Tato Pece · @Pece
529 followers · 3042 posts · Server aus.social

I find this so odd. I mean, yes, great, thank you for fighting for the , and for supposedly giving them better lives. But in the end you are still killing them and eating them. Why not go one step further?

Some quotes from the article:

"But despite years of campaigning, chicken farming remains mostly crowded, confining and – above all – cruel. The more things change, the more they stay the same."

"In 2008, more than 95% of chickens were factory farmed; now that figure is close to 90%."

"These animals are living lives of squalor and horror on a scale that most people choose never to think about, because if they did they would barely believe it possible."

Despite the great intentions:

1. No matter if the chicken was raised in a factory farm which the author is trying to fight against, or in that magical happy red barn with the yellow sun, blue river, green grass, and prancing teletubbies singing on the side, they are still getting sent to a slaughterhouse to be killed and then eaten.

2. The age a chicken gets killed is years before their natural life span. The average seems to be 3-7, with the world record being 16. Egg laying chickens live for as long as they make eggs (1-2 years), while chickens for their meat (or flesh 🀯), a couple of months, depending on the speed of their growth.

3. No amount of herbs and spices will hide these facts. 🌱



#chickens #vegan #vegans #veganism #animalrights #govegan #veganfortheamimals #veganforthechickens

Last updated 1 year ago

Tato Pece · @Pece
411 followers · 1879 posts · Server aus.social

What does a do when they want to make an omelette?



They use an egg alternative! πŸ˜‚ Here is another post from earthmamavegan that I want to share with you all, via :

Vegan Easy Egg πŸ₯šRequired

During primary school and high school days, breakfast would involve eating cereal (with full fat and pus cow milk of course because "calcium tho"). Because I wanted to be healthy. πŸ™ƒ

On the weekends, that's when the party started, and we got to have cheat days and eat unhealthy fried food. And a chicken omelette with lots of cow cheese and pig sausage slices was the perfect way to start the weekend.

Times have changed. I no longer go to school. I am no longer a little kid. I no longer need animal products. I probably don't even need vegan omelettes. But this egg substitute is pretty damn good for those occasions when I feel like treating myself for a hearty weekend breakfast. Or even, a weekday dinner. 🀣

Click on the link for more photos and her full review:


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​ @vegan

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Last updated 2 years ago