Novavax & Moderna XBB.1.5 Fall Booster Performance
This thread provides some data from preprint studies about how well the updated #Novavax and #Moderna #booster #vaccine performs on recent #variants including some details on #immune #imprinting 🧵 1/
The one page easier to share version of this thread can be found at:
#Novavax #Moderna #booster #vaccine #variants #immune #imprinting New Study finds all Covid Variants have been made in a BioLab #covid #vaccines #biolab #scientists #variants
#COVID #vaccines #biolab #scientists #variants
⭐️ Do rapid tests work for the current #variants?
“The short answer is yes… “We’ve actually never seen a deterioration in accuracy of the tests,” said Michael Mina.
⭐️ When to test if you’re exposed?
“The best rule of 👍 is to start testing 3 days after exposure, & if you’re negative, test again on day 4 or 5.”
#COVID19 #covid #covidtesting
#variants #COVID19 #COVID #covidtesting
Écliarages de @mtsofonea et d'autres collègues pour Julien Lemaignen du #Monde dans un article (payant) sur le regain de #COVID19, les #variants et la rentrée
New data from Japan (the Sato Lab) shows that while BA.2.86 is less infectious than EG5.1, it’s “one of the most highly immune evasive variants ever.” 3 monoclonal Abs tested, did not work vs BA.2.86 “at all.”
#COVID #COVID19 #variants #ba286
If we want to think about the risk from #BA286 I think it's very important to keep two scenarios in mind.
We have seen #variants emerge with high variation from prior ancestors
1. that did not take off
2. that exploded
in the population. Both scenarios have happened.
The recent lab studies suggest (1) is more likely than (2). However, we don't have a great track record yet of predicting which variants will (or won't) take off.
So be careful sighing with relief over the recent "good news, it's tame" reporting. It may be right, it may not be.
We won't *know* which of these scenarios are materializing until we see waste water surveillance & hospitalization data. We can watch various bellweather countries & states for early indications.
If you are #precautionary, then it's time to get out your respirators again and reactivate your airborne precautions.
Of course, some of us have never stopped with the airborne precautions, because we can't risk making the impact we are living every day any worse.
#sars2 #sarscov2 #wave #covid19
#ba286 #variants #precautionary #SARS2 #sarscov2 #wave #covid19
Some good news wrt BA2.86…
“Though more countries have reported cases, there is still no clear signal of growth in any location” AND several lab groups have found it to be less immune evasive than previously thought. 👍
#Covid #COVID19 #variants !Life Saving Information for our Vaxxed loved ones and shedders and spreaders of this bioweapon. You should always have protection against those are “boosted” and are actively shedding. The Covid vaccines are manufactured with malaria parasites and spike proteins just to name a few of the reasons people are getting seriously ill with respiratory failure, blood clots, stroke, cancer and blindness to name a few. They are shown to be gene altering (Changes Your DNA!) and also causing HIV and AIDS in many people. This needs to be stopped asap. You and your loved ones need to detox this crap out of their bodies, it will be life or death. Please share this so we can all be free from "forced vaccines" aka Euthanasia. #vaccines #vaccine #exemption #covid-19 #variants
#vaccines #vaccine #exemption #COVID #variants
When to wear #masks as #Covid cases rise, new #variants emerge in the U.S. - CNBC
#Neutralization, effector function and immune #imprinting of #Omicron #variants, Nature: #research #immunity #SARS_CoV_2
#neutralization #imprinting #omicron #variants #research #immunity #SARS_COV_2
Dites les mastonautes: j’entends qu’aux US des vaccins #Covid adaptés aux nouvaux variants seraient bientôt prêts. Chez nous, vous savez ce qu’il en est?
#covid #vaccin #vaccincovid #variants
Anyone knows a paper on implementing row polymorphism for records (and variants) with type predicates? All the papers I've found are based on giving record rows a different kind, but that leads to annoying issues for me.
What I'm envisioning is, a type class `Record`, and then two types `EmptyRecord` and `RecordExtend label field tail` with rules `Record EmptyRecord` and `Record tail => Record (RecordExtend label field tail)`. Then whenever you need to enforce that something is a record (e.g. when constructing one or accessing a field) you just add a predicate on the type.
I'd love to see if anyone has attempted to formalise this idea though. The fact that I haven't found anything makes me wonder whether it might be unsound or bad.
#typetheory #rowpolymorphism #polymorphism #records #variants
#typetheory #rowpolymorphism #polymorphism #records #variants
“We desperately need to pursue a variant-proof vaccine…
All of us wish this was behind us, but it’s not. Facing that fact this virus, in one version or another, will be with us for many years to come, rather than denialism and complacency, is critical.
At the moment there’s no reason for alarm.”
Important perspective IMO. Taking things scientifically, seriously, but in non-alarmist way. From @erictopol
#CovidIsNotOver #CovidVariants #variants #CovidVaccines
#CovidIsNotOver #covidvariants #variants #covidvaccines
''#WHO is currently tracking several #SARS-CoV-2 #variants, including:
• Three variants of interest (#VOIs); #XBB.1.5, XBB.1.16 and #EG5.
• Seven variants under monitoring (#VUMs); BA.2.75, BA.2.86, CH.1.1, XBB, XBB.1.9.1, XBB.1.9.2 and XBB.2.3.''
#who #sars #variants #vois #xbb #eg5 #vums
#WHO DG speech: ''...Although #data available to WHO continues to decline, we have seen increasing reports of #hospitalizations, #ICU admissions and #deaths in some countries. We continue to call on all countries to strengthen #surveillance, #sequencing and reporting so we can assess the #risk of new #variants such as #EG5 and #BA286. ...'', #SARS_CoV_2 #VOI #pandemic #news
#who #data #hospitalizations #ICU #deaths #surveillance #sequencing #risk #variants #eg5 #ba286 #SARS_COV_2 #voi #pandemic #news
If you've stopped wearing a mask because COVID is 'over,' you might want to put it back on. BA.2.86 is a wily and possibly quite dangrous variant, and it may be coming to your town soon. If it's not already there.
#covid #variants #pandemic #epidemiology #publichealthcanada
#publichealthcanada #epidemiology #pandemic #variants #covid
We have detected #Ba286 / #Pirola in #Switzerland, as part or our #wastewater -based #surveillance of #variants of #SARSCoV2 :
in our most recent batch, in two samples coming from the treatment plant in Laupen (in canton Bern), sampled on Aug 5th and 6h.
Original announcement Xitter thread by Prof @TanjaStadler :
#ba286 #pirola #switzerland #wastewater #surveillance #variants #SarsCoV2 #epiverse #covid #epidemiology
BA.2.86 shows just how risky slacking off on COVID monitoring is - Enlarge / Transmission electron micrograph of a SARS-CoV-2 virus partic... - #genomicsequencing #monitoring #sars-cov-2 #evolution #mutation #variants #science #ba.2.86 #omicron #health #gisaid #virus #eg.5 #who
#who #eg #virus #gisaid #health #omicron #ba #science #variants #mutation #evolution #sars #monitoring #genomicsequencing
Ars Technica: BA.2.86 shows just how risky slacking off on COVID monitoring is #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #genomicsequencing #monitoring #SARS-CoV-2 #evolution #mutation #variants #Science #BA.2.86 #omicron #Health #GISAID #virus #EG.5 #WHO
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #genomicsequencing #monitoring #SARS #Evolution #mutation #variants #science #Ba #Omicron #health #gisaid #Virus #eg #who