pikauusinta tai sitten ei
#politiikka #ilmastonmuutos #autoilu #auto #vastaamo
Smashing Security podcast #319: The CEO who also ran IT, Strava strife, and TikTok tall tales https://grahamcluley.com/smashing-security-podcast-319/ #locationtracking #SmashingSecurity #JuliusKivimäki #databreach #Law&order #Dataloss #Vastaamo #Podcast #Privacy #Finland #Strava #TikTok #Scam
#locationtracking #SmashingSecurity #juliuskivimaki #databreach #law #Dataloss #vastaamo #podcast #privacy #finland #strava #tiktok #scam
Smashing Security podcast #319: The CEO who also ran IT, Strava strife, and TikTok tall tales - A boss is bitten in the bottom after being struck by one of the worst crimes in Finnish h... https://grahamcluley.com/smashing-security-podcast-319/ #locationtracking #smashingsecurity #juliuskivimäki #databreach #lawℴ #dataloss #vastaamo #podcast #privacy #finland #strava #tiktok #scam
#scam #tiktok #strava #finland #privacy #podcast #vastaamo #dataloss #lawℴ #databreach #juliuskivimäki #smashingsecurity #locationtracking
Ex-CEO of hacked therapy clinic sentenced for failing to protect patients’ session notes https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/ex-ceo-of-hacked-therapy-clinic-sentenced-for-failing-to-protect-patients-session-notes/ #Securitythreats #psychotherapy #databreach #Guestblog #Law&order #Dataloss #Vastaamo #Privacy #Finland
#Securitythreats #psychotherapy #databreach #Guestblog #law #Dataloss #vastaamo #privacy #finland
Ex-CEO of hacked therapy clinic sentenced for failing to protect patients’ session notes - A Finnish court has given the former CEO of a chain of psychotherapy clinics a suspended ... https://www.bitdefender.com/blog/hotforsecurity/ex-ceo-of-hacked-therapy-clinic-sentenced-for-failing-to-protect-patients-session-notes/ #securitythreats #psychotherapy #databreach #guestblog #lawℴ #dataloss #vastaamo #privacy #finland
#finland #privacy #vastaamo #dataloss #lawℴ #guestblog #databreach #psychotherapy #securitythreats
Ex-CEO of hacked therapy clinic sentenced for failing to protect patients' session notes.
Read more in my article on the Bitdefender blog:
#cybersecurity #databreach #extortion #ransom #vastaamo #finland #psychotherapy
#cybersecurity #databreach #extortion #ransom #vastaamo #finland #psychotherapy
@PogoWasRight penal code and maximum sentence on data protection offence sounds a bit of a joke. #Vastaamo was probably the biggest or one of the biggest criminal cases in Finland in terms of victim count and usually victims may need to suffer (spreading defamatory/private information or credit frauds probably mainly) from the consequences many years after the crime has expired.
Finnish Psychotherapy Center Vastaamo's CEO is being prosecuted for data protection offence. This data breach case could become sort of a landmark case on legal interpretation GDPR's Article 32 definition of confidentiality and integrity
Defense is essentially arguing that confidentiality and integrity were protected sufficiently ...even though database data was not pseudonymised nor encrypted, default passwords were used in multiple places, hardening was non-existing and Internet-facing firewalls were ineffective.
#vastaamo #databreach #gdpr #privacy
Oikeus vangitsi Vastaamon tietomurrosta epäillyn Aleksanteri Kivimäen – puolustus: ”Vielä ei ole syyllistä löydetty. Toivon kaikella kunnioituksella rikosten uhreja kohtaan, että tässä kohtaa puhutaan epäillystä"
Kivimäki kiistää syyllistyneensä mihinkään epäillyistä teoista.
Tekisi mieli sanoa rumasti.
#Vastaamo-casesta epäilty #JuliusKivimäki on nyt Suomessa Vantaan vankilassa.
Uhrit saanevat lähitulevaisuudessa oikeutta.
#Kivimäki #tietomurto #kiristäminen #rikos #rikosepäily #mielenterveys #mtongelmat
#vastaamo #juliuskivimaki #kivimaki #tietomurto #kiristaminen #rikos #rikosepaily #mielenterveys #mtongelmat
Attacchi informatici alle strutture sanitarie: il caso della clinica psichiatrica Vastaamo come esempio
Si, perchè Vastaamo, dopo un violento #attacco #ransomware è stata costretta al fallimento.
QUalche giorno fa è stato finalmente #arrestato in #Francia, il sospettato di estorsione ai danni del centro di #Psicoterapia #Vastaamo, società privata #finlandese, con venticinque centri di terapia, in tutto il paese.
