Fühle mich sehr geehrt und froh, dass meine leidenschaftliche, unbezahlte und ehrenamtliche Arbeit ankommt!
Das Zentrum für Friedensforschung & Friedensbildung (Uni Klagenfurt) hat mich in ihrem Friedensgruß dankend erwähnt 🙏 #Frieden #PeaceStudies #PeaceJournalism #VIPR #varnapeace
#Frieden #peacestudies #peacejournalism #vipr #varnapeace
Oliver Richmond - #Cyprus Conflict, IR, Emancipatory Peace, #IMF, International Peace Architecture, #Geopolitics #worldpolitics
5:33 - Cyprus Conflict (1878-2022)
15:21 - Positive (Galtung) and Emancipatory Peace (Richmond)
20:00 - Epistemic Violance
25:41 - IMF, (Neo-)Liberal Peace and Liberal Statebuilding
36:27 - Architecture of International Peace in the Asian Century
#peacestudies #frieden #varnapeace #politics #geopolitics #vipr
#interview #cyprus #imf #geopolitics #WorldPolitics #peacestudies #Frieden #varnapeace #politics #vipr
Prof Heike Wendt & Prof Anwar Alfaidhi at the Peace Conference 2022 Local Peace Formation [Iraq]
This online conference is organized by the Varna Institute for Peace Research (VIPR), the Department of Global Governance (Institute of the Foundations of Law) at the University of Graz
#peacestudies #frieden #varnapeace #vipr #conference #konferenz #meeting #peacetalk #peace #politics #geopolitics #worldpolitics
#iraq #peace #education #resi #peacestudies #Frieden #varnapeace #vipr #conference #konferenz #meeting #peacetalk #politics #geopolitics #WorldPolitics
Vijay Prashad - #Geopolitics, #Ukraine, Primitive Accumulation, Tricontinental, Carbon Suicide, #India #capitalism #colonialism #imperialism
Vijay Prashad is an Indian historian and journalist. Prashad is the author of thirty books, including Washington Bullets, Red Star Over the Third World, The Darker Nations: A People's History of the Third World and The Poorer Nations: A Possible History of the Global South.
#varnapeace #vipr #interview #politics #anarchy
#geopolitics #ukraine #india #capitalism #colonialism #imperialism #varnapeace #vipr #interview #politics #anarchy
Communist insurgency/ rebellion, colonialism and peace negotiations in the Philippines - lecture by:
Ass Prof Dr Regletto Aldrich at the Peace Conference 2022 - Local Peace Formation [Philippines]
This online conference is organized by VIPR & Uni Graz
#peacestudies #frieden #varnapeace #vipr #conference #konferenz #meeting #peacetalk #peace #politics #geopolitics #worldpolitics #power #history #colonialism #imperialelebensweise #imperialism #Philippines
#peacestudies #Frieden #varnapeace #vipr #conference #konferenz #meeting #peacetalk #peace #politics #geopolitics #WorldPolitics #power #history #colonialism #imperialelebensweise #imperialism #philippines
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Subscribe to the YouTube channel: VIPR - Varna Peace Institute
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