The latest *Very Bad Wizards* episode is on Parfit's essay on Personal Identity. It's always a goodun when Dave and Tamler clash because of D's more rationalist inclinations and T's resistance to bow to the Analytic phil-bros.
It made me miss the early days where they would really go at it
It also has this pearl which reads great out of context "if they sit and think about it, they'd be like, oh shit, it is a holocaust of #StarTrek characters" 😆
#startrek #vbw #verybadwizards #podcast #parfit
The latest *Very Bad Wizards* episode is on Parfit's essay on Personal Identity. It's always a goodun when Dave and Tamler clash because of D's more rationalist inclinations and T's resistance to bow to the Analytic phil-bros.
It made me miss the early days where they would really go at it
It also has this pearl which reads great out of context "if they sit and think about it, they'd be like, oh shit, it is a holocaust of Star Trek characters" 😆
#vbw #verybadwizards #podcast #parfit
Die bayerische Wirtschaft fordert mehr Engagement beim Ausbau der Kreislaufwirtschaft in Deutschland.
Wieso fordern die, anstatt es einfach zu tun.
#vbw #kreislaufwirtschaft #recycling
Auch dieses Jahr soll die 80-prozentige Stadttochter #VBW (Vereinigte Bochumer Wohnstätten) 3 Mio. Euro #Rendite an ihre Anteilseignerinnen auszahlen. Das hat der #Bochum|er Rat beschlossen. Die städtischen Anteile werden von den Stadtwerken und der Sparkasse gehalten, die als 100-prozentige Stadttöchter ihre Gewinne wiederum an die Stadt abführen.
Mitteilung der Fraktion „Die #Linke im Rat“ dazu:
#vbw #rendite #bochum #linke #miete
The 2nd wave will come soon!!
#VirtualBeingWorld #VBW
#virtualbeingworld #vbw #worldvtubershowcase #vtuber #siggraph #siggraph2020
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