Alabama Republicans Refuse to Create New Majority-Black District: “The Quintessential Definition of Noncompliance”
#AlabamaRepublicans #NewBlackDistrict #Noncompliance #VanityFairNews #BlackVotersMatter #VotingRights #Politics #News
#alabamarepublicans #newblackdistrict #noncompliance #vanityfairnews #blackvotersmatter #votingrights #politics #news
Report: Trump Passed on a Plan to Avoid Criminal Charges, and Now He’s Facing Up To 400 Years in Prison
#VanityFairNews #DonaldTrump #CriminalCharges #PrisonSentence #LegalTroubles #AvoidancePlan #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #donaldtrump #criminalcharges #prisonsentence #legaltroubles #avoidanceplan #politics #news
Trump Basically One Day Away From Hiring a Lawyer Who Advertises on the Side of a Bus to Defend Him
#VanityFairNews #DonaldTrump #LawyerSearch #LegalDefense #BusAdvertisement #LegalTeam #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #donaldtrump #lawyersearch #legaldefense #busadvertisement #legalteam #politics #news
Reminder: Jack Smith Could Also Indict Trump for Trying to Overturn the Election | The special counsel has subpoenaed Steve Bannon in his other investigation into the former guy.
#VanityFairNews #JackSmithIndictment #TrumpElectionInvestigation #SteveBannonSubpoena #FormerPresidentTrump #SpecialCounselProbe #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #jacksmithindictment #trumpelectioninvestigation #stevebannonsubpoena #formerpresidenttrump #specialcounselprobe #politics #news
Report: Donald Trump’s Lawyers Spent Monday Begging the DOJ Not to Indict Him: If the ex-president’s Truth Social meltdown is any indication, the appeal did not go well.
#VanityFairNews #TrumpIndictment #DOJBegging #TruthSocialMeltdown #ClassifiedDocuments #ExPresidentTrump #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #trumpindictment #dojbegging #truthsocialmeltdown #classifieddocuments #expresidenttrump #politics #news
Ron DeSantis Is Two Days Away From Calling Donald Trump a Radical Leftist
#VanityFairNews #RonDeSantisPardons #January6Insurrection #TrumpRadicalLeftist #PresidentialPardons #PoliticalControversy #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #rondesantispardons #january6insurrection #trumpradicalleftist #presidentialpardons #politicalcontroversy #politics #news
Report: It Sure Sounds Like Trump’s Lawyer Gave the DOJ Evidence He Obstructed Justice!
#VanityFairNews #TrumpObstruction #LawyerDOJ #EvidenceCorruption #ClassifiedDocuments #JusticeObstructed #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #trumpobstruction #lawyerdoj #evidencecorruption #classifieddocuments #justiceobstructed #politics #news
“I Can’t Teach Like This”: Florida’s Education Brain Drain Is Hitting Public Schools Hard
#VanityFairNews #FloridaEducation #BrainDrain #PublicSchools #TeacherShortage #EducationCrisis #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #floridaeducation #braindrain #publicschools #teacherShortage #educationcrisis #politics #news
Who’s Paying For All of Ron DeSantis’s Private Flights? — For a guy with a reported net worth of just over $300,000, the Florida Governor sure travels in style.
#VanityFairNews #RonDeSantisTravel #FloridaGovernor #PrivateFlightsDonors #PoliticalFunding #CampaignFinance #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #rondesantistravel #floridagovernor #privateflightsdonors #PoliticalFunding #campaignfinance #politics #news
Ted Cruz Launches Investigation Into Bud Light for Ad Featuring Transgender Influencer, Because No, He Doesn’t Have Anything Better to Do
#VanityFairNews #TedCruzInvestigation #BudLightAd #TransgenderInfluencer #LGBTQRights #PoliticalWasteOfTime #Politics #News
#vanityfairnews #tedcruzinvestigation #budlightad #transgenderinfluencer #lgbtqrights #politicalwasteoftime #politics #news