@canadaehx I used to live just down the street from St-Jean-Baptiste. An impressive place, inside and out.
Supposedly a contractor had been hired to renovate the interior in the post-Vatican II wave of iconoclasm, but the curé had to explain that the parish didn't have funds for the work. Consequently the pulpit, altar rail and baldacchino are all still in place.
#montreal #eglise #church #vaticanii
Dans #AuRisqueDeLHistoire, @Ch_DICKES et ses invités reviennent aux origines du concile #VaticanII.
Pourquoi Jean XXIII a-t-il convoqué ce Concile ? Quel en était le contexte, historique, culturel, politique ?
Avec Yvon Tranvouez & Yves Chiron.
👉A 20h35 : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fS2j_8_Shr0
#aurisquedelhistoire #vaticanii
A lot of strange things happened to the Catholic Church in the wake of #VaticanII . It's a bit as if once some changes were allowed suddenly everything was on the table. Why that occured, I really don't know; @gemlog probably has a better idea.
As to the Jesuits specifically, maybe it was new leadership, Fr. Arroyo or his predecessor? Or maybe there were slow changes that suddenly dominated, like a rotten tree falling in the wind.
In addition to presenting himself as #pope despite adhering to the the heresies of #VaticanII, #Ratzinger was a #liberal who endorsed democratic #socialism, called anti-LGBT hatecrimes "#deplorable" and said that in some cases using #contraception would be "a step toward moral responsibility."
Whatever the lamestream media says, he was NEVER #ourGuy!
#Catholic #Catholicism #FatherBenedict #PopeBenedict #PopeBenedictXVI #PopeEmeritusBenedictXVI #Vatican
#pope #vaticanii #ratzinger #liberal #socialism #deplorable #contraception #ourguy #catholic #catholicism #fatherbenedict #popebenedict #popebenedictxvi #popeemeritusbenedictxvi #vatican
Today a great Catholic #pope died. Some of his key accomplishments:
- persecuting promoters of #liberationtheology & ignoring their assassination
- reversing the reforms of #VaticanII
- covering up #pedophilia
- insulting #Jews, #Muslims, & #Buddhists
- calling #LGBTQ people intrinsically evil
- hindering efforts to prevent #AIDS
- allowing denial of communion to supporters of #abortionrights
- condoning the 1633 #Galileo heresy trial
May he not rest in peace #benedict #ratzinger #inquisition
#pope #liberationtheology #vaticanii #pedophilia #jews #muslims #buddhists #lgbtq #aids #AbortionRights #galileo #benedict #ratzinger #inquisition
George Weigel's new book is a superb explanation of the beauty of #VaticanII It quotes 'Gaudium et Spes' clearly saying that humankind can fully discover their true self "only in a sincere giving" of themselves "to others" / https://www.amazon.co.uk/Sanctify-World-Vital-Legacy-Vatican-ebook/dp/B09RZTB2G2/ref=sr_1_1?crid=17TEXJKPU80EJ&keywords=george+weigel+to+sanctify+the+world&qid=1672180962&sprefix=george+wei%2Caps%2C84&sr=8-1 [...]
🔴De même que le concile #VaticanII, la réflexion sur la synodalité est pour le pape François une grande occasion de conversion pour l'Église.
👉 Les vœux du Pape à la Curie romaine : https://youtu.be/GWATi2cJ6vs
#introduction. Grew up in Mobile and New Orleans. Now in Charlottesville. #Catholic. MA Univ of Illinois. Retired teacher elementary school high school college #theology. #ChristianJewish dialogue. #CatholicSocialThought. #CatholicChurch. #HolocaustEducation. #vaticanii. #Vatican. I am writing a book about #slavery and my enslaving ancestors. Also working on literary analysis of Gospel stories.
#introduction #catholic #theology #christianjewish #catholicsocialthought #catholicchurch #holocausteducation #vaticanii #vatican #slavery
The joys, hopes, griefs, anxieties of those who are afflicted are also the joys, hopes, griefs, anxieties of Christ's followers.
Gaudium et Spes
‘The Oxford Handbook of #VaticanII - Catherine E. Clifford, Massimo Faggioli - Oxford University Press. Significant for #theologidons.
"The new liturgy was supposed to make the faithful more engaged with the Mass; instead, the faithful began sleeping in on Sunday and giving up Catholicism for Lent. The church lost much of Europe to secularism and much of Latin America to Pentecostalism — very different contexts and challengers, yet strikingly similar results."
#nytimes #church #catholic #vaticanii #rossdouthat
Dixie Doodle
Original Gabber
#VaticanII #Vatican2 📺 👇
Vatican II is when Judaism took over!!!!!
Jesuits are #CryptoJews!!!! 👉 👉 👉 #JesuitsAreJews
CRYPTO= in hiding; they pretend to be Catholic, but are 100% JEWISH, practicing Judaism!!!!!
Everyone needs to WAKE UP & smell the coffee ☕ !!!!
People Need To Understand, that #JesuitsAreCryptoJews!!!
📺 👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8Em7CeicOKj0/
#JesuitsAreCryptoJews #JESUITS #PopeIsAJESUIT #JesuitsAreJews #CryptoJews #Vatican2 #vaticanii
Dixie Doodle
Original Gabber
#VaticanII #Vatican2 📺 👇
Vatican II is when Judaism took over!!!!!
Jesuits are #CryptoJews!!!! 👉 👉 👉 #JesuitsAreJews
CRYPTO= in hiding; they pretend to be Catholic, but are 100% JEWISH, practicing Judaism!!!!!
Everyone needs to WAKE UP & smell the coffee ☕ !!!!
People Need To Understand, that #JesuitsAreCryptoJews!!!
📺 👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8Em7CeicOKj0/
#JesuitsAreCryptoJews #JESUITS #PopeIsAJESUIT #JesuitsAreJews #CryptoJews #Vatican2 #vaticanii
#VaticanII #Vatican2 📺 👇 See Great Video, Below
Vatican II is when Judaism took over!!!!!
Jesuits are #CryptoJews!!!! 👉 👉 👉 #JesuitsAreJews
CRYPTO= in hiding; they pretend to be Catholic, but are 100% JEWISH, practicing Judaism!!!!!
Everyone needs to WAKE UP & smell the coffee ☕ !!!!
People Need To Understand, that #JesuitsAreCryptoJews!!!
📺 👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8Em7CeicOKj0/
#JesuitsAreCryptoJews #JESUITS #PopeIsAJESUIT #JesuitsAreJews #CryptoJews #Vatican2 #vaticanii
#VaticanII #Vatican2 📺 👇 See Great Video, Below
Vatican II is when Judaism took over!!!!!
Jesuits are #CryptoJews!!!! 👉 👉 👉 #JesuitsAreJews
CRYPTO= in hiding; they pretend to be Catholic, but are 100% JEWISH, practicing Judaism!!!!!
Everyone needs to WAKE UP & smell the coffee ☕ !!!!
People Need To Understand, that #JesuitsAreCryptoJews!!!
📺 👉 https://www.bitchute.com/video/8Em7CeicOKj0/
#JesuitsAreCryptoJews #JESUITS #PopeIsAJESUIT #JesuitsAreJews #CryptoJews #Vatican2 #vaticanii