Vatican said Thursday new leads "worthy o further investigation" had surfaced hopes o finally getting 2 bottom o 1 o the #HolySee's enduring mysteries.
#EmanuelaOrlandi vanished June, 1983, aftr leaving family's apartment 2 go 2 music lesson in #Rome. Her father was lay employee o the Holy See. Over the years, her disappearance has been linked 2 everything frm plot 2 kill John Paul II, a financial scandal involving #Vatican bank & Rome's criminal underworld
#holysee #emanuelaorlandi #rome #vatican #vaticangirl
#Ebook : #Clairvoyant/Psychic #Predictions 2023 to: The Rare #GreenComet, General #ValeryGerasimov, #JensStoltenberg, Missing actor #JulianSands, #PopeFrancis, The #VaticanGirl , #LuladaSilva vs Jair #Bolsonaro, The Well of Barhout By Dimitrinka Staikova
#ebook #clairvoyant #predictions #greencomet #valerygerasimov #jensstoltenberg #juliansands #popefrancis #vaticangirl #luladasilva #bolsonaro
Ebook : #Clairvoyant/ #Psychic #Predictions 2023 to : #GreenComet, General #ValeryGerasimov, #JensStoltenberg, #Missing #actor #JulianSands, #PopeFrancis, The #VaticanGirl
#clairvoyant #psychic #predictions #greencomet #valerygerasimov #jensstoltenberg #missing #actor #juliansands #popefrancis #vaticangirl
De laatste aflevering van The Vatican Girl gekeken op Netflix.
Oh wauw, heel verdrietig nu. Als iets van het verhaal klopt echt 🤯 #EmanuelaOrlandi #VaticanGirl #Netflix
#emanuelaorlandi #vaticangirl #netflix
#BuonCompleanno, #EmanuelaOrlandi. Oggi avresti compiuto 55 anni.
#buoncompleanno #emanuelaorlandi #vaticangirl
Porte dos capítols de #VaticanGirl a #netflix.
Algú l'ha vist? Compte amb els spoilers!
Porte dos capítols de #VaticanGirl a #netflix.
Algú l'ha vist? Compte amb els spoilers!
🇻🇦 If you saw Vatican Girl on recently then there's a new plot twist you'll definitely want to know about! talked with a writer who has covered the case extensively, and had me shook with theories! 🇮🇹 #Vaticangirl
Keek toevallig pas de documentaire: #vaticangirl
Wat een verhaal ik heb 2 afleveringen gezien van de #vaticangirl op en moet er nog 2.
AP: The #VaticanGirl has defrocked an anti-abortion U.S. priest, Frank Pavone, for what it said were “blasphemous communications on #socialmedia “as well as “persistent disobedience” of his bishop who repeatedly told him to stop his partisan activism for Donald #Trump. 👉🏼 #religion #politics #abortion #partisanship #unitedstates
#vaticangirl #socialmedia #trump #religion #politics #abortion #partisanship #unitedstates
#Vaticangirl la serie su #EmanuelaOrlandi è una coltellata alla schiena. Fa orrore, raccapriccio, rabbia. Vien voglia di abbracciare @pietroorlandi e chiedergli scusa, e piangere con lui.
Perché @Pontifex_it non racconta pubblicamente ciò che sa? Perché far sanguinare ancora 1/2
Sollte es #Netflix Fans geben, mein Tipp für heute ist eindeutig #Vaticangirl