Multiple Google maps, with different markers, on one page... no problem. Thanks #vanillajavascript and #Eleventy.
Updated my clock, now you can customize it!
Time in Lines - a linear clock
#nerdToot #clock #webDev #design #responsive #vanillaJavaScript
#vanillajavascript #responsive #design #WebDev #clock #NerdToot
Bootstrap 5 users: I want to populate a list-group or a menu with a list from an external file. And NOT use jQuery, but vanilla JS. Is there a simple example I can follow? I’m not proficient in JS, but am good at adapting examples. #Bootstrap #VanillaJavascript
Why is Stack Overflow such a cesspit of unanswered questions, obsolete answers, and downright assholery? If I wanted a jQuery solution I’d put that into my search terms. JFC. #VanillaJavascript #StackOverflow #Bootstrap #webdev
#vanillajavascript #stackoverflow #bootstrap #webdev
I need a two hierarchy (parent, child) tree view in html/css and vanilla JS. However, I wish it was a component of Bootstrap 5. I have an example from W3 School that will have to do. I’m a novice coder. I’m better as a UX designer. This navigation motif is as old as DOS itself and still useful to me for this project. #uxDesign #html #VanillaJavascript
#uxdesign #html #vanillajavascript
Finished a new #vanillajavascript project a few days ago and another SheCodes Course. The Project is a world clock using #momentjs and #moment time zone. Project is here!
#vanillajavascript #momentjs #moment