India Is 'One of the Worst Autocratisers in the Last 10 Years,' Says 2023 V-Dem Report
Clearly, the trend towards autocratisation in many parts of the world began intensifying in 2020. This new V-Dem report lists 42 countries as “autocratising” at the end of 2022 – a record number.
#VDemReport #VDem #democracy #autocracy #hindutva #BJP #CivilRights #HumanRights #PressFreedom #censorship #FreedomOfExpression #ReligiousFreedom #CasteViolence #kashmir #article370abrogation #HinduNationalism #india
#vdemreport #vdem #democracy #Autocracy #hindutva #BJP #civilrights #humanrights #pressfreedom #censorship #freedomofexpression #religiousfreedom #casteviolence #kashmir #article370abrogation #HinduNationalism #india
India’s Demotion To Electoral Autocracy Is Fair, Repeated Dismissal Of International Surveys Unhelpful, Global Ranking Expert Explains
Year after year, Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s government has criticised and challenged international rankings on democracy, press freedom and civil liberties, where India has been falling since the Bharatiya Janata Party came to power in 2014. The latest pushback, an editorial intervention by two government officials, questioned the methodology and motives of V Dem, Freedom House and the Economist Intelligence Unit. In this interview, Staffan Lindberg, director of the Sweden-based V Dem, explains why the allegations are untrue.
#ElectoralAutocracy #democracy #hindutva #fascism #BJP #NarendraModi #government #VDem #StaffanLindberg #interview #PressFreedom #CivilLiberties #HumanRights #ReligiousFreedom #RightToLove #MastIndia #india
#electoralautocracy #democracy #hindutva #fascism #BJP #narendramodi #government #vdem #staffanlindberg #interview #pressfreedom #civilliberties #humanrights #religiousfreedom #RightToLove #mastindia #india