Ride out to Tor cafe Cromford.
The electricity was out, so the traffic lights were not working...
I had a coffee. And a Coke. And a bottle of water. And a breakfast....
100k big day out (for me) in Derbyshire.
#cycling #bike #veganbreakfast
I used my left over pizza topping (spicy, sweet peppers, and onion) and some just egg to make this eggy thingamajig. Also potatoes and toast but definitely needs fruit and I have no fruit 🚫🍑🍇🥭😞
100 g Haferflocken
200 ml Hafermilch
2 EL Kakaopulver
1. Die Haferflocken in eine Schüssel geben und mit der Hafermilch übergießen.
2. Das Kakaopulver hinzufügen und alles gut vermengen.
3. Die Schüssel abdecken und über Nacht in den Kühlschrank stellen.
4. Am nächsten Morgen die Haferflocken aus dem Kühlschrank nehmen und nochmals umrühren.
5. Die Schüssel in die Mikrowelle geben und die Haferflocken für 2 Minuten bei 400 Watt erhitzen.
6. Die Haferflocken aus der Mikrowelle nehmen und umrühren. Bei Bedarf weiter aufwärmen.
#Fraßtodon #KIKochbuch #AICooking #ChefGPT #Frühstück #Haferflocken #Kakao #Hafermilch #overnight #Mikrowelle #Mikrowellenküche #Mikrowellenrezepte #Haferflockenfrühstück #Hafermilchrezepte #Kakaorezepte #overnightoatslove #gesund #gesundessen #gesundesEssen #gesundeKüche #gesundesfrühstück #lecker #einfacheKüche #einfacheRezepte #schnelleKüche #schnelleRezepte #vegetarisch #vegan #vegetarischeRezepte #veganeRezepte #veganesFrühstück #bio #regional #healthyfood #Rezept #veganbreakfast #veganrecipes #organic 🥣🌾🍫🥛🌡️🥄🧑🍳🌱🌍🌞
#fraßtodon #kikochbuch #aicooking #chefgpt #fruhstuck #haferflocken #kakao #hafermilch #overnight #mikrowelle #mikrowellenkuche #mikrowellenrezepte #haferflockenfruhstuck #hafermilchrezepte #kakaorezepte #overnightoatslove #gesund #GesundEssen #gesundesessen #gesundekuche #gesundesfruhstuck #lecker #einfachekuche #einfacherezepte #schnellekuche #schnellerezepte #vegetarisch #Vegan #vegetarischeRezepte #veganeRezepte #veganesfruhstuck #bio #Regional #healthyfood #rezept #veganbreakfast #veganrecipes #organic
Stuck at #BerlinAirport and need a #VeganBreakfast ? I really enjoyed this one: https://www.happycow.net/reviews/ber-staandige-vertretung-berlin-351939/1355231
It was fresh, light, very tasty, and not at all over-priced given the airport location.
#WhatVegansEat #OhneMampfKeinKampf #VeganRestaurantReviews #HappyCow #TeamCow
#teamcow #happycow #veganrestaurantreviews #ohnemampfkeinkampf #whatveganseat #veganbreakfast #berlinairport
Ziemlich Lust auf süß heute Morgen, also v Erdbeer Joghurt mit Banane, "weniger süß - Hafer Crunchy" von Ja (Rewe), Blaubeeren, TK Himbeeren und geviertelten Mandeln mit Schale. Yum.
#veganbreakfast #vegan #plantbased #veganfood #gutenmorgen
"Looking for delicious and healthy vegan recipes? Check out this amazing vegan cookbook! Packed with mouth-watering dishes, it's perfect for anyone looking to embrace a plant-based lifestyle.
