#Skateboarder coming off a #jump 👍 Caught them in #midAir 🤘
Past #VeeDubCompetition sponsored by #VansSkateboarding #OffTheWall #CoastlineSurfAndSport & cities of #VictoriaBC & #Esquimalt
#SkaterBoy #yyj #AdrenalineSports #Skateboarding #SkateComp #UrbanSports #ActionShot #SportsPhotography #SkateboardPhotography #BoardSports #VicWest #SkatePark #SkateOrDie #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #monochrome #BWPhoto #ActionPhotography #adrenaline #BCSkateboarding
#monochromemonday #skateboarder #jump #midair #veedubcompetition #vansskateboarding #offthewall #coastlinesurfandsport #victoriabc #esquimalt #skaterboy #yyj #adrenalinesports #skateboarding #skatecomp #urbansports #actionshot #sportsphotography #skateboardphotography #boardsports #vicwest #skatepark #skateordie #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #monochrome #bwphoto #actionphotography #adrenaline #bcskateboarding
#skateboarding #blaster over gate. Although I wasn't totally satisfied with this shot - it's the one that earned me lots of extra income from selling multiple usage rights to it.
I was the only photographer there who caught this successful blaster move.
#AsianMastodon #FromMyArchive #WorldInMyEyes #MyPerspective #CanonPhotographers #Canon5d #sports #skaters #skateboarders #VicWest #VeeDubCompetition #ActionPhotography #SkateboardPhotography #VictoriaBC #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #BWPhoto
#skateboarding #blaster #asianmastodon #frommyarchive #worldinmyeyes #myperspective #canonphotographers #canon5d #sports #skaters #skateboarders #vicwest #veedubcompetition #actionphotography #skateboardphotography #victoriabc #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #bwphoto