@thundergod97 @abejaclaustro @nathanlovestrees @cobalt. Absolutely #EndDementia -- all of them, #LewyBodies, #VascularDementia, #FTD, #CTE. I am so sorry about your father. Sending strength.
#enddementia #lewybodies #vasculardementia #ftd #cte
Any of us could suffer from dementia. here is a tender, thoughtful and helpful piece on caring for someone suffering this disease. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/may/30/my-father-had-dementia-and-i-was-his-caregiver-heres-what-i-wish-i-had-known
#dementia #vasculardementia #healthcare
#Healthcare #vasculardementia #dementia
Any of us could suffer from dementia. here is a tender, thoughtful and helpful piece on caring for someone suffering this disease. https://www.theguardian.com/books/2023/may/30/my-father-had-dementia-and-i-was-his-caregiver-heres-what-i-wish-i-had-known
#dementia #vasculardementia #healthcare
#Healthcare #vasculardementia #dementia
Cerebrospinal Fluid Offers Clues to Post-COVID ‘Brain Fog’ | UC San Francisco
#cerbrospinalfluid #LongCovid #brainfog #sarscov2 #brain #mildcovid #covid #inflammation #systemicinflammatoryresponse #turncoatantibodies #diabetes #CognitiveImpairment #vasculardementia #adhd #anxiety #depression #LearningDisabilities #alcohol #stimulants #hand #hiv #sars #mers #hepatitis #epsteinbarrvirus
#JohnsHopkinsUP is having a terrific sale: Celebrate Memorial Day with 30%* off your order, plus get FREE shipping when you spend $50 or more. Use code HMOR23 at checkout today to SAVE. This applies to all books, including the one I wrote with #neurologist #Dr.BruceMiller of #UCSF. It's a #memoir about my beloved father's #earlyonsetAlzheimer's and my #grief. Bruce explains the #neurology behind #dementia, including earlyonset, #FTD, #VascularDementia, et al. https://weinsteinandmiller.com
#JohnsHopkinsUP #neurologist #dr #UCSF #memoir #earlyonsetalzheimer #grief #neurology #dementia #ftd #vasculardementia #endalz
Quick Guide to Dementia: The Memory Thief #thepsychicmantra
Dementia affects millions of people worldwide and there is no cure. Let's show compassion and support for those affected by dementia and work together to promote awareness and acceptance of this disease.
#DementiaAwareness #CompassionForDementia #SupportForDementia #TypesOfDementia #Alzheimers #VascularDementia #LBD #FrontalTemporalDementia #NegativeImpactOfDementia #End
#End #negativeimpactofdementia #frontaltemporaldementia #lbd #vasculardementia #alzheimers #typesofdementia #supportfordementia #compassionfordementia #dementiaawareness #thepsychicmantra
Physicians should be knowledgeable about the #CPT codes to report #vasculardementia diagnosis tests such as neurocognitive tests, MRI scan, and CT scan. https://www.outsourcestrategies.com/resources/medical-codes-report-vascular-dementia/
Physicians should be knowledgeable about the #CPTcodes to report vascular dementia diagnosis tests such as neurocognitive tests, MRI scan, and CT scan. Providers can rely on professional #neurology medical billing services for the timely submission of claims for accurate reimbursement. https://www.outsourcestrategies.com/resources/medical-codes-report-vascular-dementia/
#cptcodes #neurology #vasculardementia #medicalbillingservices
Explaining #VascularDementia : #Alzheimers Q&A
Higher prevalence of #CardiovascularDisease places African Americans at higher risk of developing vascular dementia than the general population. (Please note that I am a research scientist, not an MD and direct personal concerns to your PCP).
#vasculardementia #alzheimers #cardiovasculardisease #blackmastodon #BlackFedi
Pr. Rhian Touyz will hold Dec 5th’s Prestige conference, #CADASIL + #Notch3 from bedside to bench: defining new therapeutic targets for #vascularDementia. It'll be followed by a networking event, reservation needed.
📅Dec 5, 4 to 6 p.m.
#cadasil #notch3 #vasculardementia
Is anybody aware of any groups or resources relating to Vascular Dementia? Recent diagnosis for my lovely Mam - struggling to understand if all.
Diagnosing #vasculardementia requires closer monitoring of the symptoms shown by the patients. Here are the #ICD-10 and CPT codes of the same. https://bit.ly/3dO3oOp