It's Friday, it's @vauxbrewery with @WobblyDuck Fits the Bill DDH Pale at the Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
This may be the first of many..
Please try to support your local independent brewery
#fitsthebill #wobblyduck #vauxbrewery #realale #craftale
New Beer Alert!
@VauxBrewery Threat Level Midnight Cali IPA at The Vaux Taproom. Monkwearmouth. Sunderland.
Please try to support your local independent brewery
#VauxBrewery #CraftAle #RealAle #ThreatLevelMidnight #CaliIPA
#caliipa #threatlevelmidnight #realale #craftale #vauxbrewery
@vauxbrewery A Hazy Shade of Citra DDH Pale Ale at The Vaux Taproom, Sunderland
Please try to support your local independent brewery
#vauxbrewery #ahazyshadeofcitra #realale #craftale
@vauxbrewery Human Cyborg Relations Pale Ale at The Vaux Taproom, Sunderland
Please try to support your local independent brewery
#vauxbrewery #humancyborgrelations #realale #craftale
If you're going to have a can or two on a Friday night, best make it the finest of ales. @vauxbrewery A Hazy Shade of Citra DDH Pale.
Please try to support your local independent brewery
#vauxbrewery #craftale #realale
:Vaux Brewery 'Easy Going' Session IPA at the Vaux Taprrom, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland.
Please try to support your local independent brewery
#realale #craftale #vauxbrewery
:Vaux Brewery 'A Hazy Shade of Citra' DDH Pale at the Vaux Taprrom, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland.
Please try to support your local independent brewery
#realale #craftale #vauxbrewery
Vaux Brewery/The Wobbly Duck 'Fits the Bill' DDH Pale at the Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#wobblyduck #vauxbrewery #realale #craftale
Vaux Brewery A Hazy Shade of Citra DDH Pale at the @VauxBrewery Taproom, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland
Please support your local independent brewery
#vauxbrewery #realale #craftale
Vaux Brewery Easy Going Session IPA at the @VauxBrewery Taproom, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland
Please support your local independent brewery
#vauxbrewery #realale #craftale
Vaux Brewery Easy Going Session IPA at the Vaux Brewery Taproom, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland
#realale #craftale #sessionipa #easygoing #vauxbrewery
Vaux Brewery You Do You Cold IPA at the Vaux Brewery taproom, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland
#realale #craftale #youdoyou #vauxbrewery
Vaux Brewery A Hazy Shade of Citra DDH Pale at The Vaux Brewery Taproom, Monkwearmouth, Sunderland
#realale #craftale #ahazyshadeofcitra #vauxbrewery
Vaux Brewery/The Wobbly Duck Fits the Bill IPA at The Wobbly Duck, Newcastle
#CraftAle #RealAle #VauxBrewery #FitstheBillIPA #TheWobblyDuck
#thewobblyduck #fitsthebillipa #vauxbrewery #realale #craftale
Vaux Brewery Insanity Later IPA at the Vaux Taproom, Sunderland
#vauxtaproom #insanitylateripa #vauxbrewery #realale