#vatsim class 26:
Theory theory and more theory. Yes that's right. I had to refresh airspaces, lowest usable flight level and more. We are pounding the pavement as my OTS is in about 2 weeks. I also did some sweatbox work; however, I need to really study their theory as I'm weak there, and I know it. If I'm weak there and I know it, clap my hands. Clap! Clap!
#VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind #FlightSimulation
#vatsim #vatsimtraining #flyingBlind #flightsimulation
Wow, so I did my first and hopefully only visual landing today. Do not ask me how it went! do not pass go! do not collect 200 dollars. I made it, but took up all 5000 feet to stop, and, well, I made it. I never want to land there again! Thanks everyone for the laughs and fun! and to who ever created my fake gravestone, good job! I love it! I can't wait for next week's event.
#FlyingBlind #Fs20 #Vatsim
So, vatsim class number 25 went very, very well. We worked in the sweatbox, and I must work on "say." So "say aircraft type" "say altitude" "say final cruising altitude." I also got in the network, and we cleared 2 planes successfully. Thank you to the person who developed the nvda add on to help me with my foot pedal. It worked well. I am very excited right now, and terrified. I'm sure the fear will go away the more experience I have.
#VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind #Vatsim #FlightSimulation
#vatsimtraining #flyingBlind #vatsim #flightsimulation
So, I had my #vatsim training class 24 and we are this close to solving the pedal issue. Someone wrote a nvda add on for me which at the time of the class almost worked. I've since sent debug logs, and all works well, we' 'all will see come Friday.
#VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind #Advocacy #Accessibility
#vatsim #vatsimtraining #flyingBlind #advocacy #accessibility
So, the reason I was frustrated Monday night with #Vatsim class number 22 is because with my foot pedal I cannot use control to read word by word and at the time could not tab to get the pilot's information as every key I tried would block input. This is no problem with a sighted person as they have a mouse
and they could just read the screen. I do not have that luxury. #VatsimTraining
Well I just had a frustrating #Vatsim 23 class, nothing went right, 100 percent nothing! I'll write about it on the normal hashtag when I feel better tomorrow. Right now I think I'm going to go to sleep.
#VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind
#vatsim #vatsimtraining #flyingBlind
This Friday was #vatsim class number 21. I did well, however I always forget where I am when we switch up. I need to be looking at my notes. I also really need to work on not overthinking the situation the pilot is in. The solution and tools are in front of me. Now why can't I think about using them. I forget they are there. I know the information; I know what to do. Now, how to get rid of this blocker. Advice would be welcome here.
#VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind #FlightSimulation
#flightsimulation #flyingBlind #vatsimtraining #vatsim
Yes yes yes! I have a voice, at least a voice. #Vatsim class number 21 here I come, at least in half an hour.
#vatsim class number 20went well, except I did not do so hot at VFR. Guess what I get to do next week. That's right, VFR. I am though getting complete rerouts correct, both in reading and creating wiht the data I have. I also got a pilot whose airac was out of date. the departure didn't exist anymore. That was fun. I had to practice an APREQ. I think I need to actually remember to say apreq, as I forgot. I also got a unique squak of 1111. I'll probably never get that again. #VatsimTraining
It's time for #vatsim class. This is begining to get more entence, yet I'm enjoying putting theory into practice. This is a fun adventure.
#VatsimTraining #FlightSimulation #FlyingBlind
#flyingBlind #flightsimulation #vatsimtraining #vatsim
Well, last day of @FSXbo2023 and yeah I'm looking forward to that beyond ATC add on. I want to try and ask the dev if #accessibility will be looked at. I'm optomistic as more of us are starting to advocate, educate and communicate.
#FlyingBlind #Vatsim #FS2020 #Addons #Technology
#technology #addons #FS2020 #vatsim #flyingBlind #accessibility
So #VatSim class number 18 went quite well. Easy clearances then 2 or 3 harder ones where I had the chance to use sky vector. I really love that site. My teacher even launched nvda on his system to hear what I was seeing and confirmed something I was having trouble with and not reading correctly due to a mistake on my part.
#VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind #FlightSimulation
#flightsimulation #flyingBlind #vatsimtraining #vatsim
Happy second day of #FlightSimExpo I reallywish I were there #FlyingBlind and controling on #Vatsim
#FlightSimExpo #FlightSimulation #FlyingBlind #BlindTravel
#blindtravel #flightsimulation #vatsim #flyingBlind #flightsimexpo
To those attending #FlightSimExpo this year we could not attend due to another commitment. HOpefully we will be at the next one. We miss the ability to advocate, educate and communicate
#FlightSim #VatSim #FlyingBlind #Technology
#technology #flyingBlind #vatsim #flightsim #flightsimexpo
Well #vatsim class went well. More of the same. we added VFR traffic patterns. I'm also learning the difference between an APREQ and a simple conversation. I also did a full read-back of a route a bit smoother thanks to NVDA's add on called enhance phonetic speech set to a delay of 250MS.
#VatsimTraining #FlightSimulation #FlyingBlind
#flyingBlind #flightsimulation #vatsimtraining #vatsim
Well today is #Vatsim class numberr 16. I'm doing quite well, I'm just forgetting stuff but that's only because we're doing some new phraseology.
Parting is such sweet sorrow. I hope I may be able to find the same #Vatsim community on #KBin. if not, maybe such a community can one day be created to uplift and encourage others in this wonderful hobby.
#FlightSimulation #Vatsim
#flightsimulation #kbin #vatsim
I just redid my #introductions for you all. I don't know if my #bio refreshes for those following me but here it is for those who don't have access to it. I basically added the hash tags I both follow and post to.
speaker at fsxbo2021, avid blind flight simmer, twitch streamer, youtuber. If you want to read my story, go to http://flyingblind.us
Here are the tags I both post on and follow.
#FlightSimulation #VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind #fs2020 #MSFS2020 #aviation #vatsim
#vatsim #aviation #msfs2020 #FS2020 #flyingBlind #vatsimtraining #flightsimulation #bio #introductions
I just redid my #introductions for you all. I don't know if my #bio refreshes for those following me but here it is for those who don't have access to it. I basically added the hash tags I both follow and post to.
speaker at fsxbo2021, avid blind flight simmer, twitch streamer, youtuber. If you want to read my story, go to http://flyingblind.us
Here are the tags I both post on and follow.
#FlightSimulation #VatsimTraining #FlyingBlind #fs2020 #MSFS2020 #aviation #vatsim
#vatsim #aviation #MSFS2020 #fs2020 #flyingblind #vatsimtraining #flightsimulation #bio #introductions
If anyone in the #Vatsim cummunity who have ever spoken to me on the subreddit want to stey in touch contact me through my discord server which right now is quiet until #FlightSimExpo2023, you can join at d-pilot.flyingblind.us. Again I really appreciate you all. Now let's go Aviate, educate and communicate.
#FlyingBlind #FlightSimulation #VatsimCommunity #FS2020 #Prepar3d #Discord #Communication
#communication #discord #prepar3d #FS2020 #vatsimcommunity #flightsimulation #flyingBlind #flightsimexpo2023 #vatsim