreathAreBelongToUs
#vangelis #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID #maskup #mask #masks #masking #wearmask #putonfittingmask #allyourbreatharebelongtous
#Vangelis passed away from heart failure on May 17, 2022, , one year ago today, and "according to some reports, died of COVID-19 complications".
More context:
#COVIDisAirborne #COVIDisNOTover #LongCOVID #MaskUP #Mask #masks #masking #WearMask #PutOnFittingMask #AllYourBreathAreBelongToUs
#vangelis #COVIDisAirborne #CovidIsNotOver #LongCOVID #maskup #mask #masks #masking #wearmask #putonfittingmask #allyourbreatharebelongtous
🔊 #NowPlaying on fip
🎵 Let it happen
The opening credits of "Chariots of Fire" are memorable for the men running along a beach to the film's theme by #Vangelis. His score won Best Oscar in 1982.