Stephanie Burgis · @stephanieburgis
1288 followers · 3319 posts · Server

I had a bad night of sleep, but getting to start my Saturday morning with a slice of this gorgeous (and vegan) apple pie (made by my dad) REALLY turned my mood around. :)

#veganbaking #pie

Last updated 1 year ago

kamikat · @kamikat
635 followers · 2347 posts · Server

Oops! Used up the energy I was planning to use to cut out some pajamas to make a cake instead.

#wfpb #veganfood #veganbaking

Last updated 1 year ago

akaDuke · @goodmorningduke
88 followers · 563 posts · Server

Meal prep day! This week's treat is locally sourced vegan pumpkin apple blueberry banana walnut muffins.

Unfortunately the bananas aren't local. The vast acreages of central Ohio's banana farms were torn asunder under order of the United Fruit Company during the Banana Wars of the early 1900s.

The industry never recovered but some say you can still smell the sweet, sticky scent of fried bananas on the wind just east of Utica on particularly warm summer mornings.

#veganbaking #muffins

Last updated 1 year ago

· @ordinoides
127 followers · 265 posts · Server

Looks like fried chicken but it's not! 😆 It's shortcake (dense buttery mildly-sweet cake, for the non-Americans) I made for . I love this but baking during strawberry season is usually a recipe for heating your house too. Baking it outdoors in my using only sunlight solves the problem!
The funny shape is because I tried to take it out of the pan too early, it stuck to the pan and broke so I put it back in to cook longer. Sometimes timing in the is a bit of guesswork, I didn't get it right, whoops.
It turned out really good though! The extra cooking time made it turn really brown with a deep caramel -y flavor. Very good with sliced macerated in sugar, and a little scoop of vanilla ice cream.

#strawberryShortcake #dessert #solaroven #strawberries #Vegan #solarCooking #veganbaking #veganfood #OutdoorCooking #Solar #sustainable #SolarCooker

Last updated 1 year ago

· @ordinoides
39 followers · 149 posts · Server

Another home run for and ! chocolate (recipe from most recent Joy of Cooking) baked in my homemade low cost . So cool to bake a cake on a hot summer day without heating up the kitchen! (And it's free energy!)
I was a dingdong and forgot to take a picture before digging into it, so in the photo it has a big wedge already taken out. Oh well, it's proof that the middle was cooked, right?
Eaten in the lid of my cooking vessel (a stainless steel dog bowl) with vegan vanilla ice cream and fresh raspberries from the garden.

#solarCooking #veganbaking #Vegan #cake #DIY #solaroven #badfoodphotography #sustainablefood #solarpunk #directsolarenergy

Last updated 1 year ago

Muge Onal Baser · @mugeonal
107 followers · 259 posts · Server

@glittertofu It is good to question, but baking is a chemical process, so the processing steps in recipes are important.

#vegan #baking #veganbaking

Last updated 1 year ago

Stephanie Burgis · @stephanieburgis
1191 followers · 2665 posts · Server

Total joy: after YEARS of trying, I have finally, *finally* discovered a vegan chocolate-chocolate-chip cookie recipe that is genuinely easy, fast, and delicious. I'm so happy!

(Cakes & muffins & pies are easy to veganize, but this is my first cookie win)

#baking #veganbaking

Last updated 1 year ago

maxi #LĂźtziLebt · @maxi
138 followers · 904 posts · Server

I'm wondering which stance my followers (and my followers' follower, etc.) have on 🤔 🍰 🍽️

(Multiple choices)

#cake #vegan #food #veganbaking #poll

Last updated 2 years ago

🇬🇧 Just fresh out of the oven: Pretzel buns. Recipe via . Very nomy, indeed.
🇩🇪 Gerade frisch aus'm Ofen: Bretzelsemmeln. Rezept via . Sehr lecker und komplett vegan.

#vegansofmastodon #veganbaking #veganfood #whatveganseat #worldwidevegannomz

Last updated 2 years ago

maxi #LĂźtziLebt · @maxi
136 followers · 797 posts · Server

Today I followed the same long recipe as last time. Unfortunately, my new bake isn't as asexy as the last loaf, which rose much higher. I did only a few things differently:

- I left out raisins; it's already tasty enough w/o them
- I forgot to prepare the scalded flour in the first evening. Thus I had to prepare it 30min before mixing the main dough. I don't think this made much of a difference, though
- I spent less time preparing the main dough. Last time I kneaded a bit during a Zoom meeting, before I put the dough into the fridge
- Last time, I probably incorporated more water while kneading. Today's dough felt a bit drier
- I accidentally used more sourdough starter AND more salt. It didn't really change much baking-wise, but today's bread has a stronger taste (which I liked!). Perhaps the additional salt compensated the additional sourdough starter in terms of the fermentation speed.

