· @tallship
65 followers · 501 posts · Server social.sdf.org

Lovely 🖖

Prolly nowhere near enough to me to bite, but wondering what other gems you might be considering divesting yourself from.

Big fan boi here of 70's and (and early 80's).

Thanks to @whoosh for boosting!


#vaxen #minis #micros #tallship #vintage

Last updated 1 year ago

abs(in)the · @abs0
172 followers · 698 posts · Server mastodon.sdf.org

@ball It should definitely fit in reasonable memory sized , say 16MB. The kernel can be stripped back and the ramdisk needs just enough to prompt for source and target devices, plus gzip - so much less than the current based images. Something akin to the old miniroot boot tape.

As it happens / still has a miniroot install option - you partition with native tools, write the miniroot to what will be the swap partition, then boot into it to complete.

#vaxen #sysinst #sunos #netbsd #amiga #amigaos

Last updated 1 year ago

· @tallship
54 followers · 325 posts · Server social.sdf.org


I remember , great GUI for the time although I never adopted it, but did use Ventura publisher and AmiPro intead of Aldus and Word, respectively, on Windows

Everything else though, yah, very, very similar history for myself except for the Apple 🍏 stuffs; like you, I'm quite proudly Mac stupid.

It's always good to meet a fellow Slacker, and "frinds don't let frinds run ewb00ntew!"

You can haz ! 🍔


#gem #cheezburgerz #tallship #foss #unix #slackware #vaxen #gary_kildall

Last updated 1 year ago