Nothing like going back to a CAD drawing 3 months later to update it only to realize you drew it in the most expedient manner, instead of drawing it properly to make it easy for future you.
Das sind die zwei Modelle die zur Zeit im Portfolio sind. Die Vereinssauna für 12 Personen und die mobile Sauna für 5 Personen. Da ein fester Standort nicht in Aussicht ist, konzentriert sich die Planung zur Zeit auf die kleine Sauna. Ziel wäre im August beim Chaos Communication Camp dabei zusein. Aber noch steht das in den Sternen. ⭐⭐⭐
#ikoseder #entwurfspläne #architekturzeichung #vereinssauna #mobilesauna #großgegenklein #kleinesschwarzes #großenuss #vectorworks #cad #varianten #cccamp23
#ikoseder #entwurfsplane #architekturzeichung #vereinssauna #mobilesauna #großgegenklein #kleinesschwarzes #großenuss #vectorworks #cad #Varianten #cccamp23
Quando eu era sócio de uma pequena editora chamada ProBooks (inicialmente Editora VectoPro) eu fiz várias capas... esta aqui do livro de #Vectorworks era ilustrada com um modelo tridimensional do Edifício Guaimbê, projeto de #PauloMendesDaRocha ganhador do Pritzker.
#vectorworks #paulomendesdarocha
For more than 15 years I teached a CAD software named #Vectorworks (when I stared it was called MiniCAD),
The VW built-in programming language, MiniPascal, later rebranded VectorScript rekindled my interest in programming (as a teen I had learned a bit of Pascal) allowing me to make "plug-in menu commands", and "parametric objects". Nowadays I don't teach VW anymore and I wish I knew more FreeCAD so I could teach it instead.
And finnaly the reason for this post: a PT Wikipedia editor deleted the vectorworks page in Portuguese. I tried a very brief appeal that was denied, and I have no energy to pursue this any further. It makes me angry and sad.
English page is doing fine (I think the switched it to describe the company named Vectorworks Inc.) The german version is more like I remebered it.
Also. Manchmal ist Vectorworks auch "Wehe, du atmest falsch!".... Orrrr.
#Vectorworks #Zeichnen #Landschaftsarchitektur
#vectorworks #zeichnen #Landschaftsarchitektur
I spent this week and some of last week designing and rendering this corporate event in #Vectorworks and #Capture to get myself up to speed on some of the software updates. I wanted to try something asymmetrical and out of my wheel house. #LightingDesign
#vectorworks #capture #lightingdesign
Frage mich gerade ein gaaaanz kleines Bisschen, wie ich 8h Online-Kurs-von-Zuhause-aus-Schulung bewältigen kann, wenn die ganze Familie unerwartet daheim bleibt. Es bleibt spannend. ☕☕☕☕☕
#Glatteis #HomeOffice #Webinar #Schulung #Vectorworks #mehrKaffee #Montagmorgen #Onlinekurs #KinderZuHause
#glatteis #homeoffice #webinar #schulung #vectorworks #mehrKaffee #montagmorgen #onlinekurs #kinderzuhause
I use the Professional version of the #OpenSource #QCAD #CAD software, which is amazing 🌈🦄
The free version is fine for #GardenDesign.
The Professional version has more features & is only £40. This is £2,610 cheaper than the industry standard #Vectorworks 😳
There is also a really thorough #QCAD book as well:
Another #OpenSource alternative to #QCAD is #LibreCAD
#librecad #vectorworks #gardendesign #cad #qcad #opensource
It's amazing how many basic functions are hobbled in the £1500 #Vectorworks Fundamentals version. Just discovered I can't create a section through a 3D model.
My career so far spans from starting my practice with a Sanyo PC clone with two 5.25" floppy drives, to 3D CAD so sophisticated that I can walk clients through animated versions of future spaces. Us architects have great good fortune, and I in particular can barely believe my luck.
@Livelaughlovecraft I also draft in #Vectorworks using Spotlight for #Lightwright integration. I have been using it since it was MiniCAD 7.0
First post. At the SLC airport on my way home from #ASLA 2022. Thanks #Vectorworks for sending me, learned a ton and look forward to attending again in the future!
Sorry jumped right in without an introduction... Originally from the UK but now an Irish citizen long before Brexit. An architect working in the West of Ireland and trying to save the planet. Father of 4 boys, now men & does a bit of cycling & uses #Vectorworks
Any suggestions or recommendations for a Linux .vwx viewer?
#lazyweb #askfosstodon #askmastodon #vectorworks