Just ordered a new #monitor, as I’m going to be doing lots of #screen work over the next few months: a shiny #Dell #U2722DE. I’ve been laptop-(screen)-bound for well over 5 years, so moving back to having a fixed, big(ger) screen feels like something of a weird change! #VDU #display
#monitor #screen #dell #u2722de #vdu #display
Der Verband deutschsprachiger Übersetzer*innen literarischer und wissenschaftlicher Werke (VdÜ) stellt sich vor.
#VdÜ #Weltlesebuehne #Übersetzer*innen #xl8
#vdu #weltlesebuehne #ubersetzer #xl8
Behind every book is a writer, a translator, an illustrator – bringing stories to life.
Schönen #WelttagdesBuches – dieses Jahr mal mit ein paar Comics😃📚#behindeverybook #hinterjedembuch #worldbookday2023 #Weltbuchtag #übersetzung #xl8 #translator #namethetranslator #vdü
#welttagdesbuches #behindeverybook #hinterjedembuch #worldbookday2023 #weltbuchtag #ubersetzung #xl8 #translator #namethetranslator #vdu
This may be the closest thing I've found to a solution.
Price is right.
#androidauto #vdu #spotifycarthing #bluetooth
So I"m thinking about the lack of android auto in the car.
Then I saw this Spotify Car Thing and said hey it's a Spotify version of a VDU with bluetooth. This would be great if it was not limited to spottily.
Pretty much they are gone or expensive but what if it's not the only kind of that thing in existence?
Anything else out there like that? This would eliminate the need to have a tablet/computer and a data plan, and it would put a nice little set of controls some where.
Is there a DIY VUD that can connect to a phone with Bluetooth?
#androidauto #vdu #spotifycarthing #bluetooth
Wer würde denn die #Merz #VDU überhaupt noch wählen?
Oder hat Rechts sogar inzwischen wieder eine Mehrheit in DE?
Die Zukunft ist wohl wieder ziemlich Braun.
RT @tagesschau@twitter.com
CDU-Chef Merz nennt Klimaaktivisten "kriminelle Straftäter" http://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/letzte-generation-109.html #LetzteGeneration #Merz #BER
🐦🔗: https://twitter.com/tagesschau/status/1596475599983214592
#merz #vdu #LetzteGeneration #ber