Vanlife in Iceland – 10 Essential Tips you need to know #CampervanIceland #CampingInIceland #EasternEuropeTour #IcelandCamperRental #IcelandCampervan #IcelandGuide #IcelandItinerary #IcelandRoadTrip #IcelandTravel #IcelandTravelGuide2023 #IcelandTravelTips #IcelandTravelVlog #MotorhomeIceland #MotorhomeTour #PlacesToTravel #RingRoadIceland #SoloFemaleTravel #VanLifeCamping #VanLifeIceland #VanlifeInIceland #WanderingBird #WanderingBirdAdventures
#campervaniceland #campinginiceland #easterneuropetour #icelandcamperrental #icelandcampervan #icelandguide #icelanditinerary #icelandroadtrip #icelandtravel #icelandtravelguide2023 #icelandtraveltips #icelandtravelvlog #motorhomeiceland #motorhometour #placestotravel #ringroadiceland #solofemaletravel #vanlifecamping #vanlifeiceland #vanlifeiniceland #wanderingbird #wanderingbirdadventures
I went to a store to buy a 100Ah Lithium battery, but they were out and the store wouldn't get them until next spring in a few months. But it just so happened to be a single 125Ah battery that isn't coming back. They sold it to us for only a few bucks more than the 100Ah!
I can't wait for the weekend to swap out the existing 2x 105Ah Lead/Acid batteries for the single 125Ah Lithium =D
It's going to be a game-changer! =D #vanlife #vanlifeiceland #lithium #buildit #diy
#vanlife #vanlifeiceland #lithium #buildit #diy
So far tonight I've set up #HomeAssistant and #PiHole on my #RPI4 next up is to try #Jellyfin #NodeRed and to put up #NAS like sharing, but I'll have to buy an SSD for that though, not going to put data on a platter disk in a bus ;) #nerd #raspberrypi #diy #vanlife #iceland #vanlifeiceland
#homeassistant #pihole #rpi4 #jellyfin #nodered #nas #nerd #raspberrypi #diy #vanlife #iceland #vanlifeiceland
Since the weather here in Iceland was supposed to go from -22°C to +10°C within a matter of a day and with it tons of rain and wind, we decided to go to our favourite camping ground a day early and I'm very happy we did. The rain is pouring down and hammering the exterior of the bus and we now have to think about turning OFF the heating so it will be bareable inside due to it being too warm outside is a nice change of pace. #vanlife #vanlifeiceland #axelandsunna #iceland #homeiswhereyouparkit
#vanlife #vanlifeiceland #axelandsunna #iceland #homeiswhereyouparkit
We had a wee problem starting the bus yesterday. It was a bit too cold for the engine or so it seemed. Even Móna fled under the duvet to keep warm! #vanlife #vanlifeiceland #axelandsunna #iceland
#vanlife #vanlifeiceland #axelandsunna #iceland
I am delighted with the choice I made regarding the diesel heater. These last nights we've been getting close to -20°C without the windchill and it's always a pleasant 18-21°C inside the bus. #chinesedieselheater #dieselheater #heater #vanlife #iceland #vanlifeiceland
#chinesedieselheater #dieselheater #heater #vanlife #iceland #vanlifeiceland
Wishing everyone a happy and merry Christmas far and near. Hope the rest of the year gives you plenty of warmth, love and happiness! #vanlifeiceland #vanlifeiniceland #vanlife #iceland #Christmas #saturnalia #soltice #ReturnOfSunshine
#vanlife #vanlifeiceland #vanlifeiniceland #iceland #christmas #saturnalia #soltice #returnofsunshine
This raises the word “defrosting” to a whole other level.. #vanlife #VanlifeIceland #homeiswhereyouparkit
#vanlife #vanlifeiceland #homeiswhereyouparkit