Latest #SaturdayRecipe
To the juice of 3 lemons, add a teaspoon of #turmeric (haldi) and one egg.
(for a #vegan alternative, use #VeganEggSubstitue in place of the egg)
Beat with a wooden spoon until only half remains.
If you're the sort of person who wouldn't typically have #Sumac, Za'atar or #Berbere in your store cupboard, you'll want to add a level tablespoon of #ketchup Don't do this as it will spoil the taste.
At this stage, those with nut allergies should be careful not to add peanuts.
Transfer the mix to a Kilner jar or some other pretentious receptacle and store at the back of your fridge unlabelled.
#saturdayrecipe #turmeric #vegan #veganeggsubstitue #sumac #berbere #ketchup #whatisthisstuff #canieatit #canifeedittomydog
Latest #SaturdayRecipe
To the juice of 3 lemons, add a teaspoon of #turmeric (haldi) and one egg.
(for a #vegan alternative, use #VeganEggSubstitue in place of the egg)
Beat with a wooden spoon until only half remains.
If you're the sort of person who wouldn't typically have #Sumac, Za'atar or #Berbere in your store cupboard, you'll want to add a level tablespoon of #ketchup Don't do this as it will spoil the taste.
At this stage, those with nut allergies should be careful not to add peanuts.
Transfer the mix to a Kilner jar or some other pretentious receptacle and store at the back of your fridge unlabelled.
#WhatIsThisStuff #CanIEatIt #Can I FeedItToMyDog
#saturdayrecipe #turmeric #vegan #veganeggsubstitue #sumac #berbere #ketchup #whatisthisstuff #canieatit #can
Latest #SaturdayRecipe
To the juice of 3 lemons, add a teaspoon of #turmeric (haldi) and one egg.
(for a #vegan alternative, use #VeganEggSubstitue in place of the egg)
Beat with a wooden spoon until only half remains.
If you're the sort of person who wouldn't typically have #Sumac, Za'atar or #Berbere in your store cupboard, you'll want to add a level tablespoon of #ketchup Don't do this as it will spoil the taste. at this stage.
Those with nut allergies should be careful not to add peanuts.
Transfer the mix to a Kilner jar or some other pretentious receptacle and store at the back of your fridge unlabelled.
#WhatIsThisStuff #CanIEatIt #Can I FeedItToMyDog
#saturdayrecipe #turmeric #vegan #veganeggsubstitue #sumac #berbere #ketchup #whatisthisstuff #canieatit #can