"the businessmen who own everything have employed themselves in the economically unproductive practices of conspicuous consumption and conspicuous leisure, which are useless activities that contribute neither to the economy nor to the material production of useful goods and services. Instead, the middle and working classes support the whole of society"
#Veblen #economics #HistoryOfEconomicThought #inequality #y1899
#veblen #economics #historyofeconomicthought #inequality #y1899
I am not an economist but as far as I know, Marx already distinguished "industrial capitalism" from "finance capitalism". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Finance_capitalism
#Veblen seems to have developed this distrinction further.
Gottfried Feder, the original Nazi party's chief economist, also liked to distinguish between "schaffendes Kapital" and "raffendes Kapital", creating a basis for #Strasserism and #Hitlerism.
I wonder how we can use this distinction now without falling into the abyss that is antisemitism.
#hitlerism #strasserism #veblen
Phrase of the day:
"Trained incapacity"
In #sociology, trained #incapacity is "that state of affairs in which one's abilities function as inadequacies or blind spots."
#sociology #incapacity #thorstein #veblen
'Representative government means, chiefly, representation of business interests.' - Thorstein #Veblen, The Theory of Business Enterprise, 1904.
Hence my preference for #directdemocracy.
If you'd like to learn about famous #economists, we've got #podcasts on all of these:
With more to come... #econtwitter
#economists #podcasts #smith #marx #ricardo #keynes #hayek #friedman #pigou #ostrom #robinson #malthus #khaldun #Kahneman #fawcett #schumacher #schumpeter #sen #desolo #yunus #duflo #phillips #gini #nashjr #lewis #buchanan #kuznets #marshall #veblen #econtwitter
Here's a fun talk I have a few months ago on "Encrypting tulips in the modern prestige economy: Blockchain, cryptocurrency, NFTs, and dystopianism"
#cryptocurrancies #nft #dystopic #economics #veblen #deadmoney
#deadmoney #veblen #economics #dystopic #NFT #cryptocurrancies