Inside Odisha's Crackdown on Adivasis: Bauxite Mining, UAPA, and Forest Act
What explains the state crackdown on Dalit-adivasi activists in south Odisha's Bauxite-rich districts?
#odisha #adivasis #dalits #BauxiteMining #UAPA #ForestRights #mining #bauxite #vedanta #environment #CivilRights #DraconianLaws #india
#odisha #adivasis #dalits #bauxitemining #uapa #forestrights #mining #bauxite #vedanta #environment #civilrights #draconianlaws #india
"The caste system is opposed to the religion of the Vedanta. Caste is a social custom, and all our great preachers have tried to break it down. From Buddhism downwards, every sect has preached against caste [...]"
Swami Vivekananda
#Hinduism #vedanta #vivekananda
Aber wen als Arbeit schon Auf und Nieder der Augenlider quält,
dem trägen Lasttier gehört das Glück, —
keinem anderen.
Aṣṭāvakra-Gītā 2.17,
Üb.: Heinrich Zimmer, 1929.
व्यापारे खिद्यते यस्तु निमेषोन्मेषयोरपि |
तस्यालस्यधुरीणस्य सुखं नान्यस्य कस्यचित् ||
vyāpāre khidyate yas tu nimeṣonmeṣayor api |
tasyālasyadhurīṇasya sukhaṃ nānyasya kasyacit ||
#Sanskrit #Vedanta #Advaita #AntiWork
#Sanskrit #vedanta #advaita #antiwork
बोधमात्रोऽहमज्ञानादुपाधिः कल्पितो मया |
एवं विमृशतो नित्यं निर्विकल्पे स्थितिर्मम ||
bodha-mātro'ham ajñānād
upādhiḥ kalpito mayā |
evaṃ vimṛśato nityaṃ
nirvikalpe sthitir mama ||
I am Pure Consciousness. By ignorance
Upādhis (attributes) have been imagined by me.
Contemplating thus, constantly
I abide in that, which is free from all attributes.
Aṣṭāvakra-Gītā 2.17
Here's a great talk about this verse by Swami Sarvapriyananda (Vedanta Society of NY):
Important tenets
'You can only give someone so much shit about being who they are and still claim to love them' Friend
'You aren't what you look like' Douglas Harding
'Judge not, lest ye be judged' Jeebs
'Fear can stop you loving; love can stop your fear' Morcheeba
'Hard is not strong, soft is not weak, truth is not wisdom and silence is not justice' ME
Herein, betwixt and between are #nondualist pointers about self, acceptance, relations, identity and development.
After Adani, OCCRP targets Vedanta, says company lobbied to weaken environmental laws during COVID-19 pandemic
Vedanta's oil business, Cairn India, also successfully lobbied to have public hearings scrapped for exploratory drilling in oil blocks it won in government auctions, the report said.
#vedanta #CairnIndia #OCCRP #environment #law #mining #EnvironmentalImpact #india
#vedanta #cairnindia #OCCRP #environment #law #mining #environmentalimpact #india
Modi government’s new environmental laws a threat to India’s biodiversity and forests
They could open up precious forest resources to the exploitation of private companies.
#ForestConservationBill #BiologicalDiversityBill #ForestRights #TribalRights #EnvironmentalImpact #odisha #NiyamgiriHills #manipur #vedanta #BJP #mining #urbanisation #environment #india
#forestconservationbill #biologicaldiversitybill #forestrights #TribalRights #environmentalimpact #odisha #niyamgirihills #manipur #vedanta #BJP #mining #urbanisation #environment #india
Shares of #Vedanta fell by nearly 3 per cent after #Taiwan's #Foxconn withdrew from a USD 19.5 billion semiconductor joint venture with mining baron Anil Agarwal's firm #press
#vedanta #taiwan #foxconn #press
#Foxconn's withdrawal from its chip joint venture in Gujarat has sparked controversy over #Vedanta's decision to choose Gujarat over #Maharashtra #press
#foxconn #vedanta #maharashtra #press
Wagwan? Say hello, follow, share your SpIn.
Wordsmith, wanderer, ponderer,, implacably fierce for self-determination. Pacifist until you victimise anyone. Eschew borders and countries and currency and profit. Cooperation > competition most of the time. Love my famble everyday.
Likely to reply if you reach out for any or no reason. Don't be awful, of course.
Big up
#Consciousness #Vedanta #Tantra
#Lyricist #Bars
#AntiCapitalism #AntiFascist
#introduction #consciousness #vedanta #tantra #lyricist #bars #decolonize #anticapitalism #AntiFascist
#Vedanta’s #AnilAgarwal took to Twitter to share a post about addressing a few Cambridge students. His post has gone viral #press
傳印度政府拒資助Vedanta 與鴻海合作或告吹
有外媒體和知情人士透露,印度政府有大機會拒絕投資補助 Vedanta Resources Ltd. 及台灣鴻海 […]
The post 傳印度政府拒資助Vedanta 與鴻海合作或告吹 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#科技趣聞 #Vedanta #富士康 #鴻海
Advaita Vedanta (/ʌdˈvaɪtə vɛˈdɑːntə/; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, is a #Hindu #sādhanā, a #path of #spiritual #discipline and #experience, and the oldest #extant #tradition of the #orthodox Hindu school #Vedānta. The term #Advaita (literally "non-secondness", but usually rendered as "#nondualism",and often equated with #monism) refers to the idea that #Brahman alone is ultimately real, while the #transient phenomenal world is an illusory appearance (#maya) of Brahman.
#AdvaitaVedanta #maya #transient #brahman #monism #nondualism #advaita #vedanta #orthodox #tradition #extant #experience #discipline #spiritual #path #SADHANA #hindu
#AdvaitaVedanta (/ʌdˈvaɪtə vɛˈdɑːntə/; Sanskrit: अद्वैत वेदान्त, is a #Hindu #sādhanā, a #path of #spiritual #discipline and #experience, and the oldest #extant #tradition of the #orthodox Hindu school #Vedānta. The term #Advaita (literally "non-secondness", but usually rendered as "#nondualism",and often equated with #monism) refers to the idea that #Brahman alone is ultimately real, while the #transient phenomenal world is an illusory appearance (#maya) of Brahman.
#AdvaitaVedanta #maya #transient #brahman #monism #nondualism #advaita #vedanta #orthodox #tradition #extant #experience #discipline #spiritual #path #SADHANA #hindu
The 'chilling effect' of Ritwick Dutta's case could stifle the fight for environmental justice
Regardless of the outcome of the criminal case against Dutta, the fear of the process initiated against him will be enough of a deterrent for others seeking to achieve environmental justice in India.
#environment #RitwickDutta #RahulChoudhary #LIFE #activism #CBI #NGT #AdaniEnterprises #vedanta #ClimateChange #india
#environment #ritwickdutta #rahulchoudhary #life #activism #cbi #ngt #adanienterprises #vedanta #ClimateChange #india