Overall, today's bread turned out quite delicious again! Regardless of that, maybe I will try out a different recipe next time. I still have my very own (i.e. bake a tasty bread according to the results of the poll


#fermentation #fedibread #challenge #bread #veganbaking #sourdough #spelt #dinkel #vollkorn #wholemeal

Last updated 2 years ago

Rust [they/them] · @ttt
10 followers · 42 posts · Server

I am learning baking to introduce my colleagues to vegan recipes, and this is the recipe that so far had the biggest success.

Apple muffins:
200g flour
100g starch (Speisestärke)
100g sugar
15g baking powder
1 teaspoon cinnamon
250g soy milk
50g sunflower oil
2 apples diced
bake in oven at 180°C

#vegan #veganfood #veganrecipes #veganbaking

Last updated 2 years ago

Beckysay · @Beckysay
131 followers · 420 posts · Server

Dinner tonight- Sourdough Focaccia with eggplant, zucchini, mushrooms, roasted peppers, garlic, onion and a sprinkle of vegan cheese.

#sourdoughbaking #sourdough #focaccia #veganbaking #Vegan

Last updated 2 years ago

Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1036 followers · 11372 posts · Server
Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1036 followers · 11371 posts · Server
Hanna Esmeralda · @HannaEsmeralda_
1036 followers · 11369 posts · Server
Beckysay · @Beckysay
131 followers · 420 posts · Server

This coming Sunday is Easter on the Greek Orthodox calendar. These cookies (mahmool) are made and served to represent the crown of thorns. The cookie is a delicate semolina dough and they are filled with a date paste. I veganized the recipe.

#dates #Cookies #easterbaking #Easter #veganbaking #Vegan

Last updated 2 years ago

maxi #LĂźtziLebt · @maxi
134 followers · 731 posts · Server

So I wanted to make a very soft 100% spelt wholemeal sourdough bread. I achieved this by scalding 20% of the flour (which is quite a lot), and by also adding 20% (in baker's percentage) of spelt flakes. I also added some raisins, which made the bread a bit sweeter. The overall hydration of the bread was 82%, but the dough didn't feel that wet!

About 15% of the flour was in the sourdough (75% hydration) starter, which is quite a lot for long fermentation, but the dough developed nicely in the fridge. The bulk fermentation was from Monday noon until Monday night; then I shaped the dough and let it proof in the ceramic baking mould over night. Surprisingly, the bread had quite an oven spring; it even touched the lid of the baking mould.

I really loved the deep brown colour of the crust and the very soft, uniformly pored crumb with the spongy texture typical for high-hydration wholemeal bread. Much more than the raisins, however, I appreciated the added spelt flakes (which were of the kind Rotdinkel, I think, which has a distinctive nutty taste). Perhaps the bread would also have worked with olives or even with grated carrots.


#bread #raisins #veganbaking #sourdough #spelt #dinkel

Last updated 2 years ago

maxi #LĂźtziLebt · @maxi
134 followers · 731 posts · Server

So I wanted to make a very soft 100% spelt wholemeal sourdough bread. I achieved this by scalding 20% of the flour (which is quite a lot), and by also adding 20% (in baker's percentage) of spelt flakes. I also added some raisins, which made the bread a bit sweeter. The overall hydration of the bread was 82%, but the dough didn't feel that wet!

About 15% of the flour was in the sourdough (75% hydration) starter, which is quite a lot for long fermentation, but the dough developed nicely in the fridge. The bulk fermentation was from Monday noon until Monday night; then I shaped the dough and let it proof in the ceramic baking mould over night. Surprisingly, the bread had quite an oven spring; it even touched the lid of the baking mould.

I really loved the deep brown colour of the crust and the very soft, uniformly pored crumb with the spongy texture typical for high-hydration wholemeal bread. Much more than the raisins, however, I appreciated the added spelt flakes (which were of the kind Rotdinkel, I think, which has a distinctive nutty taste). Perhaps the bread would also have worked with olives or even with grated carrots.


#bread #raisins #veganbaking #sourdough

Last updated 2 years ago

Medeia Sharif · @medeiasharif
14 followers · 102 posts · Server

My Saturday baking went well with these chocolate chip macadamia nut red velvet cookies. 🍪

#veganbaking #veganrecipes #Vegan #chocolatechipcookies #redvelvet #Cookies #bakingtime #baking

Last updated 2 years ago

Beckysay · @Beckysay
131 followers · 420 posts · Server

Today’s adventures in sourdough a slightly sweet raspberry preserve filled sourdough braid

#coffeecake #breadbaking #bread #sourdoughbaking #sourdough #veganbaking #Vegan

Last updated 2 years ago