Non la "#russofobia" paventata dai #vatnik, ma vera #Ucrainofobia verso l'orrore avvenuto in #Germania, dove un #russofono ha gettato un #bambino #ucraino da un ponte urlando frasi filorusse e vietandogli di parlare la sua lingua
#russofobia #vatnik #ucrainofobia #germania #russofono #bambino #ucraino
Il tragicomico fallimento della #Russia con #Luna25 ha suscitato tra i #vatnik filorussi il negazionismo dell'#allunaggio. Gli americani sono stati sulla #Luna. Chiedete con educazione, magari vi portano il #Maalox di #SailorMoon
#LEM #Apollo
#russia #luna25 #vatnik #allunaggio #luna #maalox #sailormoon #lem #apollo
The Dumbest Arguments About Russia's War on Ukraine
Great summary about the most stupid arguments about the russian war in Ukraine.
#russia #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #tankie #vatnik
#Vatnik useful idiot propaganda for the Russians at the viewing tower at #cccamp23.
By claiming both Russia and NATO started this war and #Ukraine has no agency.
If you really want to promote #anarchist values, then Ukraine should be able to defend their territory and use the help from friendly countries.
Even if they're part of NATO.
#anarchist #Ukraine #cccamp23 #vatnik
@faab64 @wherephysicswentwrong @ehren I didn't "twist your example." You're advocating the withdrawal of assistance to a victim because you don't like the party that's helping the victim. #Vatnik
@faab64 @wherephysicswentwrong @ehren
I'm saying that if a serial rapist was intervening to prevent another rapist from raping a woman, I would not tell the serial rapist to go away and allow the second rapist to rape the woman. I would be glad that someone, no matter who it was, was intervening to stop a rape. But apparently you are happy to see the women of Ukraine raped. #Vatnik.
#Threads is the most downloaded app in russia.
A #vatnik app, great job!
#NAFO #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable #twitterdown #twittermigration
#threads #vatnik #NAFO #nafoexpansionisnonnegotiable #twitterdown #twittermigration
#zelensky #vatnik #ukraine #StandWithUkraine #RussiaIsATerroristState
#Vatnik Soup master list #russianop Check out the many #vatniks pushing Putin propaganda #vatniksoup #vatniks
#vatnik #russianop #vatniks #vatniksoup
Here's an interesting article for anyone who thinks the word #vatnik is an "ethnic slur."
PSA: For people that have never lived under the #Soviet / #Russian yoke (like me), here’s the meaning and background of the slang term #Vatnik 👉
German Chancellor #Scholz tells the truth to a bunch of #fascist #putin -appeasers who want #Germany to stop helping #Ukraine
#Scholz #fascist #putin #germany #ukraine #UkraineRussiaWar #fascism #vatnik #socialdemocracy
Pensavo di trovare più di due nomi italiani in questa lista #vatnik #disinformazione #utiliidioti
#vatnik #disinformazione #utiliidioti
Pekka Kallioniemi's thread in his #Vatnik Soup series is on Oliver Stone's (what a fucking vatnik a-hole) "documentary" on #Ukraine.
No one has got the threadapp bot to provide a link away from that foul site, so I'll just put his website link here: