Emile Dingemans ☑️ · @emiledingemans
533 followers · 1463 posts · Server mastodon.nl

After asking 16.000 Americans what they really eat, it turns out that vegetarians emit one kilogram less of greenhouse gas emissions per thousand calories. Vegans even emitted less.

#vegandiet #climatechange #greenhousegasemissions

Last updated 1 year ago

Dan Ramos :verified: · @Dan_Ramos
1048 followers · 5015 posts · Server noagendasocial.com

Save the Planet, Put Down that Hamburger

Researchers examined the diets of 55,500 people & found that vegans are responsible for 75% LESS GREENHOUSE GASES than meat-eaters


#vegan #vegandiet #food #greenhousegases

Last updated 1 year ago

raimoncoding · @raimoncoding
31 followers · 82 posts · Server techhub.social
Palm Oil Detectives · @palmoildetectives
834 followers · 1304 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

: finds that vegan mothers’ breastmilk contains two important nutrients, B2 and carnitine. These are essential nutrients for the developing baby.

“𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙨𝙩𝙪𝙙𝙮 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙚𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙨 𝙖𝙨𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙥𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙖𝙩 𝙫𝙚𝙜𝙖𝙣 𝙙𝙞𝙚𝙩𝙨 𝙢𝙖𝙮 𝙣𝙤𝙩 𝙗𝙚 𝙣𝙪𝙩𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣𝙖𝙡𝙡𝙮 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚”

Read more: www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnut.2023.1107768/abstract

#news #research #vegandiet #worldmilkday #mothersmilk #wfpddiet #veganmothers #nutrition #human #health

Last updated 1 year ago

Study: Vegan Diet Causes More Than 500 Genes to Change in 3 Months

I might give a try. I've been intermittent fasting but feel like I need an extra boost to help fight off the long COVID or shorten recovery time. It's going to be mind numbingly tough. Also need to cut back on sugar as much as possible. The effort and journey is what matters.



#genes #vegandiet #LongCovid #veganism

Last updated 1 year ago

Vegan Diet · @palakgheeidfc
1 followers · 14 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

@vegan@a.gup.pe @vegan4future @sjrcarson @vegancheck @videos @veganunity @vegan@mastodon.social @DXTR @vegan@events.aachen.social @Vegan@chirp.social

Hey, foodies! I just came across an amazing cookbook called "Easy to Cook Vegan Recipes" that I think you'll love. It's packed with delicious plant-based recipes that can help with weight loss, muscle growth, and promote a healthy heart. Whether you're a vegan or just looking to add more veggies to your diet, this book is a must-have! Check it out here: bit.ly/3mX02wF

#vegan #diet #vegandiet

Last updated 2 years ago

Monika Merkes PhD Ⓥ · @monika
162 followers · 356 posts · Server mastodon.au

"Taiwan Passes Climate Bill Mandating the Promotion of Plant-Based Foods"


"Article 8 of the bill says that the Council of Agriculture must promote waste reduction and low-carbon diets, with the latter category including plant-based and locally-produced foods. Article 42 adds that all levels of government should promote these foods, and mandates support for civil society organisations working towards low-carbon diets."

#taiwan #climate #plantbased #food #lowcarbondiet #vegandiet

Last updated 2 years ago

Monika Merkes PhD Ⓥ · @monika
158 followers · 326 posts · Server mastodon.au

Anecdotal evidence: My Sheba has been on a plant-based diet for a few years now. She is surprisingly fit and healthy for a large dog her age (12+ years). And has a shiny coat, too. I feed her a combination of Veganpet dry food and cooked vegetables with lentils and barley/rice/polenta.

There is not much choice in plant-based commercially produced cat and dog food in Australia. Though I'm very happy with the brand I use, . I order the 15 kg bags online, and it's delivered to my front door by Australia Post.

#veganpet #cats #dogs #plant #vegan #vegandiet

Last updated 2 years ago

Monika Merkes PhD Ⓥ · @monika
158 followers · 325 posts · Server mastodon.au

A systematic review published a few days ago seeks to find out how healthy plant-based diets are for cats and dogs. The authors noted that “there has been limited scientific study on the impact of vegan diets on cat and dog health” and concluded:
“Whilst the quality and amount of evidence needs to be considered in formulating recommendations, there was no overwhelming evidence of adverse effects arising from use of these diets and there was some evidence of benefits. It is, however, recommended that future high-quality studies, with standardized outcome measures and large sample sizes, be conducted. At the current time, if guardians wish to feed their companion animals vegan diets, a cautious approach should be taken using commercially produced diets which have been formulated considering the nutritional needs of the target species.”



#cats #dogs #plant #vegan #vegandiet

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
294 followers · 1702 posts · Server qoto.org

Ratio - The thickness of the planet Earth's atmosphere, compared to the size of the rocky planet, is comparable to the thickness of the skin of an apple, compared to the flesh of the apple.

The planet's atmosphere is a, comparably, thin gaseous layer that covers the Earth. A layer that makes all life on Earth possible. That shields life from solar radiation, keeps the atmosphere not too hot, and not too cold, for life to be possible, etc.

The gaseous, atmospheric layer that human activities are changing the chemical ratio of. More greenhouse gases (e.g., Carbon Dioxide, methane), due to human fuel-burning & animal farming methods (things that billions of humans do a lot of).

Think again of an apple. A green apple. But this time it's on a tree.

That tree & the green apple represents life.

Life is (bio) chemistry (carbon-based lifeforms).

Fuels are (carbon-based) chemistry. Burning fuels such as coal, wood, oil, diesel, petrol & gas, causes toxins (gases and particulate matter) to be released into the air, land & water. Burning these fuels is also warming the planet's atmosphere, which is causing the climate to change at a life-reducing rate (biodiversity loss)

We've known this for decades. And yet, at this year's , the adults could not even agree on a plan to phase out fossil fuels. They could not even make that part of the main plan. Obviously, having fossil fuel lobbyists attend COP27 is the opposite of helping the process.

"100% Clean and Renewable Wind, Water, and Sunlight All-Sector Energy Roadmaps for 139 Countries of the World" doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2017.0

Of course, the fossil fuel lobbyists won't "agree" on the 100% clean renewable energy plan. It will put them out of business (& not a moment too soon)

So, the question is, what is wrong with these decision-makers? More specifically, who has an agenda that is ultimately irrational & immoral? Who profits by extracting, growing, selling & burning fuels?

Why won't they agree to save the "green apple" from their harmful products? (chemicals)

An industry & its associated sociopolitical & socioeconomic organizations that are rotten (corrupt) in their core (e.g., greenwash).

"Each collection provides an illuminating inside look at this coordinated campaign of deception, an effort underwritten by ExxonMobil, Chevron, ConocoPhillips, BP, Shell, Peabody Energy, and other members of the fossil fuel industry." ucsusa.org/resources/climate-d

That's who they're! That's what they're. Not the blah blah blah sales pitches.

" the seven “deception dossiers”
presented here tell an undeniable truth—that, for nearly three
decades, major fossil fuel companies have knowingly worked
to distort climate science findings, deceive the public, and
block policies designed to hasten our needed transition to a
clean energy economy.
Their tactics have included collusion, the use of front
groups to hide companies’ influence and avoid accountability,
and the secret funding of purportedly independent scientists.
Companies’ front groups have even used forged letters,
claiming to be from nonprofits that advocate for the wellbeing
of women, minorities, children, seniors, and veterans, to dissuade members of Congress from supporting much-needed
climate legislation" ucsusa.org/sites/default/files

That's who they're! That's what they're. Not the blah blah blah sales pitches

The fossil fuel, and wood fuel industries are the fraudulent empire (deception \ greenwash). They're the adults that know that they're causing harm - but do it anyway. Even though there are healthier options. They are the corrupt, the greedy, the people that look the other way if there is a profit to be made, even at the expense of other people's suffering.

Only good outcomes will be gained by replacing their air-polluting products with modern, clean air, energy products. The end of the evil fossil fuel empire is inevitable. Let's make their demise a change for our good

#cop27 #science #chemistry #biology #cleanair #tech #sustainableenergy #vegandiet #RestorativeEcology #biodiversity #health #renewableenergy #sustainability #ecology #climate #climatejustice

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
294 followers · 1702 posts · Server qoto.org

A Ratio

The thickness of the planet Earth's atmosphere, compared to the size of the rocky planet, is comparable to the thickness of an apples skin, compared to the flesh of the apple.

The planet's atmosphere is a, comparably, thin gaseous layer that cover's the Earth.

A layer that makes all life on Earth possible.

The layer that humans are changing due to their fuel burning & animal farming methods.

Think again of an apple. A green apple. But this time it's on a tree.

That tree represents life. Life is chemistry.

Fuels are chemistry. Burning fuels such as coal, wood, oil, diesel, petrol & gas, causes toxins to be released into the air, land & water. Burning these fuels is also warming the planet's atmosphere, that is causing the climate to change at a life harming rate.

We've known this for decades. And yet, at this years COP27, the adult's could not even agree a plan to phase out fossil fuels.

So, the question is, what is wrong with these decision makers? More specifically, whom has an agenda that is ultimately irrational & immoral? Who profits by extracting, growing, selling & burning fuels.

And why won't they agree to save the "green apple" from their harmful chemicals?

An industry & it's associated sociopolitical & socioeconomic originations that are rotten (corrupt) in their core's (e.g., greenwash).

That's who they're! That's what they're. Not the blah blah blah sales pitches.

The fossil fuel and wood fuel industries are the fraudulent empire (deception \ greenwash).

Only good outcomes will be gained by replacing their air polluting products with modern, clean air, energy products.

The sale of gas, etc, is funding Putin's war machine.

We know what we must do. Transition towards

#renewableenergy #science #cleanair #tech #sustainableenergy #vegandiet #RestorativeEcology #climate #climatejustice #biodiversity

Last updated 2 years ago

🇬🇧 The global vegan food industry is expected to reach $91.9 billion by 2027, according to a new report by market research firm Research and Markets. This means the plant-based food market is forecasted to grow at a compounded annual growth rate (CAGR) of 18.1 percent over the next four years. The report’s analysts say consumer interest in vegan food is driven by several factors, including expanded research into the health benefits of plant-based diets, rising support from medical professionals, and expanded media coverage of the diet’s advantages.

🇵🇹 A indústria global de alimentos vegan deve atingir o valor de US$ 91,9 bilhões até 2027, de acordo com um novo relatório da empresa de pesquisa de mercado Research and Markets. Isso significa que o mercado de alimentos à base de plantas está previsto crescer numa taxa de crescimento anual de 18,1 por cento nos próximos quatro anos. Os analistas do relatório dizem que o interesse do consumidor em alimentos vegan é impulsionado por vários fatores, incluindo a expansão da pesquisa sobre os benefícios para a saúde das dietas à base de vegetais, o aumento do apoio dos profissionais médicos e a expansão da cobertura da mídia sobre as vantagens desta dieta.


#vegan #vegandiet #dietavegan #futuro

Last updated 2 years ago

HACKthePRISONS · @bigMouthCommie
199 followers · 812 posts · Server kolektiva.social
HACKthePRISONS · @bigMouthCommie
199 followers · 812 posts · Server kolektiva.social
· @andrewrihana421
0 followers · 1087 posts · Server masthead.social

How To Lose Weight Fast

Are you struggling to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise? Turns out, it's not your fault.A 2022 study published in Nature Medicine of 52,000 women and men, the largest of its kind in humans, found just one common factor in every overweight man and woman. Low brown adipose tissue levels.


#losingweight #dietpills #weightlossdiet #hcgdiet #MealPlan #vegandiet #weightlosstips #loseweightfast

Last updated 2 years ago

· @andrewrihana421
1 followers · 1175 posts · Server mastodon.cloud


Are you struggling to lose weight no matter how much you diet or exercise? Turns out, it's not your fault.A 2022 study published in Nature Medicine of 52,000 women and men, the largest of its kind in humans, found just one common factor in every overweight man and woman. Low brown adipose tissue levels.


#weightlosstips #loseweightfast #mealplan #vegandiet #hcgdiet #weightlossdiet #dietpills #losingweight

Last updated 2 years ago

· @GroovyBee
390 followers · 1513 posts · Server brighteon.social
· @BrighteonStore
870 followers · 1771 posts · Server brighteon.social
· @FoodNews
463 followers · 2084 posts · Server brighteon.social