This is freaking awesome! 🙌🎉 this former 50 yr flesh company is now 100% plant-based!
#KatsVeganGrub #veganfood #healthychoices #VeganForTheAnimals #VeganForThePlanet #VeganForHealth #VeganForLife
#veganforlife #veganforhealth #veganfortheplanet #VeganForTheAnimals #healthychoices #veganfood #KatsVeganGrub
As luck would have it, I had all the ingredients to make #Vegan Nicoise Salad on hand. Veggies are from a CSA grown 10 minutes from my house ❤️
Skipped the oil and made the dressing out of whipped avocado. I enjoy using whole foods!
Loosely followed this recipe for the dressing. Made my own vegan tuna out of chickpeas.
#Veganism #VeganFood #VeganRecipe #VeganForThePlanet
#VeganForYourHealth #VeganForTheAnimals @vegan
#vegan #veganism #veganfood #veganrecipe #veganfortheplanet #veganforyourhealth #veganfortheanimals
Es ist #Pfifferling - Zeit 🙂❤️
Es gab Pfifferlinge, Zwiebeln🧅, Lauchzwiebeln, Knobi🧄, in einer gut gewürzten Mandel-Sonnenblumenkern🌻-
Sauce, kleine gebratene 🌱Steaks, dazu Pellkartoffeln🥔 und gemischten Salat🥗.
#vegan #veganforlife #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet #vegansforfuture 🌱🌻
#vegansforfuture #veganfortheplanet #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #vegan #pfifferling
If for the good of the planet there was a global decree that breeding cows had to stop and only the ones currently alive now could continue to be processed as live stock, how much do you think some people would pay for a steak before they were all gone? #veganfortheplanet
Just thinking, maybe the environment needs a flag, something that everyone fighting for the planet can put in their house, to show corrupt politicians, the meat industry and big oil that we really care for the environment. Green flag? Thoughts?
#environmentalism #veganfortheplanet #fightback #oilindustry #meatindustry #actnowonclimate
#actnowonclimate #meatindustry #oilindustry #fightback #veganfortheplanet #environmentalism
"Rock your mood with our new "Swine Riffs" Unisex T-Shirt! 🎸🎵 Featuring a unique design of an adorable character strumming an electric guitar, complete with sunglasses and headphones, it's the perfect blend of comfort, style, and compassion. #VeganLife #VeganFashion #CrueltyFree 🌱"
#veganlife #veganfashion #crueltyfree #vegan #veganfood #veganrecipes #veganism #plantbased #veganfoodshare #veganeats #vegancommunity #veganlifestyle #VeganForTheAnimals #veganforhealth #veganfortheplanet #vegandiet #veganlove #veganpower #veganfriendly #veganinspiration #vegangoals
Heute auf unserem veganen Tellerchen:
#vegane Cevapcici von #Greenforce , mediterranes Gemüse & Tomatenrisotto
#veganfortheplanet #veganfortheanimals #govegan #vegan #Greenforce #vegane
Fucking humans! Just keep eating farmed animals and cutting forests. Your gods must be very proud of your behaviour!
Saturday Night Treat: Sticky cauliflower and brown rice.
#vegan #govegan #plantbased #crueltyfree #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet #vegan
#veganfortheplanet #veganfortheanimals #crueltyfree #plantbased #govegan #vegan
Being 'vegan for the animals' means caring about environmental concerns. Climate change causes floods, droughts, fires, disease... This harms and kills billions of animals each year. It's not just farms and slaughterhouses. Reducing emissions is important.
#VeganForThePlanet #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Biodiversity #BiodiversityCrisis #BiodiversityLoss #Extinction #Degrowth
#veganfortheplanet #climatechange #climatecrisis #climateemergency #biodiversity #biodiversitycrisis #biodiversityloss #extinction #degrowth
Omnom😋 🫶 Lupinenhummus 😃👍
mit kalt gepresstem Leinöl, Sesam (Tahina), Zitrone, Knoblauch, Kreuzkümmel, scharfem Paprika, Koriander. 🌱 @vegan #vegan steht dem aus Kichererbsen in nichts nach, schöne Abwechslung, für Hummusfans. #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet
#vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet
Nicht zum Einkaufen gekommen. Heute Resteessen 😋 Scharfer Spinat mit reichlich Zwiebeln, Knobi, Tomatenmark und vielen Gewürzen. Kartoffelsalat, Lupinenhacksteak, veganer Grillkäse🌱. Klingt vielleicht unpassend, aber hat 1A geschmeckt! 😃 #vegan @vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet
#vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet
#memeoftheday #govegan
#memes #meme #vegan #vegans #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #veganmemes #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #veganfortheplanet #justforfun #justforlaughs #icanrelate
#veganforlife #veganfortheplanet #justforfun #justforlaughs #icanrelate #memeoftheday #govegan #memes #meme #vegan #vegans #vegansofig #vegansofinstagram #veganmemes #VeganForTheAnimals
Wieder sehr leckeres veganes Essen heute 😋#vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #veganfortheplanet
#vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #veganfortheplanet
Aloo Gobhi, sehr "masaledar" würzig, mit reichlich Knobi, Asant, Selbst gemixtem Curry und Ingwer. Mit Saitan-Hanf-Mandel Braten (Oder wie auch immer ihr das nennen möchtet😃.)
Wir dachten es bleibt mehr übrig 😅 öhm. #vegan @vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #veganfortheplanet
#vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganforlife #veganfortheplanet
#Vegan Angelenos! Get hungry. Here's my list of the 14 best #VeganRestaurants in #LosAngeles!
#VeganLifestyle #VeganEats #VeganCommunity #GoVegan #VeganAF #SustainableLiving #VeganForTheAnimals #VeganForThePlanet
#vegan #VeganRestaurants #losangeles #veganlifestyle #veganeats #vegancommunity #govegan #veganaf #sustainableliving #VeganForTheAnimals #veganfortheplanet
Mit lieben Freunden, einen netten Abend verbracht 💚 #Vegan 🌱🧆😋🥗🫓🌰🍰🍪🍵🍷🥤 @vegan #fortheanimals #veganforlive #veganfortheplanet ♥️ @Stephan1978 @HanneEinloft @Halbwegs und weiteren Social Media Verweigernden.😎
#vegan #fortheanimals #veganforlive #veganfortheplanet
I'm actually gonna make this tomorrow 😋🥳😍😀🎉 it looks so good!
#KatsVeganGrub #staytuned
#veganfood #veganrecipe #VeganForAnimals #VeganForHealth #VeganForThePlanet
#veganfortheplanet #veganforhealth #veganforanimals #veganrecipe #veganfood #staytuned #KatsVeganGrub
I'm actually gonna make this tomorrow 😋🥳😍😀🎉 it looks so good!
#KatsVeganGrub #staytuned
#veganfood #veganrecipe #VeganForAnimals #VeganForHealth #VeganForThePlanet
#veganfortheplanet #veganforhealth #veganforanimals #veganrecipe #veganfood #staytuned #KatsVeganGrub
Disgusting moment shopper finds maggots inside Aldi free-range egg - just days after grubs found in supermarket's beef and chicken.
#maggots #egg #beef #chicken #vegan #veganfortheanimals #veganfortheplanet #veganforhealth #veganforlife #myfooddoesntscream #govegan #livevegan #stayvegan #vegangirlsdoitbetter
#maggots #egg #beef #chicken #vegan #VeganForTheAnimals #veganfortheplanet #veganforhealth #veganforlife #myfooddoesntscream #govegan #livevegan #stayvegan #vegangirlsdoitbetter