@olivermantell @Twoclownseating Spike Lee And His City Slickers. #BigBand
Max Miller #MusicHall
Flanagan & Allen #Variety
Flanders & Swann #PostMusicHallRadio
#postmusichallradio #variety #MusicHall #bigband
Según dicen fuentes cercanas a #MarvelStudios los reiterados cambios de título a la serie de Agatha son intencionales como parte de una estrategia de marketing y que de aquí al estreno de la serie habrán más cambios!
FUENTE: #Variety
#rumor #marvelstudios #variety #agathadarkholddiaries #ucm
Singer-songwriter #GaryWright has died at 80. Had a massive hit in 1976 with the song, “Dreamweaver”. via #variety
OBIT: https://variety.com/2023/music/news/gary-wright-dead-dream-weaver-1235713097/amp/
@marksquires @SabrosiaVit @wineworldnews
We hosted Claude Koeberle of Soliste for a wine dinner some years ago. He called Cabernet an "evil weed". #wine #terroir vs #variety
Video game companies are getting the smoke too. Love to see it. 😆
#Variety #SAGAFTRA #Strike #VideoGame #VideoGames #GamingIndustry
#gamingindustry #videogames #videogame #strike #sagaftra #variety
Video game companies are getting the smoke too. Love to see it.😆
#Variety #SAGAFTRA #Strike #VideoGame #VideoGames #GamingIndustry
#gamingindustry #videogames #videogame #strike #sagaftra #variety
https://www.annapost.com/118784/ 田村淳のTaMaRiBa#39「強力な助っ人も登場!島根県江津市リブランディングプロジェクト」 #202308 #Announcers #FemaleAnnouncers #honpen #variety #女子アナ #池谷実悠
#announcers #femaleannouncers #honpen #variety #女子アナ #池谷実悠
潜入!アイドルの自宅レポート! https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1864222/akb48/
#AKB48 #AKB48TeamA #comedian #comedy #comic #digitalbooks #ebooks #Elekicomics #IchiroYatsui #idol #RaMu #SusumuImadachi #variety #Vlog #YUIYOKOYAMA #アイドル #エレキコミック #お笑い #お笑い芸人 #バラエティ #マンガ #やついいちろう #今立進 #横山由依 #漫画 #潜入アイドルの自宅レポート #電子書籍
#akb48 #akb48teama #comedian #comedy #comic #digitalbooks #ebooks #elekicomics #ichiroyatsui #idol #ramu #susumuimadachi #variety #vlog #yuiyokoyama #アイドル #エレキコミック #お笑い #お笑い芸人 #バラエティ #マンガ #やついいちろう #今立進 #横山由依 #漫画 #潜入アイドルの自宅レポート #電子書籍
Gizmodo: Everyone on Riverdale Accepted the Insanity by the End https://gizmodo.com/riverdale-finale-interview-weirdest-plotlines-1850775306?utm_source=regular #chapteronetheriversedge #entertainmentculture #berlantiproductions #sarahschechter #veronicalodge #cherylblossom #archiecomics #gregberlanti #bettycooper #reiayanami #riverdale #veronica #schecter #variety #roberto #jughead #archie #camila #mendes #sacasa #betty
#chapteronetheriversedge #entertainmentculture #berlantiproductions #sarahschechter #veronicalodge #cherylblossom #archiecomics #gregberlanti #bettycooper #reiayanami #riverdale #veronica #schecter #variety #roberto #jughead #archie #camila #mendes #sacasa #betty
田村淳のTaMaRiBa#38「創造のDOORを開け!3Dモデリングコンテスト開催」 https://www.magmoe.com/946205/celebrity/2023-08-24/
Not sure #Variety is really instilling confidence into the #FilmIndustry with today's choice of subject line for their email newsletter: "Survive the Entertainment Apocalypse with Variety's New Business Newsletter"
It's from the "Variety Intelligence Platform (VIP+)" - I mean the name is already 🤦 and I don't see how a newsletter can save me from any #apocalypse! But maybe I just don't see enough opportunity in looming disaster?
#variety #filmindustry #apocalypse #film #entertainment #cinema
Just a note to say I am loving the #breakfastBuffet at the #HiltonSydney! The #variety #staff and #ambiance make it one of the best I’ve found. And I’d say I’m a #connoisseur when it comes to hotel breakfast buffets. Super appreciate the good ones, sadly disappointed in the ones that just don’t make the effort.
#breakfastbuffet #hiltonsydney #variety #staff #ambiance #connoisseur
BREAKING: #RobbieRobertson, co-founder of rock group, "The Band" has died at 80. via #Variety
【予告】家、ついて行ってイイですか?【田中圭が大感動!自衛隊に潜入…3時間SP】 https://www.wacoca.com/news/1738327/
さんタクで古着屋を訪れる木村拓哉 ものまねランキング https://www.wacoca.com/videos/1838298/johnnys/
#johnny #origin #variety #ジャニーズ #ジャニーズアイドルは #木村拓哉