Devis #Vasquez allo Sheffield Wednesday.
La formula sarebbe quella del prestito senza opzione di acquisto. I club stanno negoziando i dettagli.
Dopo la sfiducia a Juan #Guaidó (#VP|Centro-sinistra), il suo posto è stato affidato a Dinorah #Figuera (#PJ|Centro-destra umanista), deputata in esilio in #Spagna. Al suo fianco, in qualità di vice, sono stati eletti Marianela #Fernández (#UNT|Centro-sinistra), esiliata negli #USA e Auristela #Vásquez (#AD|Centro-sinistra), anche lei esiliata in Spagna.
#venezuela #guaido #vp #Figuera #pj #spagna #fernandez #unt #usa #vasquez #ad
#mancini: “Il #napoli è favorito”.
Il #milan ha preso il portiere #Vasquez
Occhi puntati su #AngeloGabriel
#mancini #napoli #calciomercato #milan #vasquez #angelogabriel #edicola #primapagina #rassegnastampa
Ho volutamente preso una pausa, senza voler commentare il ridicolo mondiale svoltosi in Quatar. Ora ritorniamo a parlare di Milan.
Appena preso dal Guaranì (Paraguay) il portiere 24enne colombiano Devis Vasquez, avendo il fuoriclasse francese Maignan, ancora problemi al polpaccio che non si sa bene quanto lo farà restare fuori dal campo
#acmilan #calciomercato #vasquez #Guarani #Maignan
Today, the Vandalia ensemble performs #Flecha #Vásquez #Brudieu and #Guerrero in Ceské Budejovice #wch
#flecha #vasquez #brudieu #Guerrero #wch
Ok, an introduction post seem a good idea.
I'm a #disabled (early onset #parkinsons) white cis-guy from the country side of the #Australia #BlueMountians with an anchistic, almost Nilist, approach to spelling and grammar
I'm a fan of #TerryPratchett #neilgaiman #douglasadams #JimButcher #BrandonSanderson and #RobinHobb books
Watch #MCU and #SuperHero movies, and look to #LinoleumKnife and #CriticallyAcclaimed podcasts for movie reviews
Spend my home days looking into #ConspiracyTheories, and highly recommend #KnowledgeFight #StuffTheyDontWantYouToKnow and #QAnonAnon podcasts for anyone trying to follow the weird alternate world pushing into reality
I relax by playing #DND (DMing at moment) and am hoping get #InvisibleSun (from #MonteCookGames), #shadowrun and several games from #kickstarter going though I have accused of #roleplayinggames just to have an excuse to be a #dicegoblin
Musicaly I'm into #NickCaveandtheBadSeeds #BabyAnimals #bjork #TheHu #faithnomore #FourPlayStringQuartet and #KimBoekbinder I like to hunt around #BandCamp for new music
Politically I'm a #progressive #Lefty with #Anachist leanings trying to support (and learn more about) #antifa #feminism #firstnations #transrights #sexworkers and other oppressed groups
I hope a good round of me. Say hi anytime, and I'll finish with hashtags that didn't fit into sentences
#daria #invaderzim #poisonelves #dredd #books #horror #comics #drwhofan #vasquez #food #Davidwong #jdate #dice #diceporn
#disabled #parkinsons #australia #bluemountians #terrypratchett #neilgaiman #douglasadams #JimButcher #brandonsanderson #robinhobb #mcu #superhero #linoleumknife #criticallyacclaimed #conspiracytheories #knowledgefight #stufftheydontwantyoutoknow #qanonanon #dnd #invisiblesun #montecookgames #shadowrun #kickstarter #roleplayinggames #dicegoblin #NickCaveandtheBadSeeds #babyanimals #bjork #TheHu #faithnomore #fourplaystringquartet #kimboekbinder #bandcamp #progressive #lefty #anachist #antifa #feminism #firstnations #transrights #sexworkers #daria #invaderzim #poisonelves #dredd #books #horror #comics #drwhofan #vasquez #food #davidwong #jdate #dice #diceporn
Camille Vasquez Will Spend 38th Birthday with BF and Elton John #camille #vasquez #will #spend #38th #birthday #with #elton #john #2luglio
#2luglio #john #elton #with #birthday #38th #Spend #will #vasquez #camille
`c`è un molestatore in quest`aula, ma non è johnny depp` - camille vasquez definisce amber heard ... - Cronache #molestatore #questaula #johnny #depp #camille #vasquez #definisce #amber #heard #cronache #27maggio
#27Maggio #cronache #heard #amber #definisce #vasquez #camille #depp #johnny #questaula #molestatore