A cura di Daniela Farina.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#attacco #ransomware #arrestato #francia #psicoterapia #vastaamo #finlandese #redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityNews #privacy #infosecurity
Finnish psychotherapy extortion suspect arrested in France - Company transcribed ultra-personal conversations, didn't secure them. Criminal stole them... https://nakedsecurity.sophos.com/2023/02/06/finnish-psychotherapy-extortion-suspect-arrested-in-france/ #databreach #lawℴ #extortion #dataloss #vastaamo
#vastaamo #dataloss #extortion #lawℴ #databreach
Ranskan poliisi on ottanut #Vastaamo-casesta epäillyn nilkin kiinni, ja Suomessa #poliisi on aloittanut hänen tänne siirtämisensä valmistelun (joka voi viedä aikaa).
(Harvemmin nimittelen ihmisiä, mutta tämä ko. henkilö kyllä on aivan täysin ansainnut tuon nilkki-nimityksen, NIIII!)
#vastaamo #poliisi #rikos #rikollinen #tietoturvarikos
Julius "Zeekill" Kivimäki - suspected of the #Vastaamo #breach - has been apprehended French #police. He is suspected of "1) Aggravated computer break-in, offence 2) Aggravated extortion attempt 3) Aggravated Dissemination of information violating personal privacy 4) Extortion 5) Attempt of an extortion 6) Computer break-in 7) Message interception 8) Falsification of evidence" https://eumostwanted.eu/kivimaki-aleksanteri-tomminpoika https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/11/hacker-charged-with-extorting-online-psychotherapy-service/
"Turvallisuuspalvelu #Avarn in, psykoterapiakeskus #Vastaamo n ja marjayhtiö #Polarica n taustalta löytyy sama omistaja.
#Pääomasijoittaja #InteraPartners on ollut omistajana kolmessa yhtiössä, joista on paljastunut viime vuosien pahimpia yritysskandaaleja."
#Kapitalismi does what kapitalismi is.
#vartiointi #vartijat #tietomurto #mielenterveys #hyväksikäyttö #ihmiskauppa #sijoittaminen #pääomasijoittaminen #yhteiskunta
#avarn #vastaamo #polarica #paaomasijoittaja #interapartners #kapitalismi #vartiointi #vartijat #tietomurto #mielenterveys #hyvaksikaytto #ihmiskauppa #sijoittaminen #paaomasijoittaminen #yhteiskunta
"Samaan aikaan yhtiön käteen on sattunut kuitenkin mustien pekkojen sarja, kun kolmesta sen omistusyhtiöstä on paljastunut vakavia ongelmia toimintatavoissa ja yrityskulttuurissa."
Yritysskandaalit | Turvallisuuspalvelu Avarnin, psykoterapiakeskus Vastaamon ja marjayhtiö Polarican taustalta löytyy sama omistaja: https://www.hs.fi/visio/art-2000009298776.html?share=5bf8d13e644652627d3be7bccb8e41ab
#interapartners #avarnsecurity #vastaamo #polarica
La clinica Vastaamo chiuse dopo l’incidente informatico. Ma sembra che si sia scoperto il colpevole
Abbiamo parlato tempo fa delle #aziende che hanno fallito per un #attacco #informatico o un attacco #ransomware. Tra quelle aziende era presente anche la FInlandese #Vastaamo, che dopo l’attacco informatico è stata costretta a chiudere le sue operazioni.
#redhotcyber #informationsecurity #ethicalhacking #dataprotection #hacking #cybersecurity #cybercrime #cybersecurityawareness #cybersecuritytraining #cybersecuritynews #privacy #infosecurity
#infosecurity #privacy #CyberSecurityNews #cybersecuritytraining #CyberSecurityAwareness #cybercrime #cybersecurity #hacking #dataprotection #ethicalhacking #informationsecurity #redhotcyber #vastaamo #ransomware #informatico #attacco #aziende
I think this particular case of a #infosec #breach is an excellent example for the dangers we face in the #digital era.
There's nothing the patients or the therapists could've done; the authorities should've required regular security audits but did not - and I can't fathom what the CEO was thinking.
Hopefully the individual responsible for this leak gets an appropriate sentence...
https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/11/hacker-charged-with-extorting-online-psychotherapy-service/ #Vastaamo
#infosec #breach #digital #vastaamo
Hacker Charged With Extorting Online Psychotherapy Service - A 25-year-old Finnish man has been charged with extorting a once popular and now-... https://krebsonsecurity.com/2022/11/hacker-charged-with-extorting-online-psychotherapy-service/ #neer-do-wellnews #alittlesunshine #juliuskivimäki #williamralston #hacktheplanet #attikurritu #ransom_man #villetapio #vastaamo #zeekill #wired #zbot
#zbot #wired #zeekill #vastaamo #villetapio #ransom_man #attikurritu #hacktheplanet #williamralston #juliuskivimäki #alittlesunshine #neer