#ableton #VCV Needs to pump volume because I keep sucking at loudness 😀
Hätte ich als Jugendlicher bereits #vcvRack gehabt, wäre mein Leben vermutlich deutlich anders verlaufen.
Aber wir hatten doch nichts. Es wäre verwegen gewesen, sich zum Geburtstag einen #ModularSynthesizer zu wünschen, wäre auch für die Eltern nicht in Reichweite gewesen… aber hey… immerhin hatte ich Papas #Roland #Juno106 (und habe ihn heute noch). Ich pflege ihn wie andere ihr altes Oldtimer-Auto.
Damals hätte ich allerdings weniger gefragt und mehr gemacht. Und das wäre gut so gewesen. Witzig allerdings, dass junge Menschen heute vermeintlich vor allem die Bildschirme in ihren Handflächen streicheln, wo doch dank Freeware und Open Source gigantomanische kreative Möglichkeiten just around the Corner wären.
Vielleicht ist am Anfang einjeder Sehnsucht doch vor allem die Idee.
#synthesizer #modular #virtual #rack2 #rack #vcv #linux #kubuntu #kxstudio
#kxstudio #kubuntu #linux #vcv #rack #rack2 #virtual #modular #synthesizer #juno106 #roland #modularsynthesizer #vcvrack
@musenhain Das skizzierte Experiment hat unterdessen stattgefunden, heute. Bei genauerer Beohrung und Betrachtung auf dem Scope in VCV zeigt sich ein Delay-Problem bei der Ableitung der Clock aus dem „Takt“ des NoInputMixer-Signals, das aber vielleicht in all dem Krach nicht vordergründig hervorsticht…
#NoInputMixer #techno #tekkno #hardstuff #noise #brutal #nielsonaut #synthesizer #modular #vcvrack #vcv #linux #RandaleUndRadau
#randaleundradau #linux #vcv #vcvrack #modular #synthesizer #nielsonaut #brutal #noise #HardStuff #Tekkno #techno #noinputmixer
„So I say
fuck you for the music, the noise I'm bringing
Thanks for all the toys, they're whinging”
#behringer #neutron #synthesizer #doepfer #darklink #vcv #vcvrack #rack #modular #modularsynthesizer #modularsynthesi
#modularsynthesi #modularsynthesizer #modular #rack #vcvrack #vcv #darklink #doepfer #synthesizer #neutron #behringer
Hi, I'm looking for a new setup for integrating my #eurorack with a linux based workstation not being #ubuntustudio or #ubuntu dependant (Debian is fine). Any tips for a better linux based distro would greatly be appreciated, I work with #vcv-rack, #ardour and integrate using different USB class compliant based soundcards like mixers/multi track recorders, midi and recently got an #expert-sleepers #ES-9, as the connectivity centerpiece/bridge in my setup.
#eurorack #ubuntustudio #ubuntu #vcv #ardour #expert #es
#genuary13: Something you’ve always wanted to learn
I've always wanted to learn #puredata #pd to create my own music and sound effects. This is a simple random sequencer patch I've adjusted while going through Rafael Hernandez Pure Data Youtube Course
The actual sound is created in #vcvrack #vcv receiving midi notes from Pure Data.
#genuary13 #puredata #pd #vcvrack #vcv #GENUARY #genuary2023 #genartclub #music #generativemusic
Cardinal Web has been updated!
It's like the Cardinal plug-in. A eurorack-style modular audio canvas that you can build synths or effects in and use in your DAW, live setup or share online.
All modules are built-in so Cardinal patches are fully portable also between operating systems.
That is - unless you use the Ildaeil module to load external audio plug-ins into your Cardinal patch ;)
TODO: make a Cardinal t-shirt that links to a web patch :)
@freekmurze I played with #VCV for a short time in #2022. Having a full on physical setup is out the question for me (space and price).
Hi all there,
This is the first album release since joining here.
I feel like I've developed my own style of noisy and musical sounds, or spectral structures.
Receive this on Bandcamp as if you were listening to a shortwave broadcast via the ionosphere.
Please enjoy it, thank you!
#electroacoustic #experimental
#synth #modular #cardinal #VCV
#composer #vcv #cardinal #modular #synth #experimental #electroacoustic
I got lost in this loop for way too much time
#vcvrack #vcvrack2 #vcv #modularsynthesis #modularsynth #modularsynthesizer #maxmsp #puredata #eurorack #modularmusic #autechre #aphextwin #idm
#idm #aphextwin #autechre #modularmusic #eurorack #puredata #maxmsp #modularsynthesizer #modularsynth #modularsynthesis #vcv #vcvrack2 #vcvrack
The new beta modules from Surge XT are really fun to play with. But I had to divide the clock by 16 to get a useful quarter note tempo from the DAW 😄
#vcv #vcvrack #modular #vst #producerlife #sounddesign
more development on this morning's patch. inspired by nico georis, matt baldwin etc #vcv #vcvrack #modular #music #electronicmusic
#vcv #vcvrack #modular #music #electronicmusic
Another #AmbientElectronic piece.
Adrift can be listened to anyway you want, so as you can encompass being Adrift.
Enigmatic? Moi?
#ambientelectronic #ambient #electronicmusic #vcv #modular #synth
#synth #ambient #electronicmusic #VCV #modular
A second bit of electronic ambient noodling.
Imagine a walk in the forest on an Alien world - strange, mysterious, haunting...
#synth #ambient #electronicmusic #vcv #modular
#synth #electronicmusic #modular #VCV #ambient
Some dabblings in the world of electronic music.
This one was an attempt at an homage to the late master of the genre, #Vangelis
VCV RACK is my system of choice, even if I do use other soft synths via the Host modules.
#synth #electronicmusic #modular #vcv #ambient #vangelis