👉👉 https://bit.ly/40foJmH
#vegan #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganism #veganlife #vegansofinstagram #veganfoodporn #vegangirl #Vegano #vegans #veganlifestyle #veganrecipes #veganCommunity #veganfitness #veganeats #veganbreakfast #veganlove #veganfoodlovers #veganpower #veganbodybuilding #veganaf #veganfoodie #veganforlife #veganbeauty #veganathlete #veganshare #vegandinner #veganfriendly #veganfit
#vegan #vegansofig #veganfood #veganfoodshare #veganism #veganlife #vegansofinstagram #veganfoodporn #vegangirl #vegano #Vegans #veganlifestyle #veganrecipes #vegancommunity #veganfitness #veganeats #veganbreakfast #veganlove #veganfoodlovers #veganpower #veganbodybuilding #veganaf #veganfoodie #veganforlife #veganbeauty #veganathlete #veganshare #vegandinner #veganfriendly #veganfit
Breakfast “Fuul”
Fava beans with garlic, jalapeños and olive oil, served with homemade pita bread #vegan #VeganFood #VeganBreakfast #PitaBread
#pitabread #veganbreakfast #veganfood #Vegan
Today’s adventures in sourdough Vegan Sourdough Banana Walnut Chocolate Chip Pancakes #Yummy #Pancakes #Sourdough #SourdoughPancakes #Vegan #VeganCooking #VeganBreakfast #VeganPancakes
#veganpancakes #veganbreakfast #vegancooking #Vegan #sourdoughpancakes #sourdough #pancakes #yummy
250g boiled new potatoes fried in 10g Dairy Gold plant based spread and two grilled tomatoes. Circa 290 calories.
#vegan #veganbreakfast #food #diet
Nice vegan breakfast today of a Pukka sausage roll, marmite crisps and some golden Oreos. #vegan #veganbreakfast #veganfood #vegansausageroll #vegancrisps #marmite #marmitecrisps
#marmitecrisps #marmite #vegancrisps #vegansausageroll #veganfood #veganbreakfast #vegan
Breakfast- patties made with red lentils, potato, carrots, turmeric, tomato salad with crushed garlic and dill seeds, zed and zaatar (olive oil & thyme mix) everything bagel seasoned sourdough bread and tea with mint #Vegan #VeganFood #VeganBreakfast #Cooking #Sourdough
#sourdough #Cooking #veganbreakfast #veganfood #Vegan
Scrambled Tofu / veganes "Rührei" - Der Frühstücks-Klassiker. 😋
Was ist euer Lieblingsfrühstück?
#frühstück #frühstücksideen #tofu #breakfast #vegan #veganbreakfast #veganfrühstück #veganesfrühstück #veganfriendly
#fruhstuck #fruhstucksideen #tofu #breakfast #vegan #veganbreakfast #veganfruhstuck #veganesfruhstuck #VeganFriendly
Healthy breakfast this morning: porridge, banana, pumpkin and sunflower seeds with oat milk, toasted bagel with peanut butter and blackcurrant jam, all washed down with loads of hot, black coffee.
#scottishvegan #govegan #vegan #veganbreakfast
Breakfast this fine Tuesday morning Vegan Blueberry
Sourdough Discard Pancakes #Vegan
#VeganBreakfast #VeganRecipeldeas
#Sourdough #SourdoughPancakes #SourdoughPancakesWithBlueberries
#Breakfast #Breakfastldeas
#vegan #veganrecipes #veganrecipesforkids #veganbreakfast #veganrecipeldeas #sourdough #sourdoughpancakes #sourdoughpancakeswithblueberries #Breakfast #breakfastldeas #healthybreakfast
Mushrooms fried in garlic with a sprinkling of parsley for breakfast
#veganuary2023 #veganuary #govegan #veganbreakfast
#vegan #veganbreakfast #veganuary #letsgovegan #vegansofig #veganbacon #veganspek #tofu #scrambledtofu #beans #wittebonen #toast #mushrooms #tomato #vegancheese #dairyfree #zuivelvrij #ontbijt #veganontbijt #plantbased #plantaardig #howtomarryamillionaire
#vegan #veganbreakfast #veganuary #letsgovegan #vegansofig #veganbacon #veganspek #tofu #scrambledtofu #beans #wittebonen #toast #mushrooms #tomato #vegancheese #dairyfree #zuivelvrij #ontbijt #veganontbijt #plantbased #plantaardig #howtomarryamillionaire
Lazy Sunday morning Arabic style vegan breakfast with fresh out of the oven sourdough bread #vegan #sourdough #VeganBreakfast #SourdoughBread #foodie #FoodPorn
#vegan #sourdough #veganbreakfast #sourdoughbread #foodie #foodPorn
A wee Saturday morning treat, a roll and vegan links.
#Veganbreakfast #Veganuary #Veganuary2023 #ScottishVegan #vegan #govegan #veganfood
#veganfood #govegan #vegan #scottishvegan #veganuary2023 #veganuary #veganbreakfast
Can #vegans eat #PopTarts? Yup. Even those of us who are strict about sugar processing can find a toaster pastry or two.
#vegans #poptarts #veganuary #veganbreakfast #veganpastry