Just watched a very NSFL video of an #Ork getting the top of his head blown off by a grenade dropped by a drone. It was not a comfortable experience (nor was it for him, I’m sure, but at least it was over in an instant), but it did serve as a good reminder of what ‘cargo 200’ can actually mean. Often we just see a drone perspective of #vatniks falling over and not moving anymore, or a grenade going off near some #mobiks who are then obscured by a cloud of smoke and dust. This time we saw brains.
Arise, #Vatniks of the Earth!
The death of #Russian hero* #Prigozhin has no influence on the campaign to #decolonize #Africa!
A military coup has taken the powerful nation of #Gabon from the clutches of it's democratically elected president! #blm
* After his death he's a hero again.
#vatniks #russian #prigozhin #decolonize #africa #gabon #blm
The #Vatniks are oddly quiet about #Prigozhin’s death.
Probably because they can’t face the fact that their favorite 🐻 is either eating itself or getting poked in it’s intestines now.
@SocraticEthics What are the #Vatniks going to do about the millions of #Russian #history textbooks that have been foolishly printing the #truth about #Stalin for decades?! 😂
Will people be sent to the #gulag if an offending textbook is found during searches of attics? 😂
#vatniks #russian #history #truth #stalin #gulag #RussiaIsATerroristState #ukrainemustwin #StandWithUkraine
@hopkinsdavid Not available in the European Union which is problematic. Twitter before Musk was where #NAFOfellas would bonk #Vatniks and raise funds in support of Ukraine. Musk changed the algorithm to promote paying accounts and limit the visibility of others. Those that signed up for Threads already had Instagram accounts. Quickly apparent the developer of both made Threads for Instagram influencers and political posts are not welcome, will not be seen. Not a viable alternative.
I was discussing the entrenchment bit the other day with my brother. The #mobniks and #vatniks can't shoot, can't retreat, can't win. All they know is dig trench, lay mines, drink vodka, rape Ukrainians, torture POWs, steal toilet, eat hot chip and die.
"#Watching various #secular/ #religious #Nationalists, #Imperialists, #Wagnerites, #vatniks, #state #socialists of various #patriotisms, and #neoliberals all #arguing about how best to #exploit a #Niger in #crisis... not a one caring about the #people or #planet.
It's not 2023, it's 1823."
via #theanarchistfederation
#Watching #secular #religious #nationalists #imperialists #wagnerites #vatniks #state #socialists #patriotisms #neoliberals #arguing #exploit #niger #crisis #people #planet #theanarchistfederation
@brooklynman @aliide Medea Benjamin, Cornell West, Glenn Greenwald, etc... There are plenty of #Vatniks on the "left." I think that it's better to call them out than to pretend they don't exist.
IMHO: Military aid to Ukraine is a smart investment for America.
Ukraine has shown it can win this war without U.S. and NATO troops. It's a smart move to help them kneecap one of America's greatest enemies.
YouTube video: The Kyiv Independent looks at U.S. aid.
Who pays for US weapons sent to Ukraine and why it’s worth it
#Russia #RussiaInvadedUkraine #Putin #Zelenskyy #war #Europe #politics #democracy #budget #Republicans #Democrats #GOP #vatniks #SlavaUkrainii
#SlavaUkrainii #vatniks #gop #democrats #republicans #budget #democracy #politics #Europe #war #Zelenskyy #putin #RussiaInvadedUkraine #russia
I'm trying to understand what the hell has gone wrong with the "progressives" who are enabling or even supporting Russian imperialism.
This nonsense seriously undermines the credibility of @FAIR.
@jayrosen_nyu @Naureckas #Ukraine #Vatniks #RussiaIsATerroristState
#ukraine #vatniks #RussiaIsATerroristState
@faab64 @wherephysicswentwrong @ehren I marched against the US invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. The US has been involved in Syria, but I wouldn't call it an invasion. In any case, that's a mess, too. Just because the US has done bad things does not mean that we're wrong to support Ukraine. The Ukrainian people have every right to defend themselves against Putin's imperial conquest and it's righteous to support their defense. #Vatniks can go piss off.
@toxtethogrady @TonyStark I troll #Vatniks as that is one of the things #NAFOFellas do. Republicans like MTG are reported/blocked. People that make threats against others lives I report/block too. Pre-Musk, they were banned from Twitter but the idiot brought them back. Still blocked too. One of the first was Roger J Stone long before he was convicted, pardoned but expect Jack Smith might indict him again.
It's strange that there are so many "progressives," "liberals," or even "socialists" whose takeaway from the Iraq disaster wasn't "unprovoked invasions of foreign countries are immoral and end badly" but instead "the US is always in the wrong so I'm going to cheer for the other side." #Ukraine #Vatniks #tankies #DSA
#ukraine #vatniks #tankies #dsa
10 months ago #Vatniks started to announce the imminent fall of #Bakmut (next week, before the end of the year, etc.) and kept doing so for about 8 months. It was an essential artillery position, logistics centre, start for a march on Krematorsk, the #Ukrainian army would collapse, it was grinded up there, brilliant 5D bear judo, etc, etc, etc.
Bakmut was showing the brilliant glory of the #Russian army!
What happened to that talking point?! #Wagner break-up hurts too much?
#vatniks #bakmut #ukrainian #russian #wagner #ukraine
10 months ago #Vatniks started to announce the imminent fall of #Bakmut (next week, before the end of the year, etc.) and kept doing so for about 8 months. It was an essential artillery position, logistics centre, start for a march on Krematorsk, the #Ukrainian army would collapse, it was grinded up there, brilliant 5D bear judo, etc, etc, etc.
Bakmut was showing the brilliant glory of the #Russian army!
What happened to that talking point?! #Wagner break-up hurts too much?
#vatniks #bakmut #ukrainian #russian #wagner
Blatant Lies and Subtle Untruths about russia’s War in Ukraine
What are #tankies, #vatniks, and ‘useful idiots’, and why do they deride traumatised Ukrainians as warmongers and Nazis?
By Paul Niland
For the majority of the world, the war in #Ukraine is a pretty black-and-white issue. Perhaps few wars in recent history have ever been more clearly a case of good and evil, right against wrong
Read it here 📎 https://bylinetimes.com/2023/07/07/blatant-lies-and-subtle-untruths-about-russias-war-in-ukraine/
#tankies #vatniks #ukraine #slavaUkraine #StandWithUkraine #BylineTimes
#Vatnik Soup master list https://vatniksoup.com/ #russianop Check out the many #vatniks pushing Putin propaganda #vatniksoup #vatniks
#vatnik #russianop #vatniks #vatniksoup
So many Follows this weekend! 😍
I hope ya'll stay over here this time!
Even if yes, until Ukraine victory I understand the argument to keep an eye on the Musk boat and keep bonking #vatniks over there! #NAFOfellas #NAFO #nafofella
#vatniks #nafofellas #nafo #nafofella
@DeeGLloyd been here a few months. Very happy with #Ivory especially on my iPad. Just no #Vatniks here to bonk but considering #SpaceKaren makes it hard for anyone to see our tweets, probably doesn’t make much difference. #SlavaUkraini #NAFOExpansionIsNonNegotionable #RussiaIsATerroristState
#ivory #vatniks #SpaceKaren #SlavaUkraini #nafoexpansionisnonnegotionable #RussiaIsATerroristState