A quotation from Cowper, William:
All has its date below; the fatal hour
Was register’d in Heav’n ere time began.
We turn to dust, and all our mightiest works
Die too.
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #death #destiny #entropy #legacy #mortality #vanity
#quote #quotes #quotation #death #destiny #entropy #legacy #mortality #vanity
A quotation from Cowper, William:
All flesh is grass, and all its glory fades
Like the fair flower dishevell’d in the wind;
Riches have wings, and grandeur is a dream;
The man we celebrate must find a tomb,
And we that worship him, ignoble graves.
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#quote #quotes #quotation #death #impermanence #marchoftime #mortality #vanity
#quote #quotes #quotation #death #Impermanence #marchoftime #mortality #vanity
Who is more probable to have a deluded perception of self, a vain or humble person?
Anthropocentrism is surely at the top of the human cognitive biases list. Many humans believe they're superior to non-human animals, they believe that they have a right to exploit them (e.g., the meat industry)
But, the person that perceives that they're superior to non-human animals because humans are more intelligent, is not basing that perception of reality on the evidence
#folk #psychology #vanity #climate
This is nothing more than an example of a dangerous mix of #vanity and #narcissism. I have delved further into this gentleman and he's not mentally well, I don't mean that as a smite against his character, I mean that as an actual fact. At what level of wealth do you lose people around you who want to help for your own good and instead you get people who facilitate you no matter the circumstances? https://www.bbc.com/news/av/technology-66490722
#Greenwash is relatively dumbed down information.
So, why do many people believe in greenwash?
#psychology #disinformation #politics #business #news #religiosity #faith #hope #money #consumerism #greed #vanity #hubris #ignorace #nonsense
#greenwash #psychology #disinformation #politics #business #news #religiosity #faith #hope #money #consumerism #greed #vanity #hubris #ignorace #nonsense
I try very hard to avoid buying unnecessary things, or "vanity items". However, I could not resist with this mug. It makes me happy whenever I see it. It's called "Lintunen" (birdie?), from Oiva Toikka.
If the mug would be a song, perhaps it would be Mimicat's "Ai Coração" ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XBq9BHhxFSE ).
Don't know what to do next.
My videos and posts, in general, do not seem to interest or find the right people who share similar interests as oneself lately. The idea of quitting has been on my mind because it feels like I'm talking to myself in an empty room a lot of the time.
Will take some time to really think about whether I should continue or say goodbye. Especially when I have been doing this for a couple of years now with few results.
#vintagehome #beauty #vanity
A quotation from De Stael, Germaine:
There is no arena in which vanity displays itself under such a variety of forms as in conversation.
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#quote #quotes #quotation #conversation #interaction #pride #selfimage #vanity
#quote #quotes #quotation #conversation #Interaction #pride #vanity #selfimage
#vanity : empty pride inspired by an overweening conceit of one's personal attainments or decorations
- French: vanité
- German: Die Eitelkeit
- Italian: vanità
- Portuguese: vaidade
- Spanish: vanidad
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @ https://wordofthehour.org/r/form
"What, to the #American slave, is your Fourth of July? I answer: a day that reveals to him, more than all other days in the year, the gross #injustice and cruelly to which he is the constant victim. To him, your celebration is a #sham; your boasted #liberty, an unholy license; your national greatness, swelling #vanity; your sounds of rejoicing are empty and heartless; your denunciations of #tyrants, brass fronted impudence; your shouts of liberty and equality, hollow mockery; your prayers and hymns, your sermons and thanksgivings, with all your religious parade, and solemnity, are, to him, mere #bombast, #fraud, #deception, #impiety, and #hypocrisy—a thin veil to cover up crimes which would disgrace a nation of savages. There is not a nation on the earth guilty of practices, more shocking and bloody, than are the people of these #UnitedStates, at this very hour."
#american #injustice #sham #liberty #vanity #tyrants #bombast #fraud #deception #impiety #hypocrisy #unitedstates #july4th
William McGregor Paxton's "Girl Combing Her Hair" is such a delightful vision, looking so subtly like she loves her reflection but wonders if she's too vain, knowing all the while that no, she won't be able to resist...and wondering if she even should want to resist...
#art #traditionalart #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #vanity #feminine
#art #TraditionalArt #painting #oilpainting #beautifulwoman #beautifulgirl #vanity #feminine
So this made me laugh out loud, for real. When will people understand that some things just don't translate, and if they do, they won't necessarily "look" how you say, ... cool. #hilarious #Asian #tattoos #vanity #stupidity https://apple.news/AHYFRYtEERrqiQEZFw612tg
#stupidity #vanity #tattoos #asian #hilarious
@dancinyogi Let's see what's making me happy today is that I literally got my new #vanity for my bathroom remodel 😄
Advertising 101: Exploiting the 7 Deadly Sins #aspiration #sex #productivity #vanity #couchpotato #addiction #indignation #wealth #advertising #media #satire #cars #banks #money #fashion #pets #sport #betting
#aspiration #sex #productivity #vanity #couchpotato #addiction #indignation #wealth #advertising #media #satire #cars #banks #money #fashion #pets #sport #betting
Ron DeSantis taught me .
Does the #florida legislature do anything that benefits Floridians?
When did the State of Florida become the personal fiefdom of one man?
Is the Insurance problem solved?
All the roads and bridges are fixed?
The utility companies have no problems?
All Floridians are housed , all seniors have meds. All kids are healthy? #vanity #Florida #desantis
A quotation from La Bruyere, Jean de:
Men don’t so much blush for their Crimes, as for their Weaknesses and Vanity.
[Les hommes rougissent moins de leurs crimes que de leurs faiblesses et de leur vanité.]
Full quote, sourcing, notes:
#quote #quotes #quotation #blushing #crime #failing #shame #sin #vanity #vice #weakness
#quote #quotes #quotation #blushing #crime #failing #shame #sin #vanity #vice #weakness
My butt is back, baby!
Had to go get emergency cat-food (as distinct from emergency-cat food) and since it was a small load, I took the motorbike.
Today, my riding trousers fit the way they did when I left Amsterdam - those workouts really have been doing some good!
My belt is no longer the crucial element in holding them up, because my ass is once again a load-bearing structure :)