Staying Motivated for Retro World Expo 2023
This weekend in glorious Hartford, Connecticut. Could I be more motivated?
#Blaugust #Blaugust2023 #FinalFantasyXIII #ParappaTheRapper #RetroWorldExpo #UmJammerLammy #vectrex
#blaugust #blaugust2023 #finalfantasyxiii #parappatherapper #retroworldexpo #umjammerlammy #vectrex
#TurnsOutImStillCrapAt "Rip-Off" - #Vectrex
I've owned this game as long as the machine but it's aeons since I played it. This is the new(ish) rotary control-enabled version, part of the compilation "Spin Cart 2" from Binary Star Software.
A spinner does indeed make things easier... but not that much!
#turnsoutimstillcrapat #vectrex #retrogaming #vector #80s
Auf dem #C64 läuft "Micro Hexagon" auf unseren Veranstaltungen schon lange in Dauerrotation, die #Vectrex-Version "Vectrexagon" aus 2016 ist ebenfalls sehr beeindruckend, besonders der Soundtrack! 🤩
Spielt noch jemand auf dieser außergewöhnlichen Konsole von 1982? 👾 🕹️
#retronomarcade RETROGAMING #retrogames #Retro #Nerds #8bit #arcade #arcadegames #nopixels
#c64 #vectrex #retronomarcade #retrogames #retro #Nerds #8bit #arcade #arcadegames #nopixels
Wer heute Nachmittag in #Plettenberg ist, muss uns besuchen! 🤩 Der SLC veranstaltet ein Gaming-Turnier und #retronomarcade ist ein Teil davon 👾 🎮
In der Stadtbücherei, Alter Markt 3 um 16 Uhr! Teilnahme am Turnier kostet 5 € 🏆
#RETROGAMING #retro #NRW #Sauerland #Event #gaming #nintendo #vectrex #playstation2 #pong
#plettenberg #retronomarcade #retrogaming #retro #NRW #Sauerland #Event #gaming #nintendo #vectrex #playstation2 #pong
Still, it's probably a better deal than this one…
Anyone else have a #Vectrex when they were kids?
I had one and I loved it! It was vector based so faux #3D in some games and was NOTHING like anything else around ..and it MAY be in my parents attic, but i'm pretty sure they made me sell it at a #yardsale... Like they did everything else that I didn't play with for 6 months... 😆
This is one of the few things I'm nostalgic about... #retro #rettogames #retrogaming #80s
#80s #retrogaming #rettogames #retro #yardsale #3d #vectrex
Vectrex Light Pen Works Without a Raster #Retrocomputing #vectordisplay #LightPen #vectrex
#Retrocomputing #vectordisplay #lightpen #vectrex
Vectrex Light Pen Works Without a Raster - Sometimes the simplest of projects end up revealing the most interesting of things... - #retrocomputing #vectordisplay #lightpen #vectrex
#vectrex #lightpen #vectordisplay #retrocomputing
if anyone (in the UK), is looking for a #Vectrex Console, just saw one for sale on gumtree East Lothian, for £200. which is a good price. hell its a really good price. tempted but its not really my thing. found it in my daily window shop for old #retrocomputing stuff
it looks to have some sort of space invaders vinyl wrapper on it as well. which is different.
search for vectrex in scotland and you should find it if its something you are after.
#retrogaming #retro #retrocomputer #retroconsole
#vectrex #retrocomputing #retrogaming #retro #retrocomputer #retroconsole
Random Controller of the Day
🕹️Vectrex Built-In Control Panel ( GCE / MB)
🗓️ 1995
➡️ Vectrex
The controller which comes with the Vectrex has an analog(ue) joystick and four buttons. The controller is attached to the machine via a telephone cord style curly lead.
When you were not playing, the controller sat discretely on the front of the machine.
#Joystick #retrogaming #vectrex
If you have recently made a game for an obsolete machine* I’d love for you to let me know! Going forward I’m planning to make monthly videos of new games for old machines.
RAM OK ROM OK’s Retro Indie Game Round Up. Or RORORIGRU for short!
#retrogaming #GameDev #atari #c64 #ZXSpectrum #vectrex #Sega #gameboy #nes #snes #msdos #msx #oric #Amiga #Amstrad #appleII #intellivision #ChannelF
(*also planning to cover stuff for retro-adjacent systems such as Pico-8, Playdate, SpectrumNext too)
#retrogaming #gamedev #atari #c64 #zxspectrum #vectrex #sega #gameboy #nes #snes #msdos #MSX #oric #amiga #amstrad #appleii #intellivision #channelf
After waiting for a few years for a Pitrex and a Raspberry Pi Zero W to become available, I finally snagged both!
Unfortunately when I fired up the #Vectrex, the controller won't let me go right which means I'm stuck on the settings menu! So close!
Now I need to fix that before getting to try this amazing mod.
#ClassicGames #VideoGames #RetroGaming #gaming #pitrex #RaspberryPi
#vectrex #classicgames #videogames #retrogaming #gaming #pitrex #raspberrypi
#vectrex #console #retrogaming #videogames #arcade #cabinet #80s #90s #geek
Measured the dimensions of the spring inside the #joystick of the #vectrex :vectrex_mb: so I can source it more easily, because I like to do things the #hardway (sometimes) instead of just ordering some from #console5.
wire diameter: 0.8mm
outer diameter: 8mm
number of laps: 1
torsion angle: 60°
#joystick #vectrex #hardway #console5
Schon wieder #RetroMontag
Eigentlich keine Zeit, aber #MineStorm auf dem #Vectrex geht immer.
Wobei der Einschaltvorgang hier zunehmend länger dauert. Da ich von sowas absolut keine Ahnung habe, Kondensatoren oder so, bezeichne ich es höchstprofessionell als „Kriechstrom“ 🤷🏻♂️😉
#retromontag #minestorm #vectrex #retrogames #retrogaming #shareyourgames