Yogi Baba Prem · @YogiBabaPrem
2 followers · 11 posts · Server mastodon.social

The homa is a simplified extension of the Vedic yajña. It is a mystical moment where Devas and humans are both present. Agni is the first to arrive. The offering is made at his feet and transformed for the Devas.

#yoga #vedicyoga #homa #agni

Last updated 2 years ago

Yogi Baba Prem · @YogiBabaPrem
2 followers · 10 posts · Server mastodon.social

Sanātana as in Sāntana Dharma (Hinduism,) not only means eternal, permanent, perpetual and ancient, it is a name of Brahman.

So, Sānatana Dharma can be translated as the "eternal tradition." It also is the tradition of Brahman (consciousness.)

Much of yoga is part of this tradition-The Vedic Yoga tradition.

#vedas #hinduism #dharma #sanatanadharma #yoga #vedicyoga

Last updated 2 years ago

Yogi Baba Prem · @YogiBabaPrem
3 followers · 9 posts · Server mastodon.social

The Vedas and Devas fill my heart. Is there any other spiritual need? Without them all food is less palatable, the sky is less blue. It is the vibrancy in this life. To walk with the Devas is the joy of existence. The goal is returning to their source-Brahman.

#vedas #vedicyoga #yoga #spiritualityandlife

Last updated 2 